Spring '25 Week 2

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Edited Transcript

Hello and welcome to the week two announcements for CC410 in spring 2025. So this week you should be wrapping up the first module, which is the Hello Real World project. It introduces some of the coding style and some of the things we’re going to use in this class. Thankfully, that project is mostly just a follow along with me on the videos project, so you should be getting that wrapped up today. And then also, if you haven’t already, you should schedule your first final project milestone. It’s just a quick check-in meeting with me to get to know each other and talk about the final project in this class.

Then this week, you’re going to shift over and start working on the basics of object oriented programming. These are things that you maybe have seen before, but we’re going to go a little bit deeper into the theory and reasoning behind why we do the things we do in object oriented programming. We’ll do a quick object oriented programming example, and then you’ll start working on the first milestone for your restaurant. And remember that you can choose the restaurant project that you want to work on. There is an announcement that details the different restaurant projects that you can choose from. So, other than that, if there’s any updates, you can check the Ed discussion board for any discussions there for grading. We’ll kind of practice this on the first Hello Real World project. You’ll see your actual grade is filled in in the rubric on Canvas, but you’ll get comments on GitHub via the feedback pro request. I’m pretty sure those will send an email to your GitHub’s email account, so watch for that. But you can always go back and check for those as well.

Otherwise, I think so far so good. Everything seems to be going well in this class, so I’m pretty happy. The first milestone, like I talked about, is a lot of doing object oriented programming, so it’s a lot of boilerplate code to create the data classes that we’re going to use for this class. To make things easier, I encourage you to follow the style and documentation guides we talked about in the first project, but those are not required until later milestones. So you can take it a little easier on yourself and not have to worry about getting everything right at first, but you can work on that and make sure that it’s there. In my estimation, this first milestone takes anywhere from three to eight hours to complete, and a final solution will be anywhere from 1,500 to 2,500 lines of code, depending on how you write it. As always, feedback is welcome on my milestone descriptions. I try and make them as clear and as detailed as possible. If something is unclear, let me know and I’ll work on it.

So other than that, after there, we’re gonna spend the next few weeks working on just object-oriented programming details. So we’ll spend some time on documentation and unit testing. We’ll introduce inheritance and polymorphism again. We’ll spend some time working on debugging, logging, and lambda expressions. And then we’ll get into things like design patterns, which I think are one of the most important takeaways from this class, probably other than unit testing is design patterns. So hopefully everything’s going well. As always, if you have any questions, let me know. Expect most weeks to see an announcement video like this posted on Tuesday, but because of the week I’m on campus on Wednesday instead of Monday this week, so you get an announcement on Monday. But in the future, these announcements will probably be posted sometime around Tuesday morning, so you can watch for that. So anyway, best of luck this week and I will see you all again next week.

Subsections of Spring '25 Week 2