Chapter 5

Multiple Files

Up to this point, all of our programs have been written within a single file. There is nothing wrong with this – a C program is just a bunch of functions, and it’s fine to group those functions within a single file. However, as your programs get bigger, it’s nice to physically separate functions into different files. This makes it easier to find certain pieces of your program.

Separating functions also promotes reuse. Right now, if we wanted to reuse a function we’d written in another program, we would have to copy it from our old program to our new one. With multiple files, we can separate the functions we want reused and just link to that file when we want to use them (this is like separating the C library functions and including them when we want to use them).

Subsections of Multiple Files

Header Files

Our first step in writing a program with multiple files is to just divide related functions into different .c files. However, suppose we’re in our main function and we call a function from a different file? This is just like calling a C library function without using any include statements. The compiler will not know where to find the outside function.

To solve this within the C libraries, function prototypes are placed in header files (.h files). The functions themselves are implemented in corresponding .c files. If I want to use a C library function, I include the appropriate header file so that the compiler knows about the function.

This is what we will do with our C programs. First, we will have a “main file” that contains the main function and any other function we do not want to reuse. This code will stay in a .c file as we’ve done before. Then, we will divide other functions among several .c files (functions that are related in some way are usually put in the same file). For each of these .c files, we will make a corresponding .h file with the same name that contains the prototypes of each function. Finally, we will include these header files from our main file.

One-File Program

To see how this works, consider the example below, which is in the file prog.c:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

//later, we will move these three prototypes into stats.h
int min(int*, int);
int max(int*, int);
double avg(int*, int);

//main function will stay here
int main() {
    int* nums;
    int i, length;

    printf("Enter size of array: ");
    scanf("%d", &length);

    nums = malloc(length*sizeof(int));
    for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        printf("Enter a number: ");
        scanf("%d", nums+i);

    printf("The min is: %d\n", min(nums, length));
    printf("The max is: %d\n", max(nums, length));
    printf("The average is: %.2lf\n", avg(nums, length));

    return 0;

//later, we will move these three functions into stats.c
int min(int *vals, int size) {
    int min = vals[0];
    int i;
    for (i = 1; i < size; i++) {
        if (vals[i] < min) {
            min = vals[i];

    return min;

int max(int *vals, int size) {
    int max = vals[0];
    int i;
    for (i = 1; i < size; i++) {
        if (vals[i] > max) {
            max = vals[i];

    return max;

double avg(int *vals, int size) {
    int sum = 0;
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        sum += vals[i];

    return sum/(double)size;

Multiple Files Program

Suppose we want to be able to reuse our min, max, and avg functions. We would create a new file, stats.h, with the min, max, and avg prototypes:

// stats.h
#ifndef STATS_H
#define STATS_H

int min(int*, int);
int max(int*, int);
double avg(int*, int);

(Notice the ifndef statement, and defining the constant STATS_H. This is standard when writing header files to keep the same code from being included twice. Just surround your .h file with a similar statement – changing the STATS_H constant to match your header file’s name.)

Next, we would create the new file stats.c with the implementations of the min, max, and avg functions:


//We must include the corresponding header file
#include "stats.h"

int min(int *vals, int size) {
    int min = vals[0];
    int i;
    for (i = 1; i < size; i++) {
        if (vals[i] < min) {
            min = vals[i];

    return min;

int max(int *vals, int size) {
    int max = vals[0];
    int i;
    for (i = 1; i < size; i++) {
        if (vals[i] > max) {
            max = vals[i];

    return max;

double avg(int *vals, int size) {
    int sum = 0;
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        sum += vals[i];

    return sum/(double)size;

Finally, we can rewrite our main file, prog.c:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

//include our header file
//use "" since it is in the current directory
#include "stats.h"

int main() {
    int* nums;
    int i, length;

    printf("Enter size of array: ");
    scanf("%d", &length);

    nums = malloc(length*sizeof(int));
    for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        printf("Enter a number: ");
        scanf("%d", nums+i);

    printf("The min is: %d\n", min(nums, length));
    printf("The max is: %d\n", max(nums, length));
    printf("The average is: %.2lf\n", avg(nums, length));

    return 0;

Header files can also contain definitions of types needed for the corresponding .c file, like structs, unions, and enums.

