Chapter 13


Analyzing the performance of data structures and algorithms

Subsections of Performance



This module refers to both CC 310 and CC 315. However, both classes have been condensed into CC 310 in this book.

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In this module, we will reintroduce the data structures that we have seen and implemented throughout CC 315 as well as CC 310. We will discuss the running time for various operations as well as space requirements for each structure.

You may recall that in CC 310, we did a similar comparison. We will use most of the same operations from that module so we can draw comparisons between the structures in CC 310 and CC 315.

  • Insert – inserting a specific element into the structure, either in sorted order, or at the appropriate place as required by the definition of the data structure.
  • Access – accessing a desired element. For general data structures, this is the process of accessing an element by its index or key in the structure. For stacks and queues, this was the process of accessing the next element to be returned.
  • Find – this is the process of finding a specific element in the data structure, usually by iterating through it or using a search method if the structure is ordered in some way.
  • Delete – this is the process of deleting a specific element in the case of a general-purpose structure or deleting and returning the next element in the case of a stack or queue. For more advanced structures, this may also require the structure to be reorganized a bit.

We will also also discuss the memory required for each structure.


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There are three types of trees to consider: generic trees, tries, and binary trees.

General Trees

Tree Tree

  • Insert: In general, inserting an element into a tree by making it a child of an existing tree is a constant time operation. However, this depends on us already having access to the parent tree we’d like to add the item to, which may require searching for that element in the tree as discussed below, which runs in linear time based on the size of the tree. As we saw in our projects, one way we can simplify this is using a hash table to help us keep track of the tree nodes while we build the tree, so that we can more quickly access a desired tree (in near constant time) and add a new child to that tree.

  • Access: Again, this is a bit complex, as it requires us to make some assumptions about what information is available to us. Typically, we can only access the root element of a tree, which can be done in constant time. If we’d like to access any of the other nodes in the tree, we’ll have to traverse the tree to find them, either by searching for them if we don’t know the path to the item (which is linear time based on the size of the tree), or directly walking the tree in the case that we do know the path (which is comparable to the length of the path, or linear based on the height of the tree).

  • Find: Finding a particular node in a generic tree is a linear time operation based on the number of nodes in the tree. We simply must do a full traversal of the tree until we find the element we are searching for, typically either by performing a preorder or postorder traversal. This is very similar to simply looking at each element in a linear data structure.

  • Delete: Removing a child from an existing tree is an interesting operation. If we’ve already located the tree node that is the parent of the element we’d like to remove, and we know which child we’d like to remove, then the operation would be a linear time operation related to the number of children of that node. This is because we may have to iterate through the children of that tree node in order to find the one we’d like to remove. Recall that trees generally store the children of each node in a linked list or an array, so the time it takes to remove a child is similar to the time it takes to remove an element from those structures. Again, if we have to search for either the parent or the tree node we’d like to remove from that parent, we’ll have to take that into account.

  • Memory: In terms of memory usage, a generic tree uses memory that is on the order of the number of nodes in the tree. So, as the number of nodes in the tree is doubled, the amount of memory it uses doubles as well.


Trie 1 Trie 1

Tries improve on the structure of trees in one important way - instead of using a generic list to store each child, they typically use a statically sized array, where each index in the array directly corresponds to one of the possible children that the node could have. In the case of a trie that represents words, each tree node may have an array of 26 possible children, one for each letter of the alphabet. In our implementation, we chose to use lists instead to simplify things a bit, but for this analysis we’ll assume that the children of a trie node can be accessed in constant time through the use of these static arrays.

In the analysis below, we’ll assume that we are dealing with words in a trie, not individual nodes. We’re also going to be always starting with the root node of the overall trie data structure.

  • Insert: To insert a new word in a trie, the process will run in linear time based on the length of the word. So, to insert a 10 character word in a trie, it should take on the order of 10 steps. This is because we can find each individual node for each character in constant time since we are using arrays as described above, and we’ll need to do that once for each character, so the overall time is linear based on the number of characters. If the path doesn’t exist, we’ll have to create new tree nodes to fill it in, but if the path does exist, it could be as simple as setting the boolean value at the correct node to indicate that it is indeed a word.

