In this chapter, we looked at how object-orientation adopted the concept of encapsulation to combine related state and behavior within a single unit of code, known as a class. We further explored how objects are instances of a class created through invoking a constructor method.

We also discussed several different ways of looking at and reasoning about objects - as a state machine, and as structured data stored in memory. We discussed how a method is really a form of message passing that provides an interface to interact with objects safely.

Finally, we explored how all of these concepts are implemented in both the Java and Python programming languages.

Review Quiz

Check your understanding of the new content introduced in this chapter below - this quiz is not graded and you can retake it as many times as you want.

--- primaryColor: '#512888' secondaryColor: '#cccccc' textColor: black shuffleQuestions: true shuffleAnswers: true locale: en --- # Encapsulation The term **encapsulation** refers to what part of object-oriented programming? 1. [X] Organizing code into units that handle state and behavior 1. [ ] Communication between various units in a program 1. [ ] Determining which code to run based on messages received 1. [ ] Converting data from one format to another # Scope **Scope** refers to what concept in programming? 1. [X] Which code can access a particular variable 1. [ ] The amount of memory used in an application 1. [ ] Cleaning dirty data from a database 1. [ ] Using multiple variables for the same data # Information Hiding **Information hiding** is a practice from programming used for what outcome? 1. [X] Protecting data from accidental changes by other parts of the program 1. [ ] Encrypting source code to prevent reverse engineering 1. [ ] Adding unused variables to confuse other developers 1. [ ] Preventing memory leaks by only using certain data types # Package A **package** is used in programming languages for what purpose? 1. [X] To group similar code and prevent name collisions 1. [ ] To make programs easier to install 1. [ ] To prevent developers from using external libraries 1. [ ] To send messages between various units of code # Data Types Rearrange the following data types below to match the order of the descriptions given below. (Click and drag to reorder elements)

Whole numbers
Numbers with fractional/decimal values
`True` or `False` values
List of characters
1. `int` 2. `float` or `double` 3. `boolean` or `bool` 4. `String` or `str` # Package A **package** is used in programming languages for what purpose? 1. [X] To group similar code and prevent name collisions 1. [ ] To make programs easier to install 1. [ ] To prevent developers from using external libraries 1. [ ] To send messages between various units of code # Static Typing A **statically-typed** language has what property? 1. [X] The data type of a variable type is set when it is declared 1. [ ] The data type of a variable depends on what it contains 1. [ ] The data type of a variable can always be determined 1. [ ] The data type of a variable cannot always be determined # Dynamic Typing A **dynamically-typed** language has what property? 1. [ ] The data type of a variable type is set when it is declared 1. [X] The data type of a variable depends on what it contains 1. [ ] The data type of a variable can always be determined 1. [ ] The data type of a variable cannot always be determined # Strong Typing A **strongly-typed** language has what property? 1. [ ] The data type of a variable type is set when it is declared 1. [ ] The data type of a variable depends on what it contains 1. [X] The data type of a variable can always be determined 1. [ ] The data type of a variable cannot always be determined # Weak Typing A **weakly-typed** language has what property? 1. [ ] The data type of a variable type is set when it is declared 1. [ ] The data type of a variable depends on what it contains 1. [ ] The data type of a variable can always be determined 1. [X] The data type of a variable cannot always be determined # Type Annotations **Type annotations** can be added to Python to convert it to what type of language? 1. [X] Statically typed 1. [ ] Dynamically typed 1. [ ] Strongly typed 1. [ ] Weakly typed # Struct A **struct** from C++ is best described as what? 1. [X] A compound data type 1. [ ] A binary value 1. [ ] An exception handler 1. [ ] A function # Module Parnas describes a **module** as containing what items (choose all that are correct): - [X] Data structure - [X] Accessing procedures - [X] Modifying procedures - [ ] Documentation # State The **state** of a program is best described by which statement? 1. [X] The data stored at any given moment 1. [ ] Whether the program is running or not 1. [ ] The system the program is executing on 1. [ ] The most recent output of the program # Behavior The **behavior** of a program is best described by which statement? 1. [X] The code that changes the program state 1. [ ] The graphical user interface of an app 1. [ ] The registry entries installed by a program 1. [ ] The memory layout of the data in a program # Class A **class** is best described by what analogy? 1. [X] The "blueprint" of an object 1. [ ] The "contents" of a variable 1. [ ] The "instance" of a package 1. [ ] The "behavior" of a library # Object An **object** in object-oriented programming refers to what concept? 1. [X] A discrete instance of a class 1. [ ] A compound data type 1. [ ] A memory location 1. [ ] A block of code # Private The `private` modifier in Java has what effect when applied to a variable? (The use of a double underscore `__` prefix in Python is meant to confer the same idea, but it is not enforced by the system.) 1. [X] Prevents access or modification outside the class 1. [ ] Encrypts the data stored in the variable 1. [ ] Protects the variable from invalid values 1. [ ] Sets a variable to `null` or `None` when created # Constructor The **constructor** is a special method in a class that performs what task? 1. [X] Creates a new instance of the class as an object 1. [ ] Defines a new method within the class 1. [ ] Deletes the memory used by an object 1. [ ] Launches a new thread for an object # Access Modifier Which of the following keywords are examples of **access modifiers** in Java? Choose all that are correct. - [X] `private` - [X] `public` - [ ] `static` - [ ] `void` # Static The `static` keyword has what effect when applied to a field or method in a class? 1. [X] Indicates that the item exists only in one memory location 1. [ ] Indicates that the value cannot be changed 1. [ ] Doubles the amount of memory allocated 1. [ ] Launches a new thread for an object # Message Passing Which of the following is the best example of **message passing** in object-oriented programming? 1. [X] Calling a method 1. [ ] Constructing an object 1. [ ] Deleting an object 1. [ ] Directly updating a variable