Chapter 6.P

Python Inheritance

Inheritance in Python

Subsections of Python Inheritance

Class Inheritance

Now that we’ve learned a bit about the theory behind inheritance in object-oriented programming, let’s dive into the code and see how we can accomplish this in Python.

For these examples, we’ll be implementing the following UML diagram:

Vehicle UML Diagram Vehicle UML Diagram

Above is an example of a UML that is not Python specific. For example in the class Truck, has a method Truck(name:string, horsepower: float), in Python this would be a method __init__(string ,float).

Italics & Hash Symbols

The UML diagram above includes some items that we haven’t discussed yet. Don’t panic! We’ll cover them as they become relevant in this module.

For now, feel free to ignore the fact that methods are italicized. Similarly, you can treat a hash symbol # in front of an attribute or method the same as a plus + that denotes they should be public.

We’ll learn what each of these indicate later in this module.


The first step is to build the inheritance relationships. Let’s start by just declaring the Vehicle class for now. Remember that the Vehicle class should be defined in We won’t add any methods or attributes at this point:

class Vehicle:

As you’ll recall, a class declaration is pretty simple. We’ll include a pass keyword just to let Python know that we are intending to leave the class blank for now.

Next, let’s declare the MotorVehicle class in This class inherits from the Vehicle class, so we’ll need to use a new syntax to make that work:

from Vehicle import *

class MotorVehicle(Vehicle):

In the example above, we’ve included the parent class Vehicle inside of parentheses after the name of the child class MotorVehicle. We also must remember to import the Vehicle class at the top of the file. That’s all we need to do to show that a class inherits from another class.

Let’s see if we can do the same process for the Car, Truck, and Airplane classes that are shown in the UML diagram above. We must make sure we place the code for each class in the correct file. Use the tests below to make sure that you have your classes structured correctly.

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Method Overriding

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Now that we’ve created some classes that follow different inheritance relationships, let’s explore how we can use those relationships to change some methods in each class through the use of method overriding.

Vehicle UML Diagram Vehicle UML Diagram

Vehicle Class

First, let’s look at a couple of methods in the Vehicle class, the move() and describe() methods. As we might recall, the describe() method is an abstract method since it is in italicized text in the UML diagram. We’ll discuss how to build an abstract method later in this chapter, but for now we’ll just implement it as a normal method that does nothing. Likewise, we haven’t discussed what a hash symbol # means in front of the speed attribute or the constructor, so we’ll just make them public for now.

class Vehicle:
  def __init__(self, name):
    self.__name = name
    self.speed = 1.0
  def name(self):
    return self.__name
  def move(self, distance):
    return distance / self.speed
  def describe(self):
    return None

That’s a very simple implementation of the Vehicle class. The move() method simply accepts a distance to move as a floating point number, and then divides that by the speed of the vehicle to get the time it takes to go that distance. For the default vehicle, we’ll assume that it moves at a speed of 1.0.

Inheritance and Constructors

Now that we’ve created some methods in the Vehicle class, let’s go back to the Airplane class and see how we can build it. First, we’ll need to add the attributes and the constructor for this class:

from Vehicle import *

class Airplane(Vehicle):
  def __init__(self, name, wingspan, capacity):
    self.__name = name
    self.__wingspan = wingspan
    self.__capacity = capacity

Before we go any further, let’s stop there and run this code to make sure that it works. For starters, let’s add some quick code to the Main class in that instantiates an Airplane object and tries to print the name attribute, using the property defined in the Vehicle class:

from Airplane import *

class Main:
  def main():
    a = Airplane("Test", 123, 45)
# main guard
if __name__ == "__main__":

Once we have that code, we can use the Python interpreter to run it. So, to do that, we can use the Python - Run File option in the run menu above with the file selected, or we can open the terminal in Codio and use the following two commands to open the directory containing these files and then execute Main:

cd ~/workspace/12p-inherit/vehicle

When we do that, we’ll get some errors as shown in this screenshot:

Python Interpreter Errors Python Interpreter Errors

In this error, it says that the name attribute in the Vehicle class doesn’t exist. This is because we haven’t actually called the constructor for the Vehicle class, so that attribute has not been defined yet. So, when we try to access the name property defined in the Vehicle class, it can’t give us the value we want. This is because the name attribute in the Vehicle class is actually defined in the constructor for that class.

So, to set the value of the name attribute, we’ll need to somehow provide that value to the constructor of the Vehicle class. But wait, why do we need to call the constructor and create a Vehicle object? Aren’t we just trying to create an Airplane object?

