One solution that Microsoft has developed to tackle the disconnect between relational databases and C# is Language Integrated Query (LINQ). This technology integrates querying directly into the C# language. It can act as a bridge to a MS SQL server, replacing the need for writing SQL queries and processing the results. But it can also be used to query collections that implement the IEnumerable interface, as well as XML files. As such, we can design the logic of our program to use LINQ, and change out the data source for any of these options with minimal refactoring.

LINQ queries are written as either query expressions or by using query operators. Let’s examine the two.

Query Expressions

LINQ query expressions appear much like SQL statements. For example, the query from the last section, selecting the names of students whose GPA is greater than 3.0 as a LINQ query expression would be:

var highGPAStudents = from student in students where student.GPA > 3.0 select new { First = student.First, Last = student.Last};

This format looks much like SQL, and is often more comfortable for programmers who come from a SQL background.

Query Operators

LINQ queries are actually implemented through C# operators. Query expressions, like the one above, are compiled into an equivalent series of query operators. Programmers can also use these operators directly. For example, the above query expressed using operators would be:

var highGPAStudents = students.Where(student => student.GPA > 3.0).Select(student => new {First = student.First, Last = student.Last});

Programmers from an object-oriented background often find the operators (which are essentially methods that take lambda expressions as parameters) more comfortable.

Query Execution

Queries are not actually executed until you start iterating over their results. This allows you to chain additional queries on an existing query, and allows the compiler to optimize queries by grouping query expressions together. Consider this compound query to select half of low-performing students to assign to an advisor:

var strugglingStudents = from student in students where student.GPA < 2.0 select student;
var strugglingStudentsAtoN = from strugglingStudents where student.Last.CharAt(0) >= 'A' && student.Last.CharAt(0) < 'N' select student;

If we wrote this as C# algorithm, we might do something like:

var strugglingStudents = new List<Student>();
foreach(var student in students) {
    if(student.GPA < 2.0) strugglingStudents.Add(student);
var strugglingStudentsAtoN = new List<Student>();
foreach(var student in strugglingStudents) {
    if(student.Last.CharAt(0) >= 'A' && student.Last.CharAt(0) < 'N') strugglingStudentsAtoN.Add(student);

As you can see, this results in two iterations over lists of students. In the worst case (when every student is struggling) this requires 2*n operations.

On the other hand, by delaying the execution of the query until the first time its values are used, LINQ can refactor the query into a form like:

var strugglingStudentsAtoN = new List<Student>();
foreach(var student in students) {
    if(student.GPA < 2.0 && student.Last.CharAt(0) >= 'A' && student.Last.CharAt(0) < 'N') 

With this refactoring, we only need one iteration over our list - our query would run twice as fast! Also, if we never use strugglingStudentsAtoN, the query is never executed, so the cost is constant time. This might seem nonsensical, but consider if we have some kind of conditional, i.e.:

switch(advisor.Number) {
    case 1:
    case 2: 

We only end up executing the query necessary for the logged-in advisor.


LINQ uses a programming pattern known as method chaining, where each query method returns an object upon which additional query operations can be performed. Thus, it is perfectly legal to write a query like:

var query = students.Where(s => s.GPA > 2.0).Where(s => s.Age > 25).Where(s => s.Last.CharAt(0) == 'C');

While this may seem silly (as we could have expressed this with one where clause), it makes more sense when we have user interface filters that may or may not have a value, i.e.:

var query = students.All();
if(minGPA != null) query = query.Where(s => s.GPA >= minGPA);
if(maxGPA != null) query = query.Where(s => s.GPA <= maxGPA);
if(first != null) query = query.Where(s => s.First == first);
if(last != null) query = query.Where(s => s.Last == last);

Query Results

The result of the query is therefore a specialized object created by LINQ that implements the IEnumerable<T> interface. The type of T depends on the query (queries are always strongly typed, though the type can be inferred). For example, in our strugglingStudents query, the result type is IEnumerable<Student>:

var strugglingStudents = from student in students where student.GPA < 2.0 select student;

In contrast, the highGPAStudents result uses an anonymous type:

var highGPAStudents = from student in students where student.GPA > 3.0 select new { First = student.First, Last = student.Last};

The anonymous type is created by the expression new { First = student.First, Last = student.Last}. Basically, it’s an object with a First and Last property (and no methods or other properties). Anonymous types are created by the interpreter at runtime (much like an auto-Property’s backing field). As such, we aren’t able to use its type in our code.

If we want the query to return a specific type, we can instead declare a struct or object to return, i.e.:

class StudentName {
    public string First;
    public string Last;
    public StudentName(string first, string last) {
        First = first;
        Last = last;

And then set this as the projection type:

var highGPAStudents = from student in students where student.GPA > 3.0 select new StudentName(student.First, student.Last);

Let’s take a deeper look at LINQ syntax next.