GitHub account

First, you will need to create a GitHub account here. If you already have one, you can use your existing account.

Your GitHub account will need to be set up to use two-factor authentication (a new requirement). When logged into your GitHub account (link above), click your icon in the upper-left corner (it will say “Signed in as…(your account name)”). Select “Settings” and then “Account security”. Scroll down until you find “Two-factor authentication”. If it is disabled, then enable it. I use an SMS number, but you are welcome to use an authenticator app instead (I’m not familiar with that process, though).

Sireum Logika

In CIS 301, we will use a tool called Logika, which is a verifier and a proof checker for propositional, predicate, and programming logic. You will need to install the IntelliJ-based Sireum IVE (Integrated Verification Environment), which contains Logika.

Go here to install Logika.

Under 1.1.1 Installation, with the Release tab selected, choose either “IVE for Window"s” or “IVE for macOS”. The instructions below should update based on your selection. For Windows, you will see:

download Sireum download Sireum

Follow the instructions to download and run Logika.

Windows Users

For Windows, right-click the download ( and select “Extract All…”. This should bring up the “Extract Compressed (Zipped) Folders” dialog. Type C:\ as the destination, so that the dialog looks like:

download Sireum download Sireum

There should be NO subfolders – you want to extract directly on the C:\ drive. Click “Extract”. It will take a few minutes to extract the files, and then you should see the folder “C:\Sireum” with no subfolders. Navigate to “C:\Sireum\apps\idea\bin” and find the “idea64.exe” file:

download Sireum download Sireum

Double-click the “idea64.exe” file to launch the Sireum IVE within IntelliJ. If you get a “Windows protected your PC” popup, click “More info” and then “Run anyway”. I recommend pinning the Sireum IVE to your taskbar – after you run the exe file, you can right-click the icon in the taskbar and select “pin to taskbar”.

MacOS Users

For Mac users, start by opening the Terminal. Copy the command listed on the download page and execute that command in the terminal. That command should download Sireum IVE and avoid being blocked by GateKeeper. You should see a popup with the Sireum icon, and you can drag that icon into the Applications folder.

To run Sireum, double-click the Sireum icon within the “Applications” folder.

Using GitHub to start homework assignments

To start a homework assignment (or to clone any existing repository, including homework solutions and lecture examples), first:

  • Click to “accept the assignment” from the link in Canvas (if you are cloning a homework assignment or solution).
  • Go to the URL created for your assignment (or to the URL of the repository you want to clone).
  • You should be looking at a website that looks something like this:

GitHub assignment GitHub assignment

Click the Green Code button, so that you see something like this:

GitHub clone GitHub clone

Click the clipboard icon next to the listed URL to copy it to your clipboard. Next, open Sireum IVE. You should see:

Open Sireum Open Sireum

Click Get from VCS. Now you should see something like:

Get from VCS Get from VCS

Paste the URL you copied from GitHub in the URL textbox above. Under Directory, navigate to a folder on your computer specifically for CIS 301 (create one if it doesn’t exist). Create a new empty folder within that CIS 301 folder to hold this new project. Select that new folder in the Directory box, so that you now have something like this:

Clone to Sireum Clone to Sireum

Click Clone. You should see a popup like this:

Login via GitHub Login via GitHub

Click Use Token. Now you see:

Generate token Generate token

Click Generate… This will bring up a browser asking you to login to your GitHub account. Do so there. It will then bring up a page about a New personal access token. Edit the expiration date of the token so that it expires after the end of the semester. Scroll down to the bottom of that page and click Generate token.

This should bring a new page that says Personal access tokens. There should be a token that is highlighted in green with a clipboard icon next to it. Click the clipboard icon to copy the token. If you get an error in the GitHub page when creating your token that says, Note has already been taken, just change the listed note to anything else (it says IntelliJ IDEA GitHub integration plugin by default, but you can edit it to whatever you want.

Go back to the dialog in Sireum/IntelliJ and paste in your token in the textbox. Click Log In. You should see something like this:

Open project Open project

If you don’t see the panel on the left side, click the Project label on the left border. Expand the src folder to see your starting files. Now you can double-click one of those src files to view and edit it.

Check your GitHub settings in Sireum IVE

After successfully cloning a GitHub repository, check your GitHub settings in Sireum/IntelliJ. Go to File→Settings, then Version Control, then GitHub. If you see your GitHub account listed, like this, then you are done:

Check settings Check settings

If you don’t see your GitHub account, click the + icon and then Login with token…. Paste in the same personal access token you used before, and select Add Account:

Add account Add account

Committing and pushing changes

When you are finished working, commit and push your changes to GitHub. (I recommend doing this anytime you are at a stopping point, as well as when you are completely done.)

To do this, select Git in the menu, then Commit. Type in something under Commit Message. Click the down arrow next to the Commit button at the bottom, and select Commit and Push:

Commit and push Commit and push

In the resulting dialog, click Push. The first time you commit and push in IntelliJ, it will likely ask you to enter your name and email (this is just for documentation purposes in your repository). Enter them in the dialog and say OK.

If you go back to the URL of your GitHub repository and refresh the page, you should see your latest work.

Homework 0 will help you test the GitHub process.

Cloning additional repositories

Sireum IVE looks a little different after it has been run the first time. If you want to clone a second (or third, etc.) repository, first open Sireum. It will automatically open your most recent project.

To clone a new project, select File→New→Project from Version control. Then, follow the instructions in Using GitHub to start homework assignments above. You will likely not have to do anything with a personal access token or with entering information about your GitHub account. If you do have trouble working with additional repositories, though, I recommend trying to generate a new personal access token when prompted.

Using Sireum IVE in the lab classrooms

Sireum IVE (with Logika) is available in the CS computer lab classrooms (DUE 1114, 1116, and 1117). To find it, open a File Explorer, then open the C:\ drive. From there, navigate to “C:\Sireum\apps\idea\bin” and run the “idea64.exe” file. This will launch Sireum as usual.

If you want to complete your assignment using multiple computers, you can: - Clone the repo using the process above (if it is your first time working on the current assignment on this computer) - Commit/push your changes when you are ready to leave this computer - Do Git->Pull to get your latest changes if you come back to a different computer

Remote access

If you have any problems installing Sireum on your own computer, you can access it remotely from the CS department. See here for information on remote access. When you connect to the department Window’s server, you can follow the instructions above to find Sireum as you would on a lab computer.