One of the major things to recall when inheriting from a class is that each object instantiated from the child class is also an instance of the parent class. We can think of it as though the child object contains an instance of the parent object. Because of that, when we try to create an instance of the child class—Airplane in this example—that class’s constructor must also be able to call the constructor for the parent class, or Vehicle.

We run into a snag, however, because we’ve provided a constructor in Vehicle that requires an argument. In that case, we must provide an argument to the constructor for Vehicle in order to instantiate that object, since the default constructor is no longer available. How can we do that?

Thankfully, there is a quick and easy way to handle this in Python. Inside of our constructor, we can use the special method super() to reference the parent class, allowing us to call that class’s constructor—its __init__() method—directly. We can provide any needed arguments to that method call, which are then provided to the constructor in the parent class. So, let’s update our constructor to use a call to super().__init__():

from Vehicle import *

class Airplane(Vehicle):
  def __init__(self, name, wingspan, capacity):
    self.__wingspan = wingspan
    self.__capacity = capacity

Now, inside of the constructor for Airplane, we have added the line super.__init__(name), which calls the constructor of the parent class Vehicle, providing name as the argument for the parameter. This will resolve the error. We can try it for ourselves by running the code in the Main class again and seeing that it produces the correct output.

Method Overriding

Finally, we can explore how to override a method in our child class. In fact, it is as simple as providing a method declaration that uses the same method signature as the original method. A method signature in programming describes the method name and the order of parameters defined in the function. So, we can override the move() and describe() methods in Airplane using code similar to the following:

from Vehicle import *

class Airplane(Vehicle):
  def __init__(self, name, wingspan, capacity):
    self.__wingspan = wingspan
    self.__capacity = capacity
  def __landing_gear(self, set):
    if set:
      print("Landing gear down")
      print("Landing gear up")
  def move(self, distance):
    return distance / self.speed
  def describe(self):
    return "I am an airplane with a wingspan of {} and capacity {}".format(self.__wingspan, self.__capacity)

In this code, we see that we have included method declarations for both move() and describe() that use the exact same method signatures as the ones declared in Vehicle.

Calling Overridden Methods

To really understand how this works, let’s look at a quick main() method that explores how each of these work.

from Vehicle import *
from Airplane import *

class Main:
  def main():
    vehicle = Vehicle("Boat")
    airplane = Airplane("Plane", 175, 53)
# main guard
if __name__ == "__main__":

This code will simply call each method, printing whatever values are returned by the methods themselves. We must also remember that some of the methods may also print information, so we’ll see that output before we see the return value printed.

To run this code, we should see the following output:

Screenshot Showing Successful Output Screenshot Showing Successful Output

In this screenshot, we can see that calling the move() method on the Vehicle object just prints the message “Moving”, while calling it on the Airplane object causes the messages about landing gear to be printed as well. This shows that our Airplane object is using the code from the overridden move() method correctly.

In a later part of this chapter, we’ll discuss polymorphism and how overridden methods have a major impact on the functionality of objects stored in that way.

Try it!

Let’s see if we can do the same for the overridden methods in the Truck and Car classes. First, we’ll start with this code for the MotorVehicle class:

from Vehicle import *

class MotorVehicle(Vehicle):
  def __init__(self, name):
    self.number_of_wheels = 2
    self.engine_volume = 125
  def honk_horn(self):
    return ""

See if you can complete the code for the Truck and Car classes to do the following:

  • Truck.describe(self) should return “I’m a big semi truck hauling cargo”
  • Truck.honk_horn(self) should return “Honk”
  • Car.describe(self) should return either “I’m a sedan” if it has 4 doors, “I’m a coupe” if it has 2 doors, or “I’m different” if it has any other number of doors
  • Car.honk_horn(self) should return “Beep”

You’ll also need to write the constructors for each class. Inside the constructor, you should store the parameters provided to the appropriate attributes.

The first test below will determine if your code is structured properly, and the second test will check the functionality of each method.

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Subsections of Method Overriding

Access Modifiers

Working with inherited classes also gives us an opportunity to learn about how data can be secured in the parent class so that any child class can easily access it, while still making it clear to external classes that these items should not be used.

Vehicle UML Diagram Vehicle UML Diagram

Protected Attributes

In Python, we’ve already seen how to implement a “private” variable. Prefixing any attribute or method with two underscores __ will make it difficult to access that item. This is because Python will automatically update the name of that item by adding the class name to it. Private attributes/methods of a super-class (parent) are not directly accessible to a sub-class (child).

In most object oriented languages, there are “middle ground” access modifiers, more protected than “public” but less protected than “private”. One of these is literally called “protected” and noted on a UML class diagram with a #. Protected generally mean that the attribute or method should be available to child-classes, but not everyone.

