Chapter 9

Wrap Up

Cleaning up the mess.

Subsections of Wrap Up

Course Wrap Up

YouTube Video

Video Transcript

Congratulations! You made it through CIS 527. I hope that you’ve enjoyed your time working on this course, and that you’ve found the material I covered to be as interesting and useful as I have. I’ve really enjoyed putting it all together for you.

Now that the class is over, there are a few last-minute things that you’ll want to take care of. First, please complete the TEVAL survey as soon as you receive it in your email. It is your chance to give honest, anonymous feedback about the course, content, and my teaching style. I welcome any comments or suggestions submitted via that survey, and will always be updating my classes to make them better over time.

Secondly, I’d like you to complete a second survey via Qualtrics, which is linked below this video in the Canvas modules. That survey asks some more specific questions about your experience taking this course online, and will be used to inform future revisions to this course as well as other online courses taught in the K-State CS department.

Also, if you have any remaining corrections or updates to the course material that you’d like to have considered toward your Bug Bounty assignment, please submit them ASAP so I can get them entered before final grades are due.

Finally, if you have any direct comments, corrections, or feedback to me, please feel free to contact me anytime. I’d be happy to hear from you.

Once you’ve completed the course, there are a few things that you should do to clear up some space and make sure you aren’t charged for resources you won’t be using.

First, you are welcome to delete the virtual machines we created to free up some disk space on your computer. By the end of the semester, you may have nearly 100 GB of VMs on your system, so it is definitely worth trying to remove the ones you aren’t planning on using. However, you are welcome to keep them for as long as you like if you plan on using them again. Similarly, you can delete some of the old snapshots in order to save space on your system.

Next, if you don’t plan on using your DigitalOcean droplets, I recommend logging in to the DigitalOcean control panel and destroying them so you won’t continue to be charged to use them. If you are interested in working with the cloud or hosting your own website, however, you might consider keeping the server labelled FRONTEND for that purpose. It is already configured and set up to host websites quickly and easily. If you do, you will definitely want to either remove or secure any websites we set up for this class that you won’t be using.

Likewise, you may want to clean up the DNS settings for your domain name through Namecheap or whatever registrar you chose to use for this class. I highly recommend building your own website and continuing to use that domain name, but do make sure that it is properly configured before using it.

Lastly, if there are any other online services you worked with in this course, either as part of the lab assignments or your final project, don’t forget to review each of those and make sure they are properly configured or disabled.

That should cover it! The material for this class will always be available on my website outside of Canvas, and you are welcome to refer to it at any time. I wish you all the best of luck in the future, and encourage you to keep your system administration skills sharp going forward. Good luck!