  • Access: Similarly to determine if a particular word is in the trie, it will also run in linear time based on the length of the word. We simply must traverse through the path in the tree, and at each node it is a constant time operation to find the correct child and continue onward. So, in total this is a linear time operation.

  • Find: Find is pretty much the same as access, since we can’t just directly jump to a particular node in the tree. So, this is also in linear time based on the length of the word.

  • Delete: Once again, deleting a word simply involves finding it, which runs in linear time. Once it is deleted, we may go through and prune branches that are unused, which is also a linear time operation as we work back upwards in the trie. So, overall the whole operation runs in linear time based on the length of the word.

In summary, pretty much every operation performed on a trie is related to the length of the word that is provided as input. Pretty nifty!

  • Memory: Analyzing the memory usage of a trie is a bit more interesting. Traditionally, we say that the memory consumed by a trie is on the order of $n * m$, where $n$ is the number of words stored in the trie, and $m$ is the length of the longest word in the trie. We come to this value because there could be $n$ words that do not share any prefixes, and if they are all the same length $n$ then we’ll need that many nodes to represent the whole trie. However, in practice the actual memory usage may be somewhat less because of the shared prefixes and shorter words being part of longer words, but remember that we are concerned with the worst case memory usage for a trie, which is $n * m$.

Binary Trees

Tree 1 Tree 1

A binary tree is a tree that is limited to having only two children of each node, and the children and parents are sorted such that every element to the left of the node is less than or equal to its value, and all elements to the right of the node are greater than or equal to its value. Because of this, they perform a little differently than traditional trees.

One major concept related to binary trees is whether the tree is “balanced” or not. A balanced tree has children that differ in height by no more than 1. If the tree is perfectly balanced, meaning all subtrees are balanced, then there are some interesting relationships that develop.

Most notably, the overall height $h$ of the tree is no larger than $log_2(n)$, where $n$ is the number of elements in the tree.

We didn’t cover the algorithms to balance a binary tree in this course since they can be a bit complex, but for this analysis we’ll discuss the performance of binary trees when they are perfectly balanced as well as when they are unbalanced.

  • Insert: To insert a new element in a binary tree, we may have to descend all the way to the bottom of the tree, so the operation is linear based on the height of the tree. If the tree is a perfectly balanced binary tree, then it is on the order of $log_2(n)$. Otherwise, it is linear based on the height, which in the worst case of a completely unbalanced tree could be the number of nodes itself. Once you’ve added the new item, a perfectly balance tree may need to rebalance itself, but that operation is not any more costly than the insert operation.

  • Access: Similarly, to access a particular element in a binary tree, we’ll have to descend through the tree until we find the element we are looking for. At each level, we know exactly which child to check, so it is once again related to the height of the tree. If the tree is a perfectly balanced binary tree, then it is on the order of $log_2(n)$. Otherwise, it is linear based on the height, which in the worst case of a completely unbalanced tree could be the number of nodes itself.

  • Find: Once again, find in this instance is similar to access.

  • Delete: Finally, deleting an element from a binary tree involves finding the element, which will be linear based on the height of the tree. Once the element is removed, then a perfectly balanced tree will need to rebalance itself, which could also take the same amount of time. So, in both cases, it runs on the order of $h$ time, which in the worst case is the total number of nodes $n$ on an unbalanced tree, or $log_2(n)$ on a perfectly balanced tree.

So, most operations involving a perfectly balanced binary tree run in $log_2(n)$ time, which is very efficient when compared to a generic tree. However, if the tree is not balanced, then we cannot make any assumptions about the height of the tree and each operation could require $n$ time, where $n$ is the number of nodes in the tree.

  • Memory: The memory usage of a binary tree is directly correlated with the number of nodes, so we typically say that it is on the order of $n$ memory usage.


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There are two types of graphs that we’ve covered in this class: list graphs and matrix graphs. Graphs are slightly different than other data structures, because we may want to find or access both nodes and edges in the graph. So, we’ll need to analyze the performance of graphs with respect to both nodes and edges.

