The process of removing a node from a doubly linked list is really no more difficult than from a singly linked list. The only difference is that instead of changing just one pointer, we now also need to modify the previous pointer in the node following the node we want to remove. For instance, if we want to remove node “3” from the following list,

Doubly Linked List Detail Doubly Linked List Detail

we simply modify the next pointer in node “-2” to point to node “23”. Then, we modify the previous pointer in node “23” to point to node “-2”. We then return the data in that node to the requesting function.

Doubly Linked List Remove Doubly Linked List Remove

Removing at the Beginning

The remove operation removes the first node in the list. First, we check to ensure that there is at least one node in the list in line 1 and raise an exception if there is not. Now, the process is simple. We simply create a temporary pointer temp that points to the node we are going to delete in line 3 and then point head to, which is the second node in the list. Then, in line 5, we check to see if the list is empty (head == null) and set tail to null if it is (it was pointing at the node we just removed). If the list is not empty, we do not need to worry about updating tail; however, we do need to set the previous pointer of the first node in the list to null (it was also pointing at the node we just removed). Finally, we decrement size in line 8 and then return the data in the node we just removed in line 9. Obviously, the operation runs in constant time since there are no loops.

function remove() returns data
	if size == 0	            (1)
		raise exception	        (2)
	end if
	temp = head		            (3)
	head =	        (4)
	if head == null	            (5)
		tail = null	            (6)
		head.previous = null	(7)
	end if
	size = size – 1	            (8)
	return	        (9)
end function

Removing in the Middle

Removing a node at a specific index is very similar to the way we did it in singly linked lists. First, if we have an invalid index number, we raise an exception in line 2. Otherwise we check for the special cases of removing the first or last node in the list and calling the appropriate operations in lines 3 – 6. If we have no special conditions, we create a temporary pointer curr and then walk through our list in lines 7 – 9. Once we reach the node we want to remove, we simply update the next node’s previous pointer (line 10) and the previous node’s next pointer (line 11) and we have effectively removed the node from the list. We then decrement size in line 12 and return the data from the removed node in line 13.

Since the operation relies on a loop to walk through the list, the operation runs in order $N$ time.

function removeAt(index) returns data
	if index < 0 OR index > size – 1	    (1)
		raise exception	                    (2)
	else if (index == 0)	                (3)
		return remove()	                    (4)
	else if index == size – 1	            (5)
		return removeLast()	                (6)
		curr =;	                (7)
        for i = 1 to index -1 	            (8)
            curr =	            (9)
        end for = curr.previous	(10) =	    (11)
        size = size – 1	                    (12)
        return	                (13)
    end if
end function

Removing at the End

Since we have added the tail pointer to the doubly linked list class, we can make removing a node at the end of the list run in constant time instead of running in order $N$ time. In fact, if you look at the code below for the removeLast operation, it is almost exactly the same as the constant time removeFirst operation. The only difference is that we have replaced the head pointer with the tail pointer and with tail.previous in lines 3 – 7.

function removeLast() returns data
	if size == 0	        (1)
		raise exception	    (2)
	end if	
	temp = tail		        (3)
	tail = tail.previous	(4)
	if tail == null	        (5)
		head = null	        (6)
	else = null	(7)
	end if
	size = size – 1	        (8)
	return	    (9)
end function


Another operation impacted by the addition of the tail pointer is the peekEnd operation. Since we can access the last node in the list directly, we just need to make sure that the list is not empty, which we do in lines 1 and 2. Then, we can return the

function peekEnd() returns data
	if isEmpty()	        (1)
		raise exception 	(2)
		return	(3)
	end if
end function