Spring '21 Week 5

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Hello, and welcome to the week five announcements video for CC 410 in spring 2021. So this week we’re wrapping up the second week working on modules four, and five. So hopefully by now you’ve turned in the stuff on inheritance and polymorphism along with the example that gives you a good idea of what you’re doing in milestone three. There’s also some other things you can do right now, the start-stop-continue survey, which is really good chance to give me feedback, if there’s anything you’d like me to start doing in this class or make sure I continue doing or if there’s anything that I’m doing that you’d prefer that I stopped doing. These are all examples of things that you can tell me about. That just helps me build this class in a way that’s really useful for students. And I’m hoping that you can spend some time this week and next week working on your final project. And then hopefully each of you meet with me sometime this coming week. So that we can talk about your final project and see how things are going so far.

For this week, there are a couple more tutorials on debugging and logging and lambda expressions. These are things that we’re not necessarily going to build into our projects at all. But it’s really cool stuff that you’ll see a little bit and it might be very useful for you. But the big thing we’ll be doing this week is spending a lot of time working on your restaurant milestones. So milestone three is due at the end of this week. And again, hopefully, we’ll be doing some time working on the final project, thinking about it doing some design work, and then scheduling a meeting to meet with me and discuss the final project.

So quick reminders about milestone three, this is the first one where we are enforcing all of the general requirements. So all the style documentation unit testing requirements. So far, it seems like everybody has been doing a good job taking care of the style requirement in the background anyway. So I don’t think that will be too difficult. The biggest thing you’ll be doing is adding some inheritance to this project refactoring some of your classes, updating some unit tests and then updating the UML diagram to match. This one is about 1500 lines of code. I think it was about 1000 new and maybe 500 lines of code that I actually removed from my model solution when I did this. And as always, feedback is welcome. So if you have any questions or comments about the milestone, please let me know.

Some quick hints for working with milestone three. work in small chunks, this is probably one of the biggest project milestones were working in small chunks is important. Try and make one little change committed, see if it works, make another little change committed, see if it works. So commit early commit often that way, if you do have any problems, you can roll back in get, and you can get back to a previously working state. This is also a good chance to try test driven development, you can actually go in and write the unit tests first, and see which ones fail and then go through and modify your code until they all pass again. In the instructions, I’m not very clear, you can actually inherit the order item interface either on each individual class or I recommend inheriting it on the base classes, the entree drink inside base classes, which will then be carried forward on those classes that are inherited by all of your entrees, drinks and sides. The other big thing is make sure if you have any questions on syntax in here, there are some strange things, especially in Python for how you do abstract classes that are also using properties. So if you have any questions on the particular syntax of that, let me know I do have a working model solution that I can refer to. So I can help you get past those if you run into that.

Looking ahead, like I’ve said for a couple weeks now, once we get past this week, the next module will be on GUIs. So we’ll be building a graphical user interface for our program. So module six is all about just scaffolding the GUI making it look like you want getting the interaction between the screens. And then module seven, which is the project I’ve been working on this week is Event Driven Programming, actually building the button handlers and things for your GUI so that you can create orders and populate a list of items in an order. Then module eight, which is the model solution, part I’m going to work on this week is going to be on design patterns and combos, we want to actually be able to create a combo meal in our interface. And it actually turns out that that is an interesting structural change to look at. So that’s something I’m going to be working on. And you’ll be doing that in module eight, about three or four weeks from now. Module nine, the plan is to work on an external library, I’m going to try and get or build a library that references a cash drawer. So we can see what working with external libraries looks like. Those four modules will probably be the next big chunk of the class. And then like this week, we’ll have a week after that, where we will take some time working on the final project. And then going forward as we get to Module 10. and beyond. We’ll start talking about web API’s and some other ways we can expand our project out.

So that’s all I got for this week. It’s a pretty short week because there’s not a whole lot that’s new going on. Hopefully you all survived the cold weather that was the this past week. I know it was really rough here in Kansas City. Thankfully, we didn’t lose power but a lot of my family I have some family down in Texas who did lose power. So I hope you’re all doing well. I hope you’re all staying safe. staying warm. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me any time either via either via the cc410-help email address or via Discord. I’m always here to help. Otherwise Good luck this week and I will see you next week.