While we normally think of downloading an entire file from the web, there are some situations where it makes sense to download only part of a file. One case is with a large file download that gets interrupted - it makes a lot of sense to start downloading the remaining bytes from where you left off, rather than starting over again. A second case is when you are streaming media; often the user may not watch or listen to the entire media file, so why download the bytes they don’t need? Or if it is a live stream, we explicitly can’t download the entire thing, because later parts do not yet exist!

Range Headers

HTTP explicitly supports requesting only a part of a resource with the Range header. This allows us to specify the unit of measure (typically bytes), a starting point, and an optional end. This header is structured:

Range: <unit>=<range-start>-<range-end>

Where <unit> is the unit of measure, the <range-start> is the start of the range to send, measured in the provided unit, and <range-end> is the end of the range to send.

Thus, a real-world Range header might look like:

Range: bytes=200-300

You can also specify only the starting point (useful for resuming downloads):

Range: <unit>=<range-start>-

Finally, you can specify multiple ranges separated by commas:

Range: <unit>=<range1-start>-<range1-end>, <range2-start>-<range2-end>, <range3-start>-

Of course, as with all request headers, this indicates a desire by the web client. It is up to the web server to determine if it will be honored.

Partial Content

Which brings us to the 206 Partial Content response status code. If the server chooses to honor a range specified in the request header, it should respond with this status code, and the body of the response should be just the bytes requested.

In addition, the response Content-Range header should be included with the response, specifying the actual range of bytes returned. This is similar to the Range header, but includes a the total size:

Content-Range: <unit> <range-start>-<range-end>/<size>

An asterisk (*) can be used for an unknown size.

Also, the Content-Type header should also be included, and match the type of file being streamed.

If multiple ranges are included in the response, the Content-Type is "multipart/byteranges" and the response body is formatted similarly to multipart form data.