Fall '24 Week 15

YouTube Video


Edited Transcript

Hello and welcome to the week 15 announcements video for CC 410 in fall 2024. So we are at the last week of the semester before finals so this week we’re going to work on our last restaurant milestone which is all about adding validation and some serialization to our web forms so hopefully that shouldn’t be too bad to get done it’s a usual usually a pretty short milestone and then other than that you should keep working on your final project which is due a week from this Friday.

So the rest of the semester after this you’re going to have a short module of textbook extras that are just things that didn’t fit anywhere else in the course all there is is a quiz that you’ll do during finals week for that and then by Friday you need to put present and finalize your final project which is final project milestone 5.

So for the final project itself your deliverables are to complete a release tag on github just like we always do make sure you read the requirements page for the project and make sure your project meets most of those requirements you should have documentation in your code you may also include a read me or some user documentation for how to use your project and then of course you will give your presentation. So the presentation itself you have two options you can either pre-record your presentation and submit the video to me before your Q&A time or you can just schedule to present live and then we’ll go directly to Q&A. If you pre-record your video you still have to schedule a time to meet with me for Q&A and you must submit your video at least an hour or so in advance so I watch your video before we do our Q&A session. Time for Q&A sessions is available Monday Thursday afternoon and Friday of finals week so make sure you look at that calendar you can get that scheduled anytime. Tuesday and Wednesday I’m on campus all day both days for senior project presentation so I’m not available but hopefully this should work out really well.

For your presentation itself here’s kind of suggested outline of your presentation spend some time giving some background of why you chose this project talk about your implementation of the code itself you can evaluate how well your project works talk about future work that you might do and then give a demo showing your project actually working and you can talk through some of your code as well. I recommend having a PowerPoint with a few slides sometimes that helps you get organized a little bit. Remember your presentation slash video should only be about 15 to 20 minutes so you don’t have to go too far into any of this but it should be enough time to describe your project and talk me through it.

The last thing to remember about in this class is there will be teaching evaluations or T-Vals available. Those will be emailed to you starting on finals week. You’ll get three email reminders to complete the T-Vals. Remember that T-Vals at K-State are completely anonymous and they are delayed so that I don’t see the results of your T-Vals until after I submit grades. All feedback is welcome. I really recommend giving me any feedback you have, both positive and negative. This class does change over time as I get feedback from students. So feel free to let me know what you thought. If you have any suggestions of things I can do differently, all of that can be posted directly to the T-Vals.

So we’re at the finish line in this course. I hope things are going well for you. I look forward to seeing all your final project presentations next week. In the meantime, if you have any questions, let me know. Otherwise best of luck in this course. Best of luck as you wrap up finals week. This is probably the last you’ll hear from me directly. If you have any questions, let me know. Otherwise I look forward to hopefully seeing you all in the future. Feel free to keep in touch. Best of luck.

Subsections of Fall '24 Week 15