Python has no language support for this level of access protection. However, by convention, Python developers add just a single underscore _ in front of an item to indicate to other programmers that the “protected” level of access is intended. It is up to other developers if they want to honor this decision.

So, we can use that method to mark items protected in our parent class, making them more easily identifiable to the child classes, while still making it clear to other classes that these items are internal and should not be accessed directly.

In our UML diagram, we use the hash symbol # before an item to denote that it should be protected. So, we can update our Vehicle class to make the speed attribute protected:

class Vehicle:
  def __init__(self, name):
    self.__name = name
    self._speed = 1.0
  def name(self):
    return self.__name
  def move(self, distance):
    return distance / self._speed;
  def describe(self):
    return ""

We’ll also have to update the reference to the speed attribute in the Airplane.move() method.

Let’s go ahead and update all of the items marked as protected in the UML diagram above in our code. Don’t forget to look for any uses of those attributes as well, since they’ll need to be updated, too. The test below will simply check the structure of the code to make sure we did it correctly.

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Note: this video contains errors in the UML diagram, these errors have been fixed below.

Now that we’ve learned how to build the structure needed for classes to inherit attributes and methods from other classes, let’s explore how we can use those classes in our code.

Vehicle UML Diagram Vehicle UML Diagram


Earlier, we defined polymorphism as “the condition of occurring in several different forms”1. In code, this allows us to create an object of a child class, and then use it just like an object from its parent class. Let’s look at an example.

from Car import *
from Airplane import *

class Main:
  def main():
    plane = Airplane("Plane", 123, 45)
    car = Car("Car", 4)
# main guard
if __name__ == "__main__":

In this code, we are instantiating an Airplane object and a Car object, but we are treating them just like objects instantiated from the Vehicle class. This is polymorphism at work! Since both Airplane and Car are inheriting from the Vehicle data type, we can use any methods and access any attributes and properties that are available publicly from the Vehicle class.

So, when we run this code, we’ll get the following output:

Python Screenshot with Output Python Screenshot with Output

As we can see, even though we are calling methods defined in the Vehicle class, it is actually using the code from the methods that were defined in the Airplane and Car classes, respectively. This is because those methods are overridden in the child classes.

What if we want to use the honk_horn() method of the Car object? Could we do that?

car = Car("Car", 4)

When we run that code, we’ll see this output:

Python Screenshot with Output Python Screenshot with Output

Yup! That works too. So, even though we are able to treat them as Vehicle objects, we can still remember that this object is also a Car object, so we can use those methods as well.

So, when it comes to polymorphism, there are a couple of important rules to remember:

  1. We can treat an object instantiated from any child class as an object instantiated from any parent of that class.
  2. We can call methods and access attributes that are declared public in the class the variable is instantiated from, as well as any parent classes.
  3. When we call methods that have been overridden, it will use the overridden code that is defined either in the child class, or the class nearest the child class in the inheritance hierarchy.

Another Example

Here’s another example of the power of polymorphism. In this case, we’ll create a list that stores Vehicles, and fill that list with different types of vehicles.

from Car import *
from Airplane import *
from Truck import *

class Main:
  def main():
    vehicles = []
    vehicles.append(Airplane("Plane", 123, 45))
    vehicles.append(Car("Car", 4))
    vehicles.append(Truck("Truck", 157))
    for v in vehicles:
# main guard
if __name__ == "__main__":

In this example, we are able to use a for loop to iterate over the objects in the list and call the same methods on each one. This will work as long as each object in the list has methods with the correct names, whether they appear in the object’s class definition or are inherited from a parent class.

So, when we run this program, we’ll see the following output:

Python Screenshot with Output Python Screenshot with Output

Try It!

Polymorphism is a very powerful tool for object-oriented programmers. Feel free to modify the Main class open to the left, and then run the code for this example. See if you can create Car and Truck objects and store them in the MotorVehicle data type, then use the honk_horn() method!

Subsections of Polymorphism

Data Type

Of course, polymorphism can make things a bit more complicated when it comes to determining exactly what type of object is stored in a variable. Thankfully, Python includes a few easy ways to determine what type of object is really stored in a variable, helping us know what methods and attributes are available.