Matrix Graph

Matrix Representation Example 2 Matrix Representation Example 2 Matrix Representation Example 3 Matrix Representation Example 3

Recall that a matrix graph uses an array to store the nodes, and a two-dimensional array to store the edges.

  • Insert Node: Inserting a node is a linear time operation. To insert node, we looped through the nodes attribute and put the node in the first open index. Thus, it is linear with respect to the number of nodes.

  • Access Node: Likewise, given the index of a node, we can get it’s value in constant time by accessing the array.

  • Find Node: To find the index of a node when we are given its value, we must iterate through the array of nodes, which will be a linear time operation based on the number of nodes in the graph.

  • Delete Node: Finally, to remove a node from a graph we can simply set its value in the array of nodes to null. However, we may also need to go through the list of edges and make sure there are no edges to or from that node, so typically this operation runs on the order of the number of nodes in the graph since we must check each one.

For the operations relating to edges below, we’ll assume that we already know the indices of the two nodes we are connecting. If we don’t know those, we’ll have to use the find node process above first.

  • Insert Edge: To insert an edge into the graph we simply update the element in the two-dimensional array, which can be done in constant time.

  • Access Edge: Likewise, to access an edge between two nodes, we simply access the element in the two-dimensional array, which is a constant time operation.

  • Find Neighbors: Instead of finding a particular edge, we’ll say that we want to find all of the neighboring nodes that can be accessed from a given node. In this case, we’ll need to iterate through one row of the two-dimensional array, so the whole process runs on the order of linear time based on the number of nodes in the graph.

  • Delete Edge: To remove an edge, we simply find it in the two-dimensional array and set its value to infinity, which can be done in constant time.

So, for most matrix graph operations, we can do nearly everything in either constant time or, at worst, linear time based on the number of nodes in the graph.

  • Memory: Here is where things get interesting. Generally, we say that a matrix graph consumes $n^2$ memory, where $n$ is the number of nodes in the graph. This is because the two-dimensional array of edges is the vast majority of the memory consumption in a matrix graph. So, if the number of nodes is doubled, the memory usage will quadruple.

List Graph

Example 1 Example 1 List Representation for Example 1 List Representation for Example 1

Recall that a list graph uses an array to store the nodes, and then each node stores a list of edges that start from that node.

  • Insert Node: Inserting a node is a linear time operation. To insert node, we looped through the nodes attribute and put the node in the first open index. Thus, it is linear with respect to the number of nodes.

  • Access Node: Likewise, given the index of a node, we can get it’s value in constant time by accessing the array.

  • Find Node: To find the index of a node when we are given its value, we must iterate through the array of nodes, which will be a linear time operation based on the number of nodes in the graph.

  • Delete Node: Finally, to remove a node from a graph we can simply set its value in the array of nodes to null. However, we may also need to go through each other node and check to make sure it isn’t in the list of edges. So typically this operation runs on the order of the number of nodes in the graph since we must check each one.

So far, a list graph seems to be pretty similar to a matrix graph in terms of performance. The real difference comes with how we handle edges, as well see next.

For the operations relating to edges below, we’ll assume that we already know the indices of the two nodes we are connecting. If we don’t know those, we’ll have to use the find node process above first.

  • Insert Edge: To insert an edge into the graph, we must get the source node from the nodes array and then add an element to the list of edges. Assuming that the edges are stored in a linked list, this is a linear time operation in terms of the number of nodes since we may have to iterate through the list of edges to make sure this edge doesn’t already exist and need updated. In the worst case, there may be $n$ edges here, so it is a linear operation.

  • Access Edge: To access an edge between two nodes, we first find the source node in the list of nodes, which is a constant time operation. Then, we’ll have to iterate through the list of edges, which is at worst linear time based on the size of the graph, since there could be $n$ outgoing edges from this node. So, overall the operation runs on the order of linear time based on the number of nodes in the graph.

