With the new policies regarding the K-State VPN, I am working on an alternative for those of you who cannot install MS SQL Server on your own machine. I will post updates as soon as possible!
In order to complete homework assignments and practice on your own, you will need access to SQL Server. Your access requires a client tool and a server.
Client Tools
For this course, you will need to use a SQL client tool to access a SQL Server instance.
- All resources are available via remote access on remote.cs.ksu.edu. See https://support.cs.ksu.edu/CISDocs/wiki/Remote_Access for more information on how to utilize the remote resources. If you need access to the remote desktop off campus, you will also need access to the K-State VPN. Please inform me as soon as possible if this is the case.
- If you do not have a CS account, one can be requested here: https://selfserv.cs.ksu.edu/
- To reset a forgotten password (or unlock an account after too many failed login attempts), see https://password.cs.ksu.edu/
- We will be using two client tools throughout the semester. It is highly encouraged to also install a client on your own computer.
- Azure Data Studio - Windows, macOS, or Linux: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/azure-data-studio/download
- SQL Server Management Studio (aka SSMS) - Windows Only: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/ssms/download-sql-server-management-studio-ssms
- Windows Computer Labs: All Windows workstations in the Computer Science department have these client tools available.
Database Server
A database server is needed to host a database. In this course, we will use Microsoft SQL Server.
Option 1: Provided Database Server
If you are connecting to the remote MS SQL Server instance for the first time, you will need to use SQL Server Management Studio once to reset your password. After you have set your password, you can then use Azure Data Studio to connect.
Using the following information, you connect to our SQL Server instance from one of the aforementioned client tools. Depending on the tool, not all of this information may be requested. If you are accessing from your own computer, you will need to connect to the campus network via VPN first.
- Server Type: Database Engine
- Server Name: mssql.cs.ksu.edu
- Authentication Type: SQL Server Authentication
- Login: Your eID
- Password: Instructor will provide your initial password, then you will be prompted to change it.
Once connected, we will most often use the database WideWorldImporters. You should also have a database named after your EID that you can utilize to explore other examples.
Your access to the WideWorldImporters database on the remote server is read only. If you would like to modify tables, insert, or delete data, you will need to use your own personal installation (see option 2).
Option 2: Install Your Own
Installing your own copy of Microsoft SQL Server is highly encouraged. Most versions of SQL Server will work for this course…but I recommend the one below for a lightweight option (the full version of MS SQL Server is not needed for this course and can take up quite a bit of resources when installed).
MS SQL Server Express: A light-weight server that is often used for local development. It is an installation option of SQL Server Express Edition.
You can install SQL Server Express here: SQL Server Express 2019. The “Basic” installation option is sufficient.
- Alternatively, you can install LocalDB. For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/database-engine/configure-windows/sql-server-express-localdb. This runs with even a smaller footprint than Express. If you go with this option, you will use a different server name to connect below in step 2: (localdb)\MSSQLLocalDb
Now you can run one of the above client tools to connect to your local instance of SQL Server. You need to use the following information to connect in a query window:
- Server Type: Database Engine
- Server Name: localhost\SQLEXPRESS
- Authentication Type: Windows Authentication
Install the WideWorldImporters database. It it is hosted on github.com. For for our use, you can download the WideWorldImporters-Standard.bak copy of the database. Once the backup file is downloaded, move it to your user directory and issue the following SQL to restore the backup:
RESTORE DATABASE [WideWorldImporters] FROM DISK = N'THEPATH\WideWorldImporters-Standard.bak' WITH FILE = 1, MOVE N'WWI_Primary' TO N'THEPATH\WideWorldImporters.mdf', MOVE N'WWI_UserData' TO N'THEPATH\WideWorldImporters_UserData.ndf', MOVE N'WWI_Log' TO N'THEPATH\WideWorldImporters.ldf';
Note that since SQL Server Express typically runs under its own user in Windows, you may run into some file permission issues (Access Denied errors) when trying to run the above commands. If this is the case, move the .bak file to the Data folder inside your SQL Server install location. In most cases, this would be where that folder is located: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL15.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\DATA
. Try running the commands above again, but now with the .bak file at this location.
- Docker Container Option: A full-featured database engine running in a Linux container. To build your own image, the container and the sample database are both installed by following the steps of the online Microsoft article Restore a SQL Server database in a Linux Docker container. Walk through the steps described until you complete the section of the online article named Verify the restored database.