Compiling with Multiple Files

The way we would compile the original statistics program (in the file prog.c) is:

gcc prog.c

Now that our program is in two files, we might try:

gcc prog.c stats.c


gcc stats.c
gcc prog.c

…but in fact neither of these statements will get our program to compile. The trouble is that the C compiler first compiles each .c file, and then tries to link each of the files together into a single executable. If we don’t tell the compiler how the files are related, it won’t be able to properly link them.

To compile our new program, we must first compile each file separately:

gcc –c stats.c
gcc –c prog.c

The –c option forces the compiler to stop after compiling the file, before trying to link the files or create an executable. These two instructions will create the object files stats.o and prog.o, respectively.

Now, we need to link these two compiled files into an executable:

gcc stats.o prog.o

This line will create the executable a.out, which we can now run as usual.


It now takes three lines to compile our program, which is a pain to have to type every time we make a change. We can simplify compilation by placing all of the compilation instructions in a single file called a Makefile (with NO extension).

Here is the format of a Makefile:

compiler declaration
compiler flags declaration
executable name declaration
header list declaration

object list declaration

compiling/linking instruction
cleaning instruction (removing output files)

(There are many other options for creating Makefiles, but we will use the template above in this class.) Here is the Makefile for our statistics program

//saved in a file name Makefile, with no extension
CC = gcc
CFLAGS = -g -Wall
EXE = nums
HEADERS = stats.h
CODE = stats.c prog.c

OBJECTS = $(CODE:.c=.o)

    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(OBJECTS) –o $(EXE)

    rm -f *.o *.exe *.out

Now, let’s go through the Makefile one line at a time:

CC = gcc

This line declares the variable CC, and says that we’re using the gcc compiler.

CFLAGS = -g -Wall

This line declares the variable CFLAGS and states that we will use two compiler flags – -g and -Wall. You don’t have to include this line, but it can be useful. The -g option means that our executable is always built with debugging information, so that we can debug it in gdb. The -Wall option tells the compiler to display warnings. Often times these compiler warnings can give insight into why a program isn’t working, as C will let you do many things that you probably don’t intend to do (especially with pointers).

EXE = nums

This line declares the variable EXE and states that we wish to name our executable “nums”, instead of the default “a.out” or a.exe". We can replace “nums” with whatever we want to use as our executable name. Again, this line is optional.

HEADERS = stats.h

This line declared the variable HEADERS and lists all the (user-created) header files used in the program.

CODE = stats.c prog.c

This line declares the variable CODE and lists all the code files (.c files) used in the program.

OBJECTS = $(CODE:.c=.o)

This declares the variable OBJECTS and instructions to create an object file (.o) for every .c file listed in the CODE variable. (An object file is a single file converted to machine code.) So, since we have the files prog.c and stats.c, will we get the object files prog.o and stats.o.

    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(OBJECTS) –o $(EXE)

This line describes how to compile our program. Thenums at the beginning is a name we’re giving this compilation instruction – we could have called it anything. When we put $(OBJECTS) on the top line (and similarly for other variables), this gets the value out of the OBJECTS variable. The top line, $(OBJECTS) $(HEADERS), states that our program is dependent on all the header files and all the object files. This line says that to compile the program, all the object files must first be made. By listing the header files as a dependency as well, it ensures that if a change was made to a header file then the entire program will be rebuilt.

When we substitute the values of the variables, the second line becomes:

gcc -g -Wall prog.o stats.o –o nums

This line says to link together the two object files, and rename the executable to nums. (That’s the –o nums part). It also says to build the executable with debugging information (g) and to display compiler warnings (-Wall).

Next, we have:

    rm -f *.o *.exe *.out

This line says that to clean our program, we want to delete the object files (*.o), all executable files (*.exe and *.out). The -f option ensures that we will not see a warning if there are no files to remove that match one of the wildcards.

Using a Makefile

Now that we have a Makefile, we want to use it to compile our program. To compile a program with a Makefile, type:


This will generate all the object files, link them together, and create the executable called nums.

To run our program, we do:


This is the same as what we’ve done before to run our program, but now the executable is named nums instead of a.exe.