  • Find Neighbors: Instead of finding a particular edge, we’ll say that we want to find all of the neighboring nodes that can be accessed from a given node. In this case, we can just find the source node in the array of nodes, which is a constant time operation. Then, we can simply return the list of edges, which is also constant time. So, this operation is very efficient!

  • Delete Edge: To remove an edge, we find the source node and iterate through the list of edges until we find the one to remove. So, this runs in linear time based on the number of nodes in the graph.

So, for most list graph operations, we can also do nearly everything in either constant time or, at worst, linear time based on the number of nodes in the graph. The only real difference comes in how we handle edges, where some operations are a bit slower, but getting a list of all the neighbors of a node is actually a little quicker!

  • Memory: For a list graph, we typically say the memory usage is on the order of $n + e$, where $n$ is the number of nodes in the graph and $e$ is the number of edges in the graph.
Dense vs. Sparse Graphs

Let’s analyze the memory usage of matrix and list graphs when dealing with dense and sparse graphs. This is the real key difference between the two data structures.

Dense Graph

A dense graph is a graph that has a large number of edges compared to the maximum number of edges possible. More specifically, the maximum number of edges a graph can have is $n^2$, so we would say a dense graph has a value for $e$ that is close to $n^2$. Because of this, the memory usage of a matrix graph ($n^2$) is actually a bit more efficient than a list graph ($n + n^2$) because it doesn’t have the extra overhead of maintaining a list structure for each node.

Sparse Graph

A sparse graph is a graph that has a small number of edges compared to the maximum number of edges possible. So, here we would say that the value of $e$ is much smaller than $n^2$, though it may still be larger than $n$ (otherwise each node would only have one edge coming from it, and this would be a linked list). In that case, we see that $n + e$ is much smaller than $n^2$, and a list graph is much more efficient. If you think about it, in a matrix graph a large number of the entries in the two-dimensional array would be set to infinity and unused, but they still take up memory. Those unused edges wouldn’t exist in a list graph, making it much more memory efficient.

Priority Queues

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Let’s look at the performance of priority queues next. These structures are based on a heap, which has some unique characteristics related to the heap properties that it must maintain.

Recall that a heap is an array which we can view as an unsorted binary tree. This tree must have the following properties:

  1. Each node has at most two children.
  2. If there are nodes in level i of the tree, then level i-1 is full.
  3. The nodes of the last level are as far left as possible.
  • Insert To insert a new element in a priority queue, we place it at the end and then push it upwards until it is in the correct place. Because the heap property creates a perfectly balanced tree, at most it will have to perform $log_2(n)$ or $h$ operations. So, we say that insert runs on the order of $log_2(n)$ where $n$ is the number of elements in the heap.

  • Access Minimum The most common operation for accessing elements in the priority queue is to access the minimum element. Since it should always be the first element in the array due to the heap properties, this is clearly a constant time operation.

  • Find Element To find an item in a priority queue, we must simply iterate through the array that stores the heap, which is a linear time operation based on the number of elements in the heap.

  • Remove Minimum To remove the smallest element, we swap it with the last element and then remove it, then push the top element down into place. Similar to the push up operation, at most it will perform $log_2(n)$ or $h$ operations. So, we say that remove minimum runs on the order of $log_2(n)$ where $n$ is the number of elements in the heap.

  • Heapify This is the most interesting operation of a heap. When we use heapify, we add a large number of elements to the heap and then sort it exactly once by working from the bottom to the top and pushing down each element into place. On the surface, it appears that this should run in the order $n * log_2(n)$ time, since each push down operation takes $log_2(n)$ time, and we have to do that on the order of $n$ times to get each element in place. However, using a bit of mathematical analysis, it is possible to prove that this operation actually runs in linear time $n$ based on the number of elements. The work to actually prove this is a bit beyond the scope of this course, but this StackOverflow discussion is a great explanation of how it works.

  • Memory: In terms of memory usage, a priority queue uses memory that is on the order of the number of elements in the priority queue.

Heapify and Heap Sort

Why is it important that heapify runs in linear time? That is because we can use heapify and remove minimum to sort data, which is a sorting algorithm known as heap sort.

