Fall '24 Week 12
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Hello and welcome to the week 12 announcements video for CC 410 in fall 2024. This week you should be working on data driven websites. We’re going to introduce how to build a website using our same framework and so this first milestone is just adding the basics for the website so that we can produce a menu on the website. We’re not going to handle ordering items or anything on the website, we’re just going to create a data driven menu. But really the idea for this week is we’re going to start backing off so you can work on the final project. So like I said the tenth milestone is pretty simple. We’re going to install a web framework inside of our existing project. We’re going to set up the routes in the controller for the web framework as well as some layout templates and some route templates and it’s going to allow us to build a web page that has the menu on it that is driven by our object oriented data that we already have. In practice when you do this with a website instead of having object oriented classes for your menu you would probably have a database but that’s outside the scope of this class so we’re just going to use our existing object oriented layout to drive our menu.
Looking ahead after this we’re going to have a couple more milestones on working on web apps dealing with form data and filtering and serialization of web data. These milestones are generally smaller milestones where the milestone you do more closely aligns with the example project that I give you and it’s meant to give you more time to work on the final project for this last month of the course. So keep that in mind the last restaurant milestone is going to be due finals week. In lieu of any final in this class we’re just going to have that last restaurant milestone coming up soon. So hopefully everything’s going well you’re looking forward to get to the World Wide Web. If you’re around campus I encourage you to participate in either the high school programming contest which is tomorrow we still need volunteers or Hack Hey State which is this weekend albeit both of those events but otherwise best of luck as you switch over to the World Wide Web and I will see you again next week.