Determining Data Type

Let’s go back to the previous example from the last page, where we had placed all of our objects in a list.

from Car import *
from Airplane import *
from Truck import *

class Main:
  def main():
    vehicles = []
    vehicles.append(Airplane("Plane", 123, 45))
    vehicles.append(Car("Car", 4))
    vehicles.append(Truck("Truck", 157))
    for v in vehicles:
# main guard
if __name__ == "__main__":

What if we’d like to call the honk_horn() method, but only if the object supports that method? To do that, we’ll need to determine what type of object is stored in the variable. So, we can update the code as shown below:

from Car import *
from Airplane import *
from Truck import *
from MotorVehicle import *

class Main:
  def main():
    vehicles = []
    vehicles.append(Airplane("Plane", 123, 45))
    vehicles.append(Car("Car", 4))
    vehicles.append(Truck("Truck", 157))
    for v in vehicles:
      except AttributeError:
        print( + " can't honk!")
# main guard
if __name__ == "__main__":

Here, we are doing two very important operations. First, we are using isinstance(v, MotorVehicle) to determine if the object stored in v is actually an object that is a MotorVehicle or one of its child classes. So, for objects created from the Car and Truck classes, this operation will return True since both Car and Truck are child classes of MotorVehicle.

Then, once we’ve determined that we can treat the object v as a MotorVehicle, we can call methods and access attributes and properties that are available in the MotorVehicle class. We don’t have to do anything else in Python for this to work.

It is important to note, however, that if we try to access a method, attribute or property that isn’t available, we’ll get an exception, the AttributeError. So use a Try-Except statement and be prepared to catch an exception if it fails. You may wonder why you don’t “look before you leap” with an IF and isinstance(). It is not conventional in dynamically typed language to do so.

We can also inspect the type of an object in a more open-ended manner using the type function, which returns an object representing the argument’s type, printed in the format <class c>, where c may be 'int', 'str', or the name of any other built-in or user-defined type. For example, type(1) == int would evaluate to True, and the Python interpreter would print the result of type("Hello") as <class 'str'>. However, this method of examining types doesn’t allow us to recover any information about class hierarchies; the type returned is always the most specific applicable type, so we can’t use type to see whether an instance of a given class can also be treated as an instance of some other class.

Try It!

Place the code above in the Main class and see what it does. Can you come up with any other programs that would require us to check the types of objects?

Abstract Classes

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Note: this video contains errors in the UML diagram, these errors have been fixed below.

Another major feature of class inheritance is the ability to define a method in a parent class, but not provide any code that implements that function. In effect, we are saying that all objects of that type must include that method, but it is up to the child classes to provide the code. These methods are called abstract methods, and the classes that contain them are abstract classes. Let’s look at how they work!

Vehicle UML Diagram Vehicle UML Diagram


In the UML diagram above, we see that the describe() method in the Vehicle class is printed in italics. That means that the method should be abstract, without any code provided. To do this in Python, we simply inherit from a special class called ABC, short for “Abstract Base Class,” and then use the @abstractmethod decorator:

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class Vehicle(ABC):
  def __init__(self, name):
    self.__name = name
    self._speed = 1.0
  def name(self):
    return self.__name
  def move(self, distance):
    return distance / self._speed;
  def describe(self):

Notice that we must first import both the ABC class and the @abstractmethod decorator from a library helpfully called ABC. Then, we can use ABC as the parent class of our class, and update each method using the @abstractmethod decorator before the method, similar to how we’ve already used @staticmethod in an earlier module.

In addition, since we have declared the method describe() to be abstract, we can either add some code to that method that can be called using super().describe() from a child class, or we can simply choose to use the pass keyword to avoid including any code in the method.

Now, any class that inherits from the Vehicle class must provide an implementation for the describe() method. If it does not, that class must also be declared to be abstract. So, for example, in the UML diagram above, we see that the MotorVehicle class does not include an implementation for describe(), so we’ll also have to make it abstract.

Of course, that means that we’ll have to inherit from both Vehicle and ABC, which we’ll learn about in the next page.

Abstract Classes in Python

A class with one or more @abstractmethod declarations cannot be instantiated. In our example, we cannot directly create a Vehicle.

if __name__ == "main":
    v1 = Vehicle()
~$ python3 Vehicle
TypeError: Can't instantiate abstract class a with abstract method describe

This holds true for inherited methods

class a(ABC):
  def foome(self):

class b(a):
  def barme(self): 

if __name__ == "__main__":
  b1 = b()

running this code results in TypeError: Can't instantiate abstract class a with abstract method foome.

Subsections of Abstract Classes

Multiple Inheritance

Finally, we can also build classes that are able to inherit from multiple parent classes. In Python, this is done in a very straightforward way, but it comes with an important caveat.

The Diamond Problem

Before we can really understand the importance of multiple inheritance, we must first discuss the “Diamond Problem.” This is a very common example in object-oriented programming, and it is used to describe one of the common pitfalls for multiple inheritance in programming.