We already saw that heapify runs in linear time based on the number of nodes, and each remove minimum operation runs in $log_2(n)$ time. To remove all the elements of the heap, we would do that $n$ times, so the overall time would be $n * log_2(n)$ time. If you recall, that is the same performance as merge sort and quicksort!

Summary 1

This page will be devoted to summarizing our performance discussions. Below, we have included a graph for a frame of reference for the various functions.

Graph Graph

Generic Trees

In the following, $n$ denotes the number of nodes in the tree.

  • Insert: 1 if we have the parent but $n$ if we have to find the parent
  • Access: 1 if we want to access the root but $n$ otherwise
  • Find: $n$
  • Delete: $n$ if we have to find the parent
  • Memory: $n$


In the following, $m$ denotes the length of a word and $n$ denotes the number of words in the trie.

  • Insert: $m$
  • Access: $m$
  • Find: $m$
  • Delete: $m$
  • Memory: $n\times m$

Binary Trees

In the following, $n$ denotes the number of nodes in the tree.

  • Insert: $log_2(n)$ when balanced but $n$ otherwise
  • Access: $log_2(n)$ when balanced but $n$ otherwise
  • Find: $log_2(n)$ when balanced but $n$ otherwise
  • Delete: $log_2(n)$ when balanced but $n$ otherwise
  • Memory: $n$

Matrix Graph

In the following, $n$ denotes the number of nodes in the graph.

  • Insert Node: $n$
  • Access Node: 1
  • Find Node: $n$
  • Delete Node: $n$
  • Insert Edge: 1
  • Access Edge: 1
  • Find Neighbors: $n$
  • Delete Edge: 1
  • Memory: $n^2$

List Graph

In the following, $n$ denotes the number of nodes in the graph and $e$ denotes the number of edges.

  • Insert Node: $n$
  • Access Node: 1
  • Find Node: $n$
  • Delete Node: $n$
  • Insert Edge: $n$
  • Access Edge: $n$
  • Find Neighbors: 1
  • Delete Edge: $n$
  • Memory: $n+e$

Priority Queue

In the following, $n$ denotes the number of elements in the priority queue.

  • Insert: $log_2(n)$
  • Access Minimum: 1
  • Find: $n$
  • Remove Minimum: $log_2(n)$
  • Heapify: $n$
  • Memory: $n$

Tree Algorithms

We will now discuss the performance of the algorithms that we discussed in this course. When examining the performance of an algorithm we will look at the time and the space that it will require.

  • Time: To analyze the time of an algorithm, we will look at the number of operations required to complete the algorithm.
  • Space: To analyze the space requirement of an algorithm, we will look at the various variables within the algorithm. To calculate this, we can add up the space requirements for each variable within the algorithm

Preorder and Postorder

    append ITEM to RESULT
end function
   append ITEM to RESULT
end function
  • Time: The time required for preorder or postorder traversals will be linear with respect to the number of nodes. In a single iteration, we will execute the appending once and we will execute the for loop for each child.
  • Space: Since RESULT is a variable defined and stored outside of the algorithm, it does not factor into our space requirement. Then we must account for the variables CHILD and CHILDREN. In any given iteration, CHILD will be constant and CHILDREN will have size equal to the number of children for the node we are currently at. In total, this would give us a space requirement that is linear with respect to the number of nodes.


    append ITEM to RESULT
end function
  • Time: For any given call to the inorder traversal, it will execute in constant time. We must factor in that we have a recursive function and as such, we will call the inorder traversal for each node. Thus our time requirement will be linear with respect to the number of nodes.
  • Space: Since RESULT is a variable defined and stored outside of the algorithm, it does not factor into our space requirement. Then we must account for the variable ITEM. This will have constant space and thus, the space requirement for the inorder traversal is constant.

