Milestone 3 Requirements

Web Only

This textbook was authored for the CIS 400 - Object-Oriented Design, Implementation, and Testing course at Kansas State University. This section describes assignments specific to the Spring 2023 offering of that course. Prior semester offerings can be found here. If you are not enrolled in the course, please disregard this section.

For this milestone, you will be creating tests for the menu items you’ve written in previous milestones.

General requirements:

  • You need to follow the style laid out in the C# Coding Conventions

  • You need to document your code using XML-style comments, with a minimum of <summary> tags, plus <param>, <returns>, and <exception> as appropriate.

Assignment requirements:

You will need to create unit test classes for:

  • FlyingSaucer
  • CrashedSaucer
  • LivestockMutilation
  • OuterOmelette
  • CropCircle
  • GlowingHaystack
  • TakenBacon
  • MissingLinks
  • EvisceratedEggs
  • YoureToast


This milestone serves to practice writing tests utilizing the XUnit testing framework. If you have any confusion after you have read the entire assignment please do not hesitate to reach out to Professor Bean, the TAs, or your classmates over Discord.

Unit Test Classes

For each class in your Data project, add a corresponding unit test class in the Test project. These should use the same name as the Data class, with UnitTest appended, i.e. the unit tests for the FlyingSaucer class are found in the FlyingSaucerUnitTests class.

Each unit test class should include fact or theory tests to verify:

  • The default starting value of every property
  • That constraints specified on the values of properties are adhered to
  • The expected value of every derived property based on possible state combinations for the object. If more than eight possibilities exist, at least eight must be specified by your [InlineData]

All of your tests should pass - if they do not, check to make sure your code being tested is correct, and also that your test is well-written.

To serve as a guide, the full unit tests for FlyingSaucer can be found in the FlyingSaucerUnitTest class in the Test project.

The expected value tables from the earlier milestones are reprinted below


A few of the properties have been updated with new expectations. These are highlighted in yellow to make it easy to find. You will need to refactor (modify) your classes to match.

Flying Saucer

Nameget onlystring"Flying Saucer"
Descriptionget onlystring"A stack of six pancakes, smothered in rich maple syrup, and topped with mixed berries and whipped cream."
Stack Sizeget and setuintDefault of 6, no more than 12
Syrupget and setboolDefaults to true
WhippedCreamget and setboolDefaults to true
Berriesget and setboolDefaults to true
Priceget onlydecimal$8.50, plus an additional $0.75 for each additional pancake beyond the default
Caloriesget onlyuint64 per pancake, plus 32 calories if syrup is included, 414 calories if whipped cream is included, and 89 calories if berries are included
SpecialInstructionsget onlyIEnumerable⟨string⟩Should include:
  • "[n] pancakes" with [n] being the number of pancakes when it is not the default 2
  • "Hold Butter" if Butter is false
  • "Hold Syrup" if Syrup is false

Crashed Saucer

Nameget onlystring"Crashed Saucer"
Descriptionget onlystring"A stack of crispy french toast smothered in syrup and topped with a pat of butter."
Stack Sizeget and setuintDefault of 2, no more than 6
Syrupget and setboolDefaults to true
Butterget and setboolDefaults to true
Priceget onlydecimal$6.45, plus an additional $1.50 for each additional slice beyond the default
Caloriesget onlyuint149 per slice of french toast, plus 52 calories if syrup is included, and 35 calories if butter is included
SpecialInstructionsget onlyIEnumerable⟨string⟩Should include:
  • "[n] slices" with [n] being the number of slices when it is not the default 2
  • "Hold Butter" if Butter is false
  • "Hold Syrup" if Syrup is false

Livestock Mutilation

Nameget onlystring"Livestock Mutilation"
Descriptionget onlystring"A hearty serving of biscuits, smothered in sausage-laden gravy."
Biscuitsget and setuintDefaults to 3, maximum of 8
Gravyget and setboolDefaults to true
Priceget onlydecimal$7.25 + $1.00 per biscuit beyond 3.
Caloriesget onlyuint49 per biscuit, plus 140 calories for gravy
SpecialInstructionsget onlyIEnumerable⟨string⟩Should include:
  • "[n] biscuits" with [n] being the number of biscuits when it is not the default 3
  • "Hold Gravy" if Gravy is false

