User-Defined Types with Pointers
Consider the following struct:
typedef struct {
char name[20];
int age;
union {
struct {
char major[20];
double gpa;
} student;
struct {
char division[20];
int yearsWorked;
} employee;
} type;
enum {employeeK, studentK} typeK;
} person;
Suppose we want to create a pointer to a struct variable with the following information:
- Name: Bob Jones
- Student
- Age: 18
- Major: EECE
- GPA: 3.2
First, we’d declare a pointer of type person
person *p;
Then we’d allocate memory:
p = malloc(sizeof(person));
And then we would initialize the fields:
strcpy(p->name, "Bob Jones");
p->age = 18;
strcpy(p->type.student.major, "EECE");
p->type.student.gpa = 3.2;
p->typeK = studentK;
Notice that we use a -> to access any fields in the struct (since our variable is a pointer). After we are inside an internal field like a union, we switch to . notation (since the union is not a pointer).