A second great benefit of creating your project as a Node package is that dependencies can be managed using the Node Package Manager (npm). You can install any Node package with the command $npm install [package name]. This command looks for the corresponding package in an online repository, and if it is found, downloads it and saves it to the subdirectory node_modules in your package directory.

It also creates an entry in the package.json file corresponding to the package you installed, and also an entry in the package.lock.json file. The entry in your package.json file may specify a specific version, i.e.:

    "name": "example-package",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "dependencies": {
        "foo": "2.1.3",
        "bar": "^1.1.0",
        "doh": "~4.3.2"

The ^ before the "bar" dependency indicates that npm can use any minor release after this version, i.e. we could use bar 1.2.1 but not bar 2.1.1. The ~ before the "doh" dependency indicates that npm can use any patch release after this version, i.e. doh 4.3.4 but not doh 4.4.0. Because we specified the exact version for "foo", it will always install foo 2.1.3. We could also indicate we will accept any major version with an *, but this is rarely used. Additionally, we can specify a git repo or a location on our hard drive, though these approaches are also not commonly used.

The reason we want the dependency information specified this way is that when we commit our package to source control, we typically exclude the dependencies found in node_modules. As this folder can get quite large, this saves us significant space in our repository. When you clone your package to a new location, you can re-install the dependencies with the command:

$ npm install 

This will pull the latest version of each dependency package allowable. Additionally, some modules may have their own dependencies, in which case npm will strive to find a version that works for all requirements.

Finally, the package.lock.json contains the exact version of the dependencies installed. It is intended to be committed to your repository, and if it exists it will make the npm install command install the exact same packages. This can help avoid problems where two versions of a package are slightly different.

Development Dependency

In addition to regular dependencies, we can specify dependencies we only need during development. Adding the --save-dev flag to the command will add the package to a development dependency list in your package.json file. Development dependencies are only installed in the development environment; they are left out in a production environment.


The NPM Registry

There are many ways to connect with dependencies, but one of the easiest and most popular is to use the NPM Registry , a searchable, online directory of npm packages maintained by npm, Inc. You can search for keywords and (hopefully) find a project that fits your needs.