
In this chapter, we discussed some steps we can take when debugging our applications. When we find a bug, we should try to figure out how to replicate it first, then focus on isolating the bug, and finally fix the bug. While we do so, we can write additional unit tests to reproduce the bug that will help us confirm that we’ve fixed it, and we can perform some regression testing to make sure we didn’t introduce any new errors.

We discussed ways we can inspect the state and behavior of our application. We learned that we can create a call stack or stack trace from our code, giving us insight into exactly what lines of code are being executed at any given time.

We explored the use of debuggers, and saw that Codio has a built-in debugger that we can use in our projects.

Finally, we learned about the logging capabilities that are present in both Java and Python, and how we can convert our simple print statements to logging statements that can easily be turned on, off, or configured as needed.

Review Quiz

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