CIS 527 - Enterprise Systems Administration
CC 510 - Computer Systems Administration
This syllabus covers both courses. They are taught using the same content.
Instructor Contact Information
- Instructor: Russell Feldhausen (russfeld AT ksu DOT edu)
I use he/him pronouns. Feel free to share your own pronouns with me, and I’ll do my best to use them! - Office: DUE 2184, but I mostly work remotely from Kansas City, MO
- Phone: (785) 292-3121 (Call/Text)
- Website:
- Virtual Office Hours: By appointment via Zoom. Schedule a meeting at
Preferred Methods of Communication:
- Email: Email is the official method of communication for this course. Any emails sent to the instructor regarding this course should be answered within one class day.
- Discord: There is a #cis-527_cc-510 channel on the K-State CS Discord Server for this course. Students are encouraged to post questions there and use that space for discussion. The instructor will also participate in that channel, but no guarantees of response time are given.
- Phone/Text: Emergencies only! We will do our best to respond as quickly as we can.
- CIS 527: CIS 300. Students may enroll in CIS courses only if they have earned a grade of C or better for each prerequisite to those courses.
- CC 510: CC 310 or CIS 300.
Course Structure
This course is being taught 100% online and mostly asynchronous. There may be some bumps in the road. Students will work at their own pace through several modules, with due dates for completion of each module given. Material will be provided in the form of recorded videos, links to online resources, and discussion prompts. Each module will include a hands-on lab assignment, which will be graded interactively by the instructor or GTAs. Assignments may also include written portions or presentations, which will be submitted online.
The course will also include a final project and presentation. More information about this can be found in the final project module on Canvas.
Course Description
Computer information systems form the backbone of many large organizations, and many students will be called upon in their careers to help create, manage and maintain these large systems. This course will give students knowledge and experience working with enterprise level computer systems including workstation management, file servers, web servers, networking devices, configuration management, monitoring, and more. We will mainly focus on the GNU/Linux and Microsoft Windows server software, and much of the learning will take place in hands-on lab activities working directly with these systems. In addition, students will be responsible for developing some technical documentation and communicating information about their systems in a variety of ways. Finally, throughout the course students will be exposed to a variety of information directly from system administrators across campus.
Student Learning Outcomes
After completing this course, a successful student will be able to:
- Understand the major components of an enterprise level computer network and server system
- Design and implement a simple enterprise level server system and network, as well as provision workstations on that network quickly and easily
- Communicate information about enterprise systems clearly and effectively to users of all skill levels and interests
- Develop ways to increase efficiency by automating tasks whenever possible using scripting and configuration management tools
- Understand and describe security risks in any enterprise system and any ways that they can be mitigated
- Show how to monitor enterprise systems for problems and use that information to locate and fix any issues within the system
- Work with cloud technologies and describe how they can be integrated into an enterprise information technology setup
Major Course Topics
- Configuration Management using Puppet
- Creating Secure Workstations (CIS 225 overview/review)
- Setting up an Enterprise Directory Service & Single Sign On
- Enterprise File Sharing
- Web & Application Servers
- Core Networking Services (DHCP, DNS, ICMP, etc.)
- System Monitoring & Maintenance
- Backup Strategies
- The Cloud & DevOps
The Work
There is no shortcut to becoming a great programmer or system administrator. Only by doing the work will you develop the skills and knowledge to make you a successful system administrator. This course is built around that principle, and gives you ample opportunity to do the work, with as much support as we can offer.
Lectures & Quizzes: Each module will include many lectures and quizzes. The goal is to introduce you to a new topic and provide ample background information, then check for your understanding of the core concepts through the quiz. Many lectures include links to additional resources that you are welcome to review if you want to dig deeper into a particular topic. Those additional resources may also be useful when completing the lab assignments.
Lab Assignments: Throughout the semester you will be building a non-trivial system architecture iteratively; every week a new lab assignment will be due. Each lab builds upon the prior lab’s infrastructure, so it is critical that you complete each lab in a timely manner! This process also reflects the way system administration is done in the real world - breaking large projects into more readily achievable milestones helps manage the development process.
Following along that real-world theme, labs will mostly be graded on whether they achieve the goals as described in the lab assignment. You can think of each lab assignment as a directive given to you by your supervisor - if you meet those requirements, you are successful; however, if your system fails to meet those requirements, then it is not useful at all, even if it is partially complete. In practice, you may earn some partial credit for attempting a portion of a lab, but the majority of points will require full functionality.
Final Project: At the end of this course, you will design and evaluate a final project of your choosing to demonstrate your ability. This project can link back to your interest or other fields, and will serve as a capstone project for this course.