Consider the following code, which defines 4 classes:

class A:
  def do_something(self):
class B:
  def do_something(self):
class C:
  def do_something(self):
class D(B, C):

In this code, we are trying to inherit from both class B and C inside of D. So, we’ll end up with a class hierarchy diagram that looks something like this:

Diamond Problem Diagram Diamond Problem Diagram1

The problem arises when we try to use the class D, as in this sample program (ignoring import statements for now):

class Main:
  def main():
    obj = D()
# main guard
if __name__ == "__main__":

In this example, we are calling the do_something() method on an object instantiated from class D. However, that method is defined in both B and C, which are parents of D. So, what version of the code should we use?

In this case, Python will look at the parent classes declared in D, and try to find a method named do_something() in each class in the order listed. So, since D inherits from B and C, in that order, Python will first determine if there is a method named do_something() in class B. Since there is, that is the code that will be executed.

Beyond that, multiple inheritance in Python is very straightforward. We can simply list any number of classes in parentheses as part of the class definition, and then Python will look through those classes in order when looking for the parent methods and attributes. This process also applies to any use of the super() method as well.

Try It!

Vehicle UML Diagram Vehicle UML Diagram

Let’s see if we can update the Vehicle and MotorVehicle classes to be abstract, with an abstract definition for the describe() and horn_honk() method as well. The test below will simply check the structure of the code to make sure we did it correctly.

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  1. File:Diamond inheritance.svg. (2018, September 25). Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. Retrieved 02:42, November 4, 2019 from↩︎

A Worked Example

Now that we’ve seen how to build classes that can inherit attributes and methods from other classes, let’s work through a simple example program together to see how it all works in practice. The code in this program will be very simple, because the purpose is to explore how we can use the structure of inheritance in our programs.

Problem Statement

First, let’s start with a problem statement. In this problem, we are going to build a program that will help us find an object in a toolbox based on several criteria provided from the user. To represent the objects in the toolbox, we’ll use a structure of class inheritance as shown in the UML diagram below:

Tool Example UML Diagram Tool Example UML Diagram

Right-click image and choose “Open image in new tab” or similar to view larger version Again this uses the conventional class_name() syntax for a constructor so make a __init__() method in its place.

The completed program should be able to perform the following steps:

  1. When the program is executed, a single command-line argument should be provided. That argument will be the path to a file containing descriptions for each tool in the toolbox. If the argument is not provided, or the input file cannot be successfully read or parsed, the program should print “Invalid Input” and terminate.
  2. The input file will contain at least two lines of input. The first line will give the number of tools included in the input file as an integer. Each subsequent line will identify a particular tool using the name of the class representing the tool, followed by values for each attribute of the tool. The values will be separated by spaces, and listed in the same order as those attributes are accepted in the tool’s constructor.
  3. Once the input is read, the program will then accept a query as input via the terminal. That input should consist of multiple parts on a single line, separated by a space. The first part will be the name of an action that needs to be performed, and then following that will be one or more values to be provided to that action as arguments, separated by spaces.
  4. The program will review its list of available tools, finding any tool that supports that action. It will then call the method in that tool that corresponds with the action (the method and action names will be the same), providing the specified values as arguments. If the tool responds with True to that method call, then that tool is able to perform that action. The program should print the description of the appropriate tool to the terminal and terminate. In this example, each query will only result in one matching tool, if any.
  5. If a matching tool cannot be found, or there are any errors reading the input from the terminal, the program should print “Invalid Tool” and terminate.

For example, here’s a sample input file that could be provided to this program:

AdjustableWrench 170 10 25
CombinationWrench 135 8
CrossCutSaw 350 wood:drywall

Then, if the user inputs the following query:

tighten 150 8

The program will respond with the following output:

CombinationWrench Length: 135 Size: 8

Let’s walk through this program step by step and see how we need to build it.

Tool Class

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First, we can start with the Tool class. Looking at the UML diagram, we see that the describe() method is in italics, meaning it should be an abstract method. That helps us realize that the entire Tool class should be abstract. So, we can easily create it and define the constructor and the describe() method in code:

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class Tool(ABC):

  def __init__(self):
  def describe(self):

That’s really it! We’ll need to remember to import both ABC and abstractmethod from the abc library, and then use them to mark this class and the describe() method as abstract. In many cases, the base class includes very little, if any, content or code. Instead, it simply gives us a shared starting point for the other classes in this program, and defines a single method, describe(), that each child class must implement.

