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An important application for these traversals is the ability to find a path between two nodes. This has many applications in railroad networks as well as electrical wiring. With some modifications to the traversals, we can determine if electricity can flow from a source to a target. We will modify depth first and breadth first traversals in similar ways.


There are three cases that can happen when we search for a path between nodes:

  • No Path: will return nothing
  • One Path: will return the path
  • Multiple Paths: will return A path

With these searches, we are not guaranteed to return the same path if there are multiple paths.

We will call these Depth First Search (DFS) and Breadth First Search (BFS). In both traversals, we have added the following extra lines: 4, 9-16, and 22 through the end.

First, we have the addition of PARENT_MAP which will be a dictionary to keep track of how we get from one node to another. We will use the convention of having the key be the child and the value be the parent. While we use the terms child and parent, this is not exclusive to trees.

The ending portion starting at line 22, will add entries to our dictionary. If we haven’t already found an edge to NODE, then we will add the edge that we are currently on.

The other addition is the block of code from line 9 to 16. We will enter this if block if the node that we are currently at is the target. This means that we have finally found a path from the source node to the target node. The process in this segment of code will backtrack through the path and build the path.

 2    STACK = empty array
 3    DISCOVERED = empty set
 4    PARENT_MAP = empty dictionary
 5    append SRC to STACK
 6    while STACK is not empty
 7        CURR = top of the stack
 8        if CURR not in DISCOVERED
 9            if CURR is TAR
10                 PATH = empty array
11                 TRACE = TAR
12                 while TRACE is not SRC
13                     append TRACE to PATH
14                     set TRACE equal to PARENT_MAP[TRACE]
15                 reverse the order of PATH
16                 return PATH
17            add CURR to DISCOVERED
18            NEIGHS = neighbors of CURR
19            for EDGE in NEIGHS
20                NODE = first entry in EDGE
21                append NODE to STACK
22                if PARENT_MAP does not have key NODE
23                    in the PARENT_MAP dictionary set key NODE with value CURR
24    return nothing

Depth-First Search Example

DFS Example GIF DFS Example GIF

 2    QUEUE = empty queue
 3    DISCOVERED = empty set
 4    PARENT_MAP = empty dictionary
 5    add SRC to DISCOVERED
 6    add SRC to QUEUE
 7    while QUEUE is not empty
 8        CURR = first element in QUEUE
 9        if CURR is TAR 
10            PATH = empty list 
11            TRACE = TAR
12            while TRACE is not SRC
13                    append TRACE to PATH
14                    set TRACE equal to PARENT_MAP[TRACE]
15                reverse the order of PATH
16                return PATH
17        NEIGHS = neighbors of CURR
18        for EDGE in NEIGHS
19            NODE = first entry in EDGE
20            if NODE is not in DISCOVERED
21                add NODE to DISCOVERED
22                if PARENT_MAP does not have key NODE
23                    in the PARENT_MAP dictionary set key NODE with value CURR
24                append NODE to QUEUE
25    return nothing

Breadth-First Search Example

BFS Example GIF BFS Example GIF