
In this example project, we’ll explore taking an existing project and preparing it for release. We’ll then create the actual release package and upload them to GitHub along with a release tag.

The next page will discuss the overall requirements that this example project should include. After that, there is a page for each programming language with some basic steps and a video to walk you through the whole process.

For these example projects, you’ll be given some starter code via the GitHub Classroom assignment, so make sure you’ve accepted the assignment and created your repository in GitHub first.

Good luck!

Subsections of Releases

Assignment Requirements

This page lists the example project requirements for Example 10 in CC 410. Read the requirements carefully and discuss any questions with the instructors or TAs.


This example will cover some concepts related to parallel programming. This is meant to be an exploratory project only, so requirements are very loose.

General Requirements

  • No style or documentation requirements will be enforced for this example.

Assignment Requirements

This one is simple - follow the steps to create a proper release package for this project, and then upload it to GitHub as part of a release. You should be able to then download your package and execute it directly.

Time Requirements

Completing this project is estimated to require 1 hour.

Grading Rubric

This assignment will be graded based on the rubric below:

  • Package Created - 70%
  • Package on GitHub - 10%
  • Documentation on GitHub - 10%
  • Package Works - 10%


Submit this assignment by creating a release on GitHub and uploading the release URL to the assignment on Canvas. You should not submit this Codio project or mark it as complete in Codio, in case you need to come back to it and make changes later.


YouTube Video


Here is a basic outline of the steps to follow to complete this example.

  1. Clone Starter Code from GitHub
git clone <url> java
  1. Install SDKMAN


curl -s "" | bash
  1. Close and Reopen Terminal to load SDK Man

  2. Install Gradle

sdk install gradle 7.6
  1. Compile, Run & Test Existing Project
cd java
gradle run
gradle check
  1. Confirm that project runs and has no style errors.

  2. See the textbook or video for steps to create a release.

  3. When complete, use Git to commit and push updated code.

git add .
git commit -m "Example Complete"
git push
  1. On GitHub, create a release tag and submit URL to Canvas for grading.


YouTube Video


Here is a basic outline of the steps to follow to complete this example.

  1. Clone Starter Code from GitHub
git clone <url> python
  1. Run Project
cd python
python3 -m src
  1. Install Tox
pip3 install tox
  1. Check & Test Existing Project
python3 -m tox
  1. Confirm that project runs and has no style errors.

  2. See the textbook or video for steps to create a release.

  3. When complete, use Git to commit and push updated code.

git add .
git commit -m "Example Complete"
git push
  1. On GitHub, create a release tag and submit URL to Canvas for grading.