Graph Algorithms

Path Searches

 2    STACK = empty array
 3    DISCOVERED = empty set
 4    PARENT_MAP = empty dictionary
 5    append SRC to STACK
 6    while STACK is not empty
 7        CURR = top of the stack
 8        if CURR not in DISCOVERED
 9            if CURR is TAR
10                 PATH = empty array
11                 TRACE = TAR
12                 while TRACE is not SRC
13                     append TRACE to PATH
14                     set TRACE equal to PARENT_MAP[TRACE]
15                 reverse the order of PATH
16                 return PATH
17            add CURR to DISCOVERED
18            NEIGHS = neighbors of CURR
19            for EDGE in NEIGHS
20                NODE = first entry in EDGE
21                append NODE to STACK
22                if PARENT_MAP does not have key NODE
23                    in the PARENT_MAP dictionary set key NODE with value CURR
24    return nothing
  • Time: The time analysis for the depth first search can be a bit complex. Lines 1 through 5 would execute in near constant time. When we start the while loop on line 6, it is more difficult to analyze how many times this can execute as STACK can contain duplicates. In the case that we have a sparse graph, this would be bound by the number of nodes. For a dense graph however, the number of executions would be bound by the number of edges. The code within the while loop would be bound by the number of nodes because of the check that we have not already discovered the node in line 8. If we haven’t discovered it, we would take either the logic of lines 8 through 16 or lines 17 through 23 but never both in the same iteration. Both of these blocks are bound by the number of nodes in our graph. Thus the worst case time requirement would be $n^2$.
  • Space: Depending on the density of our graph, the space required will be linear with respect to the number of nodes or edges. This is due to the fact that STACK can contain duplicate nodes. If we have a sparse graph then it will be bound by the number of nodes. If we have a dense graph then the space is bound by the number of edges.
    • STACK: linear with respect to the number of edges
    • DISCOVERED: linear with respect to the number of nodes
    • PARENT_MAP: linear with respect to the number of nodes
    • CURR: 1
    • PATH: linear with respect to the number of nodes
    • TRACE: 1
    • NEIGHS: linear with respect to the number of neighbors
    • EDGE: 1
    • NODE: 1
 2    QUEUE = empty queue
 3    DISCOVERED = empty set
 4    PARENT_MAP = empty dictionary
 5    add SRC to DISCOVERED
 6    add SRC to QUEUE
 7    while QUEUE is not empty
 8        CURR = first element in QUEUE
 9        if CURR is TAR 
10            PATH = empty list 
11            TRACE = TAR
12            while TRACE is not SRC
13                    append TRACE to PATH
14                    set TRACE equal to PARENT_MAP[TRACE]
15                reverse the order of PATH
16                return PATH
17        NEIGHS = neighbors of CURR
18        for EDGE in NEIGHS
19            NODE = first entry in EDGE
20            if NODE is not in DISCOVERED
21                add NODE to DISCOVERED
22                if PARENT_MAP does not have key NODE
23                    in the PARENT_MAP dictionary set key NODE with value CURR
24                append NODE to QUEUE
25    return nothing
  • Time: The run time expected for breadth first search is a bit more straight forward as QUEUE will never have duplicates. Lines 1 through 6 will all execute in constant time. The while loop will occur $n$ times where $n$ is the number of nodes. Based on the logic, either 9-16 will execute or 17-24 will execute. Both of these are bound by the number of nodes in terms of time. Each iteration of the while loop will take $n$ time and we do the while loop $n$ times; thus the running time will be $n^2$.
  • Space: The space required for BFS will be linear with respect to the number of nodes. We have 5 variables which have size bound by the number of nodes. If the number of nodes doubles, then we expect the amount of space to roughly double.
    • QUEUE: linear with respect to the number of nodes
    • DISCOVERED: linear with respect to the number of nodes
    • PARENT_MAP: linear with respect to the number of nodes
    • CURR: 1
    • PATH: linear with respect to the number of nodes
    • TRACE: 1
    • NEIGHS: linear with respect to the number of nodes
    • EDGE: 1
    • NODE: 1

