MyTree Recursive I

Again, we want to be able to implement a working version of a tree. From the last module, we had functions to add children, remove children, get attributes, and instantiate MyTree. We will now build upon that implementation to create a true tree.


A recursive program is broken into two parts:

  • A base case—a simple version of the problem that can be solved directly, and
  • A recursive case—a general solution to the problem that uses smaller versions of the problem to compute the solution to the larger problem.

MyTree with recursion

Recall that in the previous module, we were not yet able to enforce the no cycle rule. We will now enforce this and add other tree functionality.


Disclaimer: In the previous module we had a disclaimer that stated our implementation would not prevent cycles. The following functions and properties will implement recursion. Thus, we can maintain legal tree structures!

In the first module, we discussed how we can define trees recursively, meaning a tree consists of trees. We looked at the following example. Each red dashed line represented a distinct tree, thus we had five trees within the largest tree making six trees in total. Subtrees Subtrees

We will use our existing implementation from the first module. Now to make our tree recursive, we will include more getter functions as well as functions for traversals and defining node relationships.


Get depth, height, size, and root

We can define each of these recursively.

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Get Depth
  • Depth - The depth of a node is its distance to the root. Thus, the root has depth zero.

We can define the depth of a node recursively:

  • Base case: we are at the root and the depth is zero
  • Recursive case: for any other node, the depth is 1 plus the depth of the parent
function GETDEPTH()
    if ROOT
        return 0
        return 1 + PARENT.GETDEPTH()
end function
Get Height
  • Height of a Node - The height of a node is the longest path to a leaf descendant. The height of a leaf is zero.

We can define the height of a node recursively:

  • Base case: we are at the leaf and the height is zero
  • Recursive case: for any other node, return 1 plus the maximum height of its children
function GETHEIGHT()
    if LEAF
        return 0
        MAX = 0
        for CHILD in CHILDREN
            if CURR_HEIGHT > MAX
                MAX = CURR_HEIGHT
        return 1 + MAX
end function
Get Root
  • Root - the topmost node of the tree; a node with no parent.

We can define returning the root recursively:

  • Base case: we are at the root so return it
  • Recursive case: for any other node, return the root of the nodes parent
function GETROOT()
    if ISROOT()
        return this tree
        return PARENT.GETROOT()
end function
Get Size

We define the size of a tree as the total number of children.

function GETSIZE()
    SIZE = 1
    return SIZE
end function

Find a Value

To find a value within our tree, we will traverse down a branch as far as we can until we find the value. This will return the tree that has the value as the root.

function FIND(VALUE)
		return this node
		if FOUND is not NONE
			return FOUND
	return NONE
end function