We could have also written the point example by passing the point structs to the getSlope and getIntercept functions (instead of passing their fields). This works just like passing other variable types, except struct point will be an argument type. Here’s the example when we pass the points to the functions:

#include <stdio.h>

struct point {
    int x;
    int y;
}; //No variables declared here

double getSlope(struct point, struct point);
double getIntercept(struct point, double);

int main() {
    struct point p1;
    struct point p2;
    double slope;
    double intercept;

    printf("Enter point1, e.g. (1, 2): ");
    scanf("(%d, %d)", &(p1.x), &(p1.y));
    printf("Enter point2, e.g. (1, 2): ");
    scanf("(%d, %d)", &(p2.x), &(p2.y));

    slope = getSlope(p1, p2);
    intercept = getIntercept(p1, slope);

    //prints equation in form y = mx + b
    //m: slope, b: y-intercept
    printf("y = %.2lfx + %.2lf\n", slope, intercept);

    return 0;

double getSlope(struct point p1, struct point p2) {
    //slope = change in y / change in x
    return (p2.y-p1.y)/(p2.x-p1.x);

double getIntercept(struct point p, double slope) {
    //if y = mx + b, b = y - mx
    return p.y - slope*p.x;