Minimum Spanning Trees

 1function KRUSKAL(GRAPH)
 2    MST = GRAPH without the edges attribute(s)
 3    ALLSETS = an empty list which will contain the sets
 4    for NODE in GRAPH NODES
 5        SET = a set with element NODE
 6        add SET to ALLSETS
 7    EDGES = list of GRAPH's edges
 8    SORTEDEDGES = EDGES sorted by edge weight, smallest to largest
10        SRC = source node of EDGE
11        TAR = target node of EDGE
12        SRCSET = the set from SETS in which SRC is contained
13        TARSET = the set form SETS in which TAR is contained
14        if SRCSET not equal TARSET
15            UNIONSET = SRCSET union TARSET
16            add UNIONSET to ALLSETS
17            remove SRCSET from ALLSETS
18            remove TARSET from ALLSETS
19            add EDGE to MST as undirected edge
20    return MST
  • Time: The time to initialize MST would be linear with respect to the number of nodes. Regardless of the graph implementation, inserting nodes is constant time and we would do it for the number of nodes in GRAPH. Lines 4-6 would take linear time with respect to the number of nodes. Then lines 9-19 would take linear time with respect to the number of edges as it would execute $e$ times and each operation can be done in constant time, except for searching through the sets and performing set operations, which require $log_2(n)$ time. Thus, Kruskal’s algorithm will take time on the order of $e \times log_2(n)$ in the worst case.

  • Space:The required space for Kruskal’s algorithm is dependent on the implementation of the MST. A matrix graph would require $n^2$ space and a list graph we would require $n+e$ space.

    • MST: matrix graph $n^2$ or list graph $n+e$
    • ALLSETS: linear with respect to the number of nodes
    • NODE: 1
    • GRAPH NODES: linear with respect to the number of nodes
    • SET: 1
    • EDGES: linear with respect to the number of edges
    • SORTEDEDGES: linear with respect to the number of edges
    • SRC: 1
    • TAR: 1
    • SRCSET: 1
    • TARSET: 1
    • UNIONSET: 1
 1function PRIM(GRAPH, START)
 2    MST = GRAPH without the edges attribute(s)
 3    VISITED = empty set
 4    add START to VISITED
 5    AVAILEDGES = list of edges where START is the source
 6    sort AVAILEDGES
 7    while VISITED is not all of the nodes
 8        SMLEDGE = smallest edge in AVAILEDGES
 9        SRC = source of SMLEDGE
10        TAR = target of SMLEDGE
11        if TAR not in VISITED
12            add SMLEDGE to MST as undirected edge
13            add TAR to VISITED
14            add the edges where TAR is the source to AVAILEDGES
15        remove SMLEDGE from AVAILEDGES
16        sort AVAILEDGES
17    return MST
  • Time without Priority Queue: The time to initialize MST would be linear with respect to the number of nodes. Regardless of the graph implementation, inserting nodes is constant time and we would do it for the number of nodes in GRAPH. With a matrix graph, setting up AVAILEDGES would take linear time with respect to the number of nodes. With a list graph, this would happen in constant time. Then, we need to get the smallest edge from the AVAILEDGES list, which would be a linear time operation based on the number of edges, and we must do that once for up to each edge in the graph. So, the worst case running time for Prim’s algorithm is $e^2$. (Our implementation is actually a bit slower than this since we sort the list of available edges each time, but that is technically not necessary - our implementation is closer to $e^2 \times log_2(e)$!)
  • Time with Priority Queue: We do get an improvement when we choose to implement this with a priority queue. For the most part, the performance is the same. Using a priority queue, heapify would optimize the sorting to happen in linear time with respect to the number of elements. In that case, we can reduce the total running time to on the order of $e \times log_2(n)$, which is the same as Kruskal’s algorithm.
  • Space: The required space for Prim’s algorithm is also dependent on the implementation of the MST. A matrix graph would require $n^2$ space and a list graph we would require $n+e$ space.
    • MST: matrix graph $n^2$ or list graph $n+e$
    • VISITED: linear with respect to the number of nodes
    • AVAILEDGES: linear with respect to the number of edges
    • SMLEDGE: 1
    • SRC: 1
    • TAR: 1

