CIS 527
Lab 1 - Ubuntu File Permissions
Linux File Permissions
- Classes
- User - owner of the file
- Group - group assigned to file
- Others - other users
- Permissions
- Read - read file contents
- Write - change/delete file
- Execute - run program or script & list folder contents
Common Octal Values
Image Credit: Linode
Modifying Permissions
- File Browser (Nautilus)
- Edit as Administrator (Using "nautilus-admin")
- Terminal
Terminal Commands
- chmod - Change Permissions (Mode)
- chmod [class][op][mode] <path>
- chmod [ugoa][+-=][rwx] <path>
- chmod [octal_mode] <path>
- chown - Change Owner
- chown [user]:[group] <path>
- chgrp - Change Group
- chgrp [group] <path>
- Must Own File
Next Step!
Start Lab 1, Task 6:
Ubuntu Files & Permissions