In theory, each student begins the course with an A. As you submit work, you can either maintain your A (for good work) or chip away at it (for less adequate or incomplete work). In practice, each student starts with 0 points in the gradebook and works upward toward a final point total earned out of the possible number of points. In this course, each assignment constitutes a portion of the final grade, as detailed below:
- 70% - Lab Assignments* (7 labs, 10% each lab)
- 10% - Quizzes (15 quizzes, 0.66% each)
- 10% - Discussions (5 discussions, 2% each)
- 10% - Final Project
All group work will include a REQUIRED peer evaluation component which can adjust that portion of the individual’s grade up to 50%. If a student should fail to contribute to a group assignment at all, their grade for that assignment will be reduced to a zero. Failure to complete the peer evaluation will result in a 10% grade deduction for that assignment.
Letter grades will be assigned following the standard scale:
- 90% - 100% → A
- 80% - 89.99% → B
- 70% - 79.99% → C
- 60% - 69.99% → D
- 00% - 59.99% → F
Late Work
While my original intent was to have this course completely asynchronous and self-paced, I’ve found that students prefer having more strict deadlines than more flexibility, and many times they will perform better in the course when deadlines are enforced. Therefore, deadlines will be strictly enforced this semester. Read this late work policy very carefully! If you are unsure how to interpret it, please contact the instructors via email. Not understanding the policy does not mean that it won’t apply to you!
Due to the asynchronous nature of this course, staying on task and keeping up with deadlines is very important. Therefore, all course work must be submitted, and all interactively graded materials must be graded with the instructor or GTA, on or before the posted due date to receive full credit. For labs, it is not simply enough to contact the instructor/GTA asking to schedule a grading time before the due date; the grading itself must be completed before the due date in order to be considered “on time”.
Any work submitted and graded after the due date is subject to a deduction of 10% of the total points possible on the assignment for each class day that the assignment is late. For example, if an assignment is due on a Friday and is submitted the following Tuesday, it will be subject to a reduction of 20% of the total points possible, or 10% for each class day it was late (Monday and Tuesday in this example). Grading done on non-class days will be considered to have been submitted on the next available class day. Deductions for non-class days will still be automatically entered by Canvas - contact the instructor to have these deductions removed.
These deductions will only be applied to grades above 60% of the total points on the assignment. So, if you scored higher than 60%, your grade will be reduced by the late penalty down to a minimum grade of 60%. If you scored lower than 60% on the assignment, no deductions will be applied.
Also, note that several labs in this class require successful completion of previous labs. If you are behind and choose to skip a lab assignment to catch up, you may still have to make up some or all of that work in order to complete a later lab. You may contact the instructor to discuss options for obtaining model solutions to previous labs if needed.
All course work must be submitted, and all interactively graded materials must be graded with the instructor, on or before the last day of the semester in which the student is enrolled in the course in order for it to be graded on time. No late work will be accepted after that date.
If you have extenuating circumstances, please discuss them with the instructor as soon as they arise so other arrangements can be made. If you know you have upcoming events that will prevent you from completing work in this course, you should contact the instructor ASAP and plan on working ahead before your event instead of catching up afterwards. If you find that you are getting behind in the class, you are encouraged to speak to the instructor for options to catch up quickly.
Recommended Texts & Supplies
The online textbook for this course can be found at All relevant pages from the textbook are also embedded into the appropriate Canvas modules.
Students in this course are expected to have access to a computer with virtual machine software (VMware, Virtual Box, Parallels, or other) installed and running. The computer should be capable of running multiple VMs simultaneously, which usually means having 8GB of RAM and a moderately powerful processor. Contact the instructor if you have questions or concerns.
All K-State Computer Science students have access to free software from Microsoft and VMWare. More information can be found on the K-State CS Support Website.
Since this class covers such a wide range of material, no single textbook will suffice. Therefore, students who would like a textbook should refer to resources available on Safari Books Online. The K-State Library has access to the entire catalog of books published on that platform, and it is a great resource for this course.
We will also use several online resources as needed.
This book contains useful information for anyone thinking about pursuing a career in system administration or information technology in general:
“The Practice of System and Network Administration” by Thomas Limoncelli, Christina Hogan and Strata Chalup.
ISBN 0321492668 - eBook Editions Available - Amazon Link
Subject to Change
The details in this syllabus are not set in stone. Due to the flexible nature of this class, adjustments may need to be made as the semester progresses, though they will be kept to a minimum. If any changes occur, the changes will be posted on the K-State Canvas page for this course and emailed to all students.