Wrench and Saw Classes

Next, we can go down a level and implement the Wrench and Saw classes. Each of these classes contains a single attribute with a getter method. They also each contain an abstract method defining what each type of tool can do. Since neither of these classes implements the describe() method, even though they inherit from Tool, they will also be abstract. So, the code for these classes will be very similar to what we already created for the Tool class:

from Tool import *
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class Wrench(Tool, ABC):

  def __init__(self, length):
    self.__length = length
  def length(self):
    return self.__length
  def tighten(self, clearance, size):
from Tool import *
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class Saw(Tool, ABC):

  def __init__(self, length):
    self.__length = length
  def length(self):
    return self.__length
  def cut(self, length, material):

As we can see in the code above, these classes are nearly identical, differing only in the name of the class and the method signatures of the different abstract methods.

At this point, we can quickly check our program structure to make sure everything is built correctly so far. Use the assessment below to confirm that your program structure is correct before continuing.

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AdjustableWrench Class

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Next, let’s look at one of the child classes of Wrench. As we can see in the UML diagram above, this class has both a min_size and a max_size attribute that are set through the constructor, as well as getter property methods for each one. So, most of the code for this class is already pretty straight forward, just based on the structure of the class alone.

from Wrench import *

class AdjustableWrench(Wrench):

  def __init__(self, length, min_size, max_size):
    self.__min_size = min_size
    self.__max_size = max_size
  def min_size(self):
    return self.__min_size

  def max_size(self):
    return self.__max_size

  # other methods go here

So, that just leaves the describe() and tighten() methods. Let’s tackle describe() first. In the example above, we see that the describe() method seems to just print the name of the class, followed by each attribute’s name and value. So, we can pretty easily implement that method in code:

def describe(self):
  return "AdjustableWrench: Length: {} MinSize: {} MaxSize: {}".format(self.length, self.min_size, self.max_size)

Notice that we are using the property getter methods for each attribute. We must do this since length is private in the Wrench class, so this is the most straightforward way to access that value.

The tighten() method should determine whether this wrench is able to tighten the item described. To really understand what we are dealing with, we must understand what an adjustable wrench looks like. Here’s a picture of one from the real world:

Adjustable Wrench Adjustable Wrench1

The function accepts two parameters: a clearance value, which shows how much room between the item and the surrounding equipment there is, and the size of the item to be tightened itself. So, we know that if our wrench is shorter than the clearance, and supports an item of the given size, we’ll be able to tighten it.

An adjustable wrench has a head that can be adjusted to multiple sizes, so as long as the size given is between the minimum and maximum size our wrench is able to tighten, we can return true. So, to put that into code:

def tighten(self, clearance, size):
  return clearance >= self.length and size >= self.min_size and size <= self.max_size

As you may recall from an earlier module, we can directly return the result of a Boolean logic expression, so that makes this method even simpler.

CombinationWrench and OpenEndWrench Classes

Now that we’ve written the code for the AdjustableWrench class, it should be pretty simple to write the code for the other two types of wrenches.

First, a CombinationWrench, which typically only supports one size of bolt or nut. It typically looks like this.

Combination Wrench Combination Wrench2

So, the tighten() method must simply check the clearance and the size of the item provided against the size of the wrench. Here’s the code for that class:

from Wrench import *

class CombinationWrench(Wrench):
  def __init__(self, length, size):
    self.__size = size
  def size(self):
    return self.__size
  def describe(self):
    return "CombinationWrench Length: {} Size: {}".format(self.length, self.size)
  def tighten(self, clearance, size):
    return clearance >= self.length and size == self.size

The other type of wrench, an OpenEndWrench, typically has two heads of different size on either end:

Open End Wrench Open End Wrench3

So, it can tighten bolts or nuts of two different sizes. Therefore, the tighten() method must determine if either size is applicable to the bolt or nut to be tightened. The code for that class is as follows:

from Wrench import *

class OpenEndWrench(Wrench):
  def __init__(self, length, size_one, size_two):
    self.__size_one = size_one
    self.__size_two = size_two
  def size_one(self):
    return self.__size_one
  def size_two(self):
    return self.__size_two
  def describe(self):
    return "CombinationWrench Length: {} SizeOne: {} SizeTwo: {}".format(self.length, self.size_one, self.size_two)
  def tighten(self, clearance, size):
    return clearance >= self.length and (size == self.size_one or size == self.size_two)

That’s really it! As we can see, while there is quite a bit of code in this program, much of the code is very similar between classes. We’re simply implementing the important bits and pieces of each class, with a slightly different implementation of the describe() and tighten() methods in each one.

At this point, we can check our code to confirm that the structure is correct. Use the assessment below to check your program’s structure before continuing.

