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In a UML class diagram, individual classes are represented with a box divided into three compartments, each of which is for displaying specific information:

Class Diagram example Class Diagram example

The first compartment identifies the class - it contains the name of the class. The second compartment holds the attributes of the class (the fields and properties). And the third compartment holds the operations of the class (the methods) of the class.

In the diagram above, we can see the Fruit class modeled on the right side.

Java vs. Python in UML

UML is a very flexible tool, but it can become difficult to create UML diagrams that accurately reflect the differences between programming languages. So, different developers might implement the same UML class diagram in slightly different ways.

For example, in Java we would use a boolean data type to represent a Boolean value, whereas Python uses the bool type. Likewise, Java also includes a class called Boolean that is an object wrapper around a primitive boolean variable, allowing it to be used in various Java collections. Additionally, some other languages do not include a Boolean data type at all, and instead use a small integer with 0 representing true and other values representing false.

In prior CC courses, it was important for the software to exactly match the specification so that our autograders would work. In that case, we provided UML diagrams that were somewhat unique to each programming language. For this course, we will create UML diagrams that are a bit more generalized.

In the descriptions below, we’ll include discussions of ways to properly represent each UML element for each language, but it may allow for some flexibility. In general, as long a similarly experienced developer can follow the UML diagram and/or the source code and correlate the two, we will consider that good enough.


The attributes in UML represent the state of an object. For most object-oriented languages, this would correspond to the fields and properties of the class.

We indicate fields in our UML diagram with a typed element. So, to create a private Boolean variable named blended, we would include the following:

- blended: boolean
- blended: bool

For Python, we may also choose to include the underscores in front of the name to show that it should be treated as a private attribute, as implied by the - at the start of the element:

- __blended: bool

However, this can make the UML a bit more difficult to read, so we generally won’t do this in the UML diagrams in this course.

Accessor Methods

Java and Python handle accessor methods differently, and they can be denoted in UML in many different ways.

A general solution would be to include a stereotype after the element, indicating if a public getter or setter should be created for that element. So, to create a getter and a setter for our blended attribute, we could do the following:

- blended: boolean <<get,set>>
- blended: bool <<get,set>>

Of course, each language would handle this a bit differently. In Java, we would create public getBlended() and setBlended(boolean) methods in our class. In Python, we would use the @property and @blended.setter decorators to create a Python property. While all of those are technically methods, they are really meant to implement the functionality of an attribute, so we’ll treat them as part of the attribute in UML.

What if our accessors implement unique functionality, or we want one of them to be protected instead of public? In those cases, we may want to include the explicit accessor methods as operations as described below. However, in general, it is best practice to make our UML as concise as possible, so we generally don’t list accessor methods directly unless there is a good reason to do so.


The operations in UML represent the behavior of the object, i.e. the methods we can invoke upon it. These are declared using the pattern:

visibility name([parameter list])[:return type]

The [visibility] portion uses the same symbols as typed elements, with the same correspondences. The name is the name of the method, and the [parameter list] is a comma-separated list of typed elements, corresponding to the parameters of the method. The [:return type] indicates the return type for the method. That portion can be omitted if the method doesn’t explicitly return a value (void in Java or None in Python).

Thus, in the example above, the protected method Blend has no parameters and returns a string.

Consider a method that adds together two integers and returns the result. The examples below show how the method’s signature corresponds to its UML element.

public int add(int a, int b){
    return a + b;
def add(a: int, b: int) -> int:
    return a + b
+ add(a: int, b: int): int

Static and Abstract

In UML, we indicate a class is static by underlining its name in the first compartment of the class diagram. We can similarly indicate operations and methods are static by underlining the entire line referring to them.

To indicate a class is abstract, we italicize its name. Abstract methods are also indicated by italicizing the entire line referring to them.

We’ll talk more about some of these concepts in a later chapter.