Shortest Path

 2   SIZE = size of GRAPH
 3   DISTS = array with length equal to SIZE
 4   PREVIOUS = array with length equal to SIZE
 5   set all of the entries in PREVIOUS to none
 6   set all of the entries in DISTS to infinity 
 7   DISTS[SRC] = 0 
 8   PQ = min-priority queue
 9   loop IDX starting at 0 up to SIZE
10        insert (DISTS[IDX],IDX) into PQ
11    while PQ is not empty
12        MIN = REMOVE-MIN from PQ
13        for NODE in neighbors of MIN
14            WEIGHT = graph weight between MIN and NODE
15            CALC = DISTS[MIN] + WEIGHT
16            if CALC < DISTS[NODE]
17                DISTS[NODE] = CALC
18                PREVIOUS[NODE] = MIN
19                PQIDX = index of NODE in PQ
20                PQ decrease-key (PQIDX, CALC)
21    return DISTS and PREVIOUS
  • Time: The time required for Dijkstra’s algorithm will be $n^2$ in the worst case. We would expect lines 1 through 8 to take constant time. The for loop on line 9 would be bound by the number of nodes. We would expect the for loop on line 13 to be bound by the number of nodes. This for loop will execute each time PQ is not empty (line 11), which is bound by the number of nodes. Thus, the block of code starting at 11 will take $n^2$ time to run in the worst case. This means that if we double the number of nodes, then the running time will be quadrupled. The worst case for Dijkstra’s algorithm is characterized by being a very dense graph, meaning each node has a lot of neighbors. If the graph is sparse and our priority queue is efficient, we could expect this running time to be more along the lines of $(n + e) \times log_2(n)$, where $e$ is the number of edges.
  • Space: The required space for Dijkstra’s algorithm will be linear with respect to the number of nodes. We have 4 variables which have linear size with respect to the number of nodes. We say that this is linear because if we were to double the number of nodes, we would roughly double the space requirement.
    • SIZE: 1
    • DISTS: linear with respect to the number of nodes
    • PREVIOUS: linear with respect to the number of nodes
    • PQ: linear with respect to the number of nodes
    • IDX: 1
    • MIN: 1
    • NODE: 1
    • NEIGHBORS: linear with respect to the number of nodes
    • WEIGHT: 1
    • CALC: 1
    • PQIDX: 1

Summary 2


A stack is a data structure with two main operations that are simple in concept. One is the push operation that lets you put data into the data structure and the other is the pop operation that lets you get data out of the structure.

A stack is what we call a Last In First Out (LIFO) data structure. That means that when we pop a piece of data off the stack, we get the last piece of data we put on the stack.


A queue data structure organizes data in a First In, First Out (FIFO) order: the first piece of data put into the queue is the first piece of data available to remove from the queue.


A list is a data structure that holds a sequence of data, such as the shopping list shown below. Each list has a head item and a tail item, with all other items placed linearly between the head and the tail.


A set is a collection of elements that are usually related to each other.

Hash Tables

A hash table is an unordered collection of key-value pairs, where each key is unique.

The following table compares the best- and worst-case processing time for many common data structures and operations, expressed in terms of $N$, the number of elements in the structure.

Data Structure Insert Best Insert Worst Access Best Access Worst Find Best Find Worst Delete Best Delete Worst
Unsorted Array $1$ $1$ $1$ $1$ $N$ $N$ $N$ $N$
Sorted Array $\text{lg}(N)$ $N$ $1$ $1$ $\text{lg}(N)$ $\text{lg}(N)$ $\text{lg}(N)$ $N$
Array Stack (LIFO) $1$ $1$ $1$ $1$ $N$ $N$ $1$ $1$
Array Queue (FIFO) $1$ $1$ $1$ $1$ $N$ $N$ $1$ $1$
Unsorted Linked List $1$ $1$ $N$ $N$ $N$ $N$ $N$ $N$
Sorted Linked List $N$ $N$ $N$ $N$ $N$ $N$ $N$ $N$
Linked List Stack (LIFO) $1$ $1$ $1$ $1$ $N$ $N$ $1$ $1$
Linked List Queue (FIFO) $1$ $1$ $1$ $1$ $N$ $N$ $1$ $1$
Hash Table $1$ $N$ $1$ $N$ $N$ $N$ $1$ $N$