Documenting Models

Documenting Models with Open API

Before we move ahead, let’s quickly take a minute to add some documentation to our models using the Open API specification. The details can be found in the Open API Specification Document

First, let’s update our configuration in the configs/openapi.js file to include the models directory:

// -=-=- other code omitted here -=-=-

// Configure SwaggerJSDoc options
const options = {
  definition: {
    openapi: "3.1.0",
    info: {
      title: "Example Project",
      version: "0.0.1",
      description: "Example Project",
    servers: [
        url: url(),
  apis: ["./routes/*.js", "./models/*.js"],

// -=-=- other code omitted here -=-=-

Next, at the top of our models/user.js file, we can add information in an @swagger tag about our newly created User model, usually placed right above the model definition itself:

// -=-=- other code omitted here -=-=-

 * @swagger
 * components:
 *   schemas:
 *     User:
 *       type: object
 *       required:
 *         - username
 *       properties:
 *         id:
 *           type: integer
 *           description: autogenerated id
 *         username:
 *           type: string
 *           description: username for the user
 *         createdAt:
 *           type: string
 *           format: date-time
 *           description: when the user was created
 *         updatedAt:
 *           type: string
 *           format: date-time
 *           description: when the user was last updated
 *       example:
 *           id: 1
 *           username: admin
 *           createdAt: 2025-02-04T15:36:32.000Z
 *           updatedAt: 2025-02-04T15:36:32.000Z
const UserSchema = {

// -=-=- other code omitted here -=-=-

Finally, we can now update our route in the routes/users.js file to show that it is outputting an array of User objects:

// -=-=- other code omitted here -=-=-

 * Gets the list of users
 * @param {Object} req - Express request object
 * @param {Object} res - Express response object
 * @param {Function} next - Express next middleware function
 * @swagger
 * /users:
 *   get: 
 *     summary: users list page
 *     description: Gets the list of all users in the application
 *     tags: [users]
 *     responses:
 *       200:
 *         description: the list of users
 *         content:
 *           application/json:
 *             schema:
 *               type: array
 *               items:
 *                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/User'       
router.get("/", async function (req, res, next) {
  const users = await User.findAll();

// -=-=- other code omitted here -=-=-

With all of that in place, we can start our application with the Open API documentation enabled, then navigate to the /docs route to see our updated documentation. We should now see our User model listed as a schema at the bottom of the page:

User Schema User Schema

In addition, we can see that the /users route has also been updated to show that it returns an array of User objects, along with the relevant data:

User Route Documentation User Route Documentation

As we continue to add models and routes to our application, we should also make sure our Open API documentation is kept up to date with the latest information.

This is a good point to commit and push our work!