Spring '25 Week 7
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Hello and welcome to the Week 7 Announcements video for CC410 in Spring 2025. This week you’ll be working on a module about test doubles, which I think are one of the most important parts in this class outside of the design patterns that you worked on previously. We’ll be doing a restaurant milestone that implements a lot of these test doubles in unit tests, and you’ll also be completing the first concept quiz. In the previous video I talked a little bit about the concept quiz. It’s basically meant to check to see if you’re understanding some of the deeper concepts we’ve been covering in this class. It’s open book, open notes. It is timed, so make sure you watch out for that. And I’m really looking for you to do your own work. Please don’t use tools like Chat GPT on the concept quiz. I really want to see how well you’re understanding these deeper concepts because it really shows me that you’re getting the concepts that we’re covering in this class.
So the milestone you’re going to work on is adding unit tests for the design patterns that we added to the restaurant in the previous milestone. You’ll be using test doubles, so you’ll be mocking a lot of these design patterns up. What I really tell you to do is focus on only testing one class. So whatever class you’re testing, test that content, and then use test doubles to mock up all of the other classes that interact with it. If you do this correctly, it leads to a lot of more powerful unit tests for your project, which I think is really, really important in this class. Looking ahead after this, we’re going to have this up, and then we’ll switch over to working with graphical user interfaces here right around Spring Break. We’ll spend some time talking about event-driven programming. I think everybody should have scheduled a meeting with me this week or next week to talk about your final project. And then after that, we’ll kind of work on some stuff on external libraries, releases, web APIs, et cetera, as we get toward the end of the semester. So we’re getting close to Spring Break. Hopefully things are going well. We’re nearing that halfway point in the class, so hopefully things are going as good as you can. If you have any questions or concerns, let me know. Otherwise, I will see you again next week. Best of luck.