Outer Omelette

Nameget onlystring"Outer Omelette"
Descriptionget onlystring"A fully loaded Omelette."
CheddarCheeseget and setboolDefaults to true
Peppersget and setboolDefaults to true
Mushroomsget and setboolDefaults to true
Tomatoesget and setboolDefaults to true
Onionsget and setboolDefaults to true
Priceget onlydecimal$7.45
Caloriesget onlyuint94 for the eggs in the omelette, plus 113 calories for cheddar cheese, 24 calories for peppers, 4 calories for mushrooms, 22 calories for tomatoes, and 22 calories for onions
SpecialInstructionsget onlyIEnumerable⟨string⟩For any ingredient not used, should include "Hold [ingredient]" where [ingredient] is the name of the ingredient, i.e. if the CheddarCheese property is false, it should include "Hold Cheddar Cheese"

Crop Circle

Nameget onlystring"Crop Circle"
Descriptionget onlystring"Oatmeal topped with mixed berries."
Berriesget and setboolDefaults to true
Priceget onlydecimal$2.00
Caloriesget onlyuint158 calories, plus 89 calories if berries are included
SpecialInstructionsget onlyIEnumerable⟨string⟩Includes "Hold Berries" if the Berries property is false.

Glowing Haystack

Nameget onlystring"Glowing Haystack"
Descriptionget onlystring"Hash browns smothered in green chile sauce, sour cream, and topped with tomatoes."
Green Chile Sauceget and setboolDefaults to true
Sour Creamget and setboolDefaults to true
Tomatoesget and setboolDefaults to true
Priceget onlydecimal$2.00
Caloriesget onlyuint470 calories, plus 15 calories for green chile sauce, 23 calories for sour cream, and 22 calories for tomatoes
SpecialInstructionsget onlyIEnumerable⟨string⟩For any ingredient not used, should include "Hold [ingredient]" where [ingredient] is the name of the ingredient, i.e. if the GreenChileSauce property is false, it should include "Hold Green Chile Sauce"

Taken Bacon

Nameget onlystring"Taken Bacon"
Descriptionget onlystring"Crispy strips of bacon."
Countget and setuintDefaults to 2 strips of bacon, must be a value between 1 and 6
Priceget onlydecimal$1.00 per strip of bacon
Caloriesget onlyuint43 calories per strip of bacon
SpecialInstructionsget onlyIEnumerable⟨string⟩For any number of strips but two, should include "[n] strips" where [n] is the count.
Nameget onlystring"Missing Links"
Descriptionget onlystringSizzling pork sausage links."
Countget and setuintDefaults to 2 sausage links, must be a value between 1 and 8
Priceget onlydecimal$1.00 per sausage link
Caloriesget onlyuint391 calories per link of sausage
SpecialInstructionsget onlyIEnumerable⟨string⟩For any number of links but two, should include "[n] links" where [n] is the count.

Eviscerated Eggs

Nameget onlystring"Eviscerated Eggs"
Descriptionget onlystring"Eggs prepared the way you like."
Styleget and setEggStyleDefaults to over easy
Countget and setuintDefaults to 2 eggs, must be a value between 1 and 6
Priceget onlydecimal$1.00 per egg
Caloriesget onlyuint78 calories per egg
SpecialInstructionsget onlyIEnumerable⟨string⟩Should always contain a string corresponding to the Style property, i.e. if the Style property is EggStyle.OverEasy it should contain the string "Over Easy". If any number of eggs other than 2 is chosen, it should also contain "[n] eggs" where [n] is the number of eggs.

You’re Toast

Nameget onlystring"You're Toast"
Descriptionget onlystring"Texas toast."
Countget and setuintDefaults to 2 slices of toast, must be a value between 1 and 12
Priceget onlydecimal$1.00 per slice of toast
Caloriesget onlyuint100 calories per slice of toast
SpecialInstructionsget onlyIEnumerable⟨string⟩For any number of slices but two, should include "[n] slices" where [n] is the count.

Submitting the Assignment

Once your project is complete, merge your feature branch back into the main branch and create a release tagged v0.3.0 with name "Milestone 3". Copy the URL for the release page and submit it to the Canvas assignment.

Grading Rubric

The grading rubric for this assignment will be:

25% Structure Did you implement the structure as laid out in the specification? Are the correct names used for classes, enums, properties, methods, events, etc? Do classes inherit from expected base classes?

25% Documentation Does every class, method, property, and field use the correct XML-style documentation? Does every XML comment tag contain explanatory text?

25% Design Are you appropriately using C# to create reasonably efficient, secure, and usable software? Does your code contain bugs that will cause issues at runtime?

25% Functionality Does the program do what the assignment asks? Do properties return the expected values? Do methods perform the expected actions?


Projects that do not compile will receive an automatic grade of 0.