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CrossCutSaw Class

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The CrossCutSaw class is very similar to the classes we created for the different type of wrenches above. The only difference is that it uses a cut() method to determine whether the saw is able to cut the material described when we call that method.

First, let’s look at the rest of the code for that class. In the constructor, we are given a string that contains a list of materials that can be cut by the saw, separated by colons. So, we’ll need to use the str.split() method to split that string into a list of strings to be stored in the class’s materials attribute.

Likewise, since the materials() property method should return a simple string, we can use the str.join() method to make a string out of the list, with each element separated by a comma followed by a space. Finally, we can use that to help populate the describe() method.

from Saw import *

class CrossCutSaw(Saw):
  def __init__(self, length, materials):
    self.__materials = materials.split(":")
  def materials(self):
    return ", ".join(self.__materials)
  def describe(self):
    "CrossCutSaw Length: {} Materials: {}".format(self.length, self.materials)
  # additional methods here
Why Not Just Return a List?

It might be tempting to have the CrossCutSaw class simply accept a list of materials in the constructor, and then return that list in the getMaterials() method. However, recall that lists are complex data type that are handled using call by reference. So, that leaves this class vulnerable to manipulation from an external code source.

For example, if the Main class gives a list of materials to CrossCutSaw via the constructor, we could simply store the reference to that list in our materials attribute. However, if Main proceeds to change some of the elements in the list, it would also update the list referenced by this class. Likewise, any code that calls the materials() method would also get a reference to the same list.

By creating our own list in the constructor, and then only returning a newly formed string each time a class calls the materials() method, we can protect our data from malicious changes.

An alternative method would be to create a deep copy of the list and store that copy in this class. We haven’t discussed how to do that in this course, but a future course on data structures will cover that process in depth.

The CrossCutSaw has two more methods that we’ll need to implement: cut() and find_material(). The find_material() method is a private method that allows us to search the list of materials that can be cut by this CrossCutSaw object, and simply return a Boolean value if the provided material is in the list. So, let’s address that method first.

def __find_material(self, material):
  for m in self.__materials:
    if m == material:
      return True
  return False

This method simply iterates through each material in the materials list, and returns true if it finds a material that exactly matches the material provided as a parameter. We must be careful to refer to the private attribute __materials and not the property materials, so we get the actual list and not a string. If it can’t find a match and reaches the end of the list, then the method will return False.

We can then use this method in our cut() method to determine whether the given material can be cut by this saw:

def cut(self, length, material):
  return length < self.length and self.__find_material(material)

This method will simply return True if the length of the item to be cut is shorter than the saw and the material of the item is contained in the list of materials that can be cut by this saw. That covers the CrossCutSaw class.

HackSaw Class

The HackSaw class is very similar to the CrossCutSaw class. However, instead of having a list of materials that it can cut, a HackSaw can only cut a single material: metal. So, we can just hard-code that material into the saw’s class, as shown in the code below:

from Saw import *

class HackSaw(Saw):
  def __init__(self, length):
  def describe(self):
    return "HackSaw Length: {} Material: metal".format(self.length)
  def cut(self, length, material):
    return length < self.length and material == "metal"

That’s all there is to it! At this point, we can check our code to confirm that the structure is correct. Use the assessment below to check your program’s structure before continuing.

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Main Class

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Finally, we need to create a few methods in the Main class to build the actual logic for our program. Before we build the main() method, let’s look at the other two methods.

First, the read_input() method should receive the name of a file as a string, and then return a list of tools that represents the tools specified in the given file. Also, looking at the UML diagram above, that method should be static, since it is underlined. In fact, all of the methods in the Main class are static, so we can call them directly without instantiating an object using the Main class.

from Wrench import *
from AdjustableWrench import *
from CombinationWrench import *
from OpenEndWrench import *
from Saw import *
from HackSaw import *
from CrossCutSaw import *

import sys

class Main:
  # other methods go here
  def read_input(filename):
      with open(filename) as reader:
        num_tools = int(reader.readline())
        tools = []
        for i in range(0, num_tools):
          line = reader.readline().split(" ")
          length = int(line[1])
          if line[0] == "AdjustableWrench":
            min_size = int(line[2])
            max_size = int(line[3])
            tools.append(AdjustableWrench(length, min_size, max_size))
          elif line[0] == "OpenEndWrench":
            size_one = int(line[2])
            size_two = int(line[3])
            tools.append(OpenEndWrench(length, size_one, size_two))
          elif line[0] == "CombinationWrench":
            size = int(line[2])
            tools.append(CombinationWrench(length, size))
          elif line[0] == "CrossCutSaw":
            tools.append(CrossCutSaw(length, line[2]))
          elif line[0] == "HackSaw":
            raise Exception("Unknown Tool: " + line[0])
        return tools
    except Exception:
      print("Invalid Input")
      return []
# main guard
if __name__ == "__main__":