To remove all the output files, we type:

make clean

This will remove all .o files and executable files.

Makefile Rules

We could spend the rest of the semester talking about exactly how Makefiles work and different intricacies and still not cover everything. Makefiles are a very powerful tool – we’ve only scratched the surface to be able to compile our program in a specific way.

Here are some rules to follow as you write your own Makefiles:

  • You should always define the variables CC, HEADERS, CODE, and OBJECTS. The value of HEADERS should be a list of all .h files in your project, and the value of CODE should be a list of all .co files in your program. Your OBJECTS value should always be the same – $(CODE:.c=.o) (create an object file for every .c file).
  • The CFLAGS declaration is optional, but recommended
  • The EXE declaration is optional – if you leave it off (along with the -o $EXE in the compilation instruction), then your executable will be named a.exe (or a.out).
  • There should be a tab character at the beginning of the second line for the nums: instruction and the clean: instruction. This MUST be a tab – spaces won’t work.
  • For the most part, your Makefiles will remain the same from program to program. You’ll just change the HEADERS and CODE lists and change the name of the executable.

Getting make

The make tool may have already be installed when you installed the gcc compiler. To test, open a terminal and type:


If you see an error that says something about “No targets specified and no makefile found”, then make is correctly installed. If you see an error that says something like: “The term make is not recognized…”, then make is either not installed or the PATH variable does not include its location.

Windows users

For Windows users who don’t already have make, open an MSYS2 terminal and type:

pacman -S make

Then, you will need to add the location of make.exe to your PATH environment variable. Look in both C:\msys64\mingw64\bin and C:\msys64\usr\bin – copy the address of whichever location contains make.exe.

Click Start, type Environment variables, and select “Edit the system environment variables”). Click “Environment Variables..”, then find Path under System variables and click “Edit…”. Click “New”, paste in the address you copied in the previous step, and click OK three times to dismiss each frame.

Mac users

For Windows users who don’t already have make, open the terminal and enter:

xcode-select --install

Extern Variables

Sometimes when our program is in multiple files, we still want to define variables that are visible to each file. Here’s how to do this:

  1. Declare the global variable in a .h file. This can either be done in a .h file with some of your function prototypes, or in a special file, globals.h, that contains the declarations of all global variables. If you do use a special globals header file, it does not need a corresponding .c file.
  2. Include the .h file wherever you want to use the variable
  3. When you want to use the variable, declare:
extern type name;

where type is the type of the global variable, and name is its name. The extern keyword tells the compiler not to create a new variable, but instead to find the variable name declared in another file.

As an example, suppose we want to make the array size a global variable in our for our earlier statistics program. Here’s what we’d do:

//start of stats.h
#ifndef STATS_H
#define STATS_H

//define array size
int size;

//functions no longer need array lengths
int min(int*);
int max(int*);
double avg(int*);

//end of stats.h


//start of stats.c

//We must include the corresponding header file
#include "stats.h"

//say we're going to use the size variable
extern int size;

int min(int *vals) {
    int min = vals[0];
    int i;
    for (i = 1; i < size; i++) {
        if (vals[i] < min) {
            min = vals[i];

    return min;

int max(int *vals) {
    int max = vals[0];
    int i;
    for (i = 1; i < size; i++) {
        if (vals[i] > max) {
            max = vals[i];

    return max;

double avg(int *vals) {
    int sum = 0;
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        sum += vals[i];

    return sum/(double)size;
//end of stats.c


//start of prog.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

//include our header file
//use "" since it is in the current directory
#include "stats.h"

//declare that we're using the size variable
extern int size;

int main() {
    int* nums;
    int i, length;

    printf("Enter size of array: ");
    scanf("%d", &length);

    nums = malloc(length*sizeof(int));
    for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        printf("Enter a number: ");
        scanf("%d", nums+i);

    printf("The min is: %d\n", min(nums));
    printf("The max is: %d\n", max(nums));
    printf("The average is: %.2lf\n", avg(nums));

    return 0;

//end of prog.c

Notice that we declare the variable in a header file. When we want to use the size variable, we first include that header file. Then, we declare size as an extern variable.