SVG Animation

SVG has several build-in approaches to add animation to a drawing, the <animate> and <animateMotion> elements.

The <animate> Element

The <animate> element is used to animate the attributes of an element over time. It must be declared as a child of the element it will animate, i.e.:

<svg viewBox="0 0 100 100" xmlns="" height="200">
  <circle cx="50" cy="50" r="50" fill="cornflowerblue">
    <animate attributeName="r" values="10;50;20;50;10" dur="10s" repeatCount="indefinite"/>

Here we have a 10 second duration repeating animation that alters the radius of a circle between a number of different values. We can combine multiple <animate> elements in one parent:

The <animateMotion> Element

The <animateMotion> element moves an element along a path (using the same rules to define a path as the <path> element):

<svg viewBox="0 0 200 100" xmlns="" height="200">
    d="M20,50 C20,-50 180,150 180,50 C180-50 20,150 20,50 z" />

  <circle r="5" fill="red">
      path="M20,50 C20,-50 180,150 180,50 C180-50 20,150 20,50 z" />

The examples on this page have been adapted from the MDN web docs. You are encouraged to visit these documents for a much more detailed discussion of the concepts and techniques presented here.