
YouTube Video


Here is a basic outline of the steps to follow to complete this example.

  1. Clone Starter Code from GitHub
git clone <url> java
  1. Install SDKMAN


curl -s "" | bash
  1. Close and Reopen Terminal to load SDK Man

  2. Install Gradle

sdk install gradle 7.6
  1. Compile, Run & Test Existing Project
cd java
gradle run
gradle check
  1. Confirm that project runs and has no style errors.

  2. Create New GUI Classes. Continuously commit to Git as changes are made!

  3. Update to use new GUI. This is just for testing purposes.

  4. Add GUI Panel for TheChoco. You’ll do this on your own.

  5. When complete, use Git to commit and push updated code.

git add .
git commit -m "Example Complete"
git push
  1. On GitHub, create a release tag and submit URL to Canvas for grading.

Completed GUIs

Main Window with Order Panel

Main Screen Main Screen

Main Window with Sundae Panel

Main Screen Main Screen