The read_input() method looks quite complex, but it is actually really simple. First, it tries to open the file provided using a With statement inside of a Try-Except statement. Then, inside of that statement, it will read the first line of input and create the list of tools. Then, using a For loop, it will read each line of input. Those lines can immediately be split into a list of tokens using the str.split() method. Then, we simply use a bunch of If-Else-If-Else statements to determine which type of tool must be created based on the first token in the input. Then, we can use subsequent tokens as input to the constructors for each class, converting inputs to integers as needed.

If we can’t find a matching tool, we can simply throw a new exception with a helpful error message.

Finally, since we simply need to catch any possible exception, we’ll just add a catch statement for the generic exception and print the “Invalid Input” message before returning an empty list of tools.

Once we have a list of tools, we can also write the find_tool() method that will search the list of tools for a tool that can do the job. We could do so using this code:

def find_tool(tools, query):
  query_parts = query.split(" ")
  if query_parts[0] == "tighten":
    clearance = int(query_parts[1])
    size = int(query_parts[2])
    for t in tools:
      if isinstance(t, Wrench):
        if t.tighten(clearance, size):
          return t
    return ??
  elif query_parts[0] == "cut":
    length = int(query_parts[1])
    for t in tools:
      if isinstance(t, Saw):
        if t.cut(length, query_parts[2]):
          return t
    return ??
    return ??

This method is also a bit complex, but upon closer inspection it should be pretty straightforward. We simply parse the query into individual tokens. Then, we use the first token to determine if we are looking for a wrench or a saw. Next, we iterate through the entire list of tools, and inside of the For loop, we check to see if the current tool is either a wrench or a saw, whichever type we are looking for. If it is, we then call the appropriate method. If that method returns True, we know that the tool can perform the requested task, so we can just return it right there!

What if we get to the end and can’t find a tool that matches? This method still needs to return an object of the Tool type. For lists, we’ve been returning an empty list to show that the method was unsuccessful. Is there such as thing as an “empty object”?

It turns out there is! Python uses a special keyword called None to represent an empty object. So, we can just return None anywhere we aren’t sure what to return, and we’ll use that value in our main() method to determine whether we found a tool or not. Python will return None by default if a function ends without specifically returning a value, but we’ll write out return None in the relevant places here to make it explicit.

def find_tool(tools, query):
  query_parts = query.split(" ")
  if query_parts[0] == "tighten":
    clearance = int(query_parts[1])
    size = int(query_parts[2])
    for t in tools:
      if isinstance(t, Wrench):
        if t.tighten(clearance, size):
          return t
    return None
  elif query_parts[0] == "cut":
    length = int(query_parts[1])
    for t in tools:
      if isinstance(t, Saw):
        if t.cut(length, query_parts[2]):
          return t
    return None
    return None

Finally, we can simply write the main() method:

def main(args):
  if len(args) != 2:
    print("Invalid Input")
  tools = Main.read_input(args[1])
  if len(tools) == 0:
    with sys.stdin as reader:
      query = reader.readline()
      t = Main.find_tool(tools, query)
      if t is not None:
        print("Invalid Tool")
  except Exception:
    print("Invalid Tool")

In the main() method, we check to make sure that we’ve received exactly one command-line argument (in addition to the name of the program, which will be the first argument). If so, we pass that argument to the read_input() method to read from the input file and produce a list of tools. If that list is empty, we know that we failed to read the input file correctly, so we should simply return.

If the list is populated, then we must read input from the terminal. So, we’ll use a With and Try-Except statement to read a user’s query, and then pass that query to the find_tool() method along with the list of tools.

If the find_tool() method returns anything other than None, we know that we found a tool and should print the tool’s description to the terminal. Otherwise, we can do nothing since we are at the end of the program.

Of course, if we encounter any exceptions while reading input from the terminal, we can simply print “Invalid Tool” and return.

There we go! This is a very simple program, but it helps demonstrate the power of using inheritance in our programs to represent real-world objects that are closely related to each other.

We can use the first assessment below to check the structure of our entire program, making sure it matches the UML diagram given above. Once our program passes that assessment, we can use the second assessment to check the functionality of our program. For simplicity, the functionality tests will not use the main() method itself, but it will check the other two methods defined in the Main class as well as several other methods of the various classes.

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Subsections of A Worked Example