Fall '24 Week 7

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Edited Transcript

Hello, and welcome to the Week 7 Announcements video for CC410 in Fall 2024. This week, you should be working on a Restaurant Milestone all about adding test doubles, which allows us to add mock or fake objects into our unit tests so that we can better test those design patterns that we’ve been working on. This really allows us to write more powerful and more expressive unit tests, which are really useful for actually measuring how we’re going to use our project in the future. You also should be working on the first concept quiz in this class, which is due later this week. Again, please remember that concept quiz is open book, open notes, but not open chat GPT or anything like that. It’s really a chance for me to test your understanding and your knowledge of the answers. And it’s usually pretty obvious if the answers are like way off base and use words and concepts that we haven’t even covered in this class. So please make sure that it is your own work and it represents your own understanding of what’s going on.

So for the Restaurant Milestone that you’re working on right now, like I said, you’re writing some unit tests for the different design patterns that we’re using and it gives you a chance to use these test doubles. You should use these test doubles in these tests like it states that you should in the milestone. So make sure you’re figuring out how to use those. If you’re not sure how to use those, feel free to let me know and I can give you some hints. But I think the sample project that we go through does a pretty good job of setting the stage for how we can actually do this. Focus on only testing one class at a time. Basically, your unit tests should only be testing the code in one particular class. And then all other classes and objects that are used should be mocked as best as possible so that you’re only testing the one class and you can assume everything else works. But like I said, it really allows you to write these more powerful unit tests going forward.

Looking ahead after this, the next module, we’re going to shift over and start working on graphical user interfaces. So that’s going to be really fun. We’ll spend a module on event driven programming and how we actually make our GUIs more functional. And then we’ll spend some time talking about libraries, releases, web APIs, and et cetera. So we’re getting pretty close to the halfway point of the semester. This is week seven out of 15 or 16, depending on how you count the weeks. So we’re close to halfway. Hopefully things are going well, but if you have any questions or concerns, let me know. Otherwise, best of luck on this milestone and I will see you all again next week.