This set of milestones is all about building a RESTful API and interface for the Lost Kansas Communities project.

Milestone 1 - Express Starter Project

Follow the instructions in the Example Project to build a project using Node.js and Express that includes the following features:

  1. A working GitHub Codespace containing Node.js
  2. A bare-bones Express application
  3. Update the Express application from CommonJS to ES Modules
  4. Application logs with Winston and Morgan
  5. Install other useful Express libraries like compression and helmet
  6. Install and configure Nodemon
  7. Install and configure dotenvx
  8. Create code documentation with JSDoc and OpenAPI comments
  9. Enable linting and formatting with ESLint and Prettier

Effectively, just follow along with the example project and submit the resulting repository. This will be the starting point for the rest of the milestones!