
Video Script

Hello, and welcome to the announcements video for CC 510 in Fall 2021, I’m coming to you today from the CS video studio here on campus. Hopefully I’ll be able to do that a couple more times this semester. But that’s probably why things look a little bit different today than your normal announcements video. So this week, you should be working on lab two, which is due tonight by 11:59pm. We’ll talk about turning that in here in just a second. There’s also the first discussion that’s due tonight. So if you haven’t participated in the discussions, you’ll need to fill out your response to the video by tonight. And then we’ll talk about lab three a little bit later. It’s tentatively due on October 4. But as we’ll discuss here in just a minute, that might change.

So for lab two, you’ll be working on manifest files for puppet, all you have to do is submit those via Canvas, there’s no Live Meeting required. And once you submit those on Canvas, I’ll actually grade them on my system and give you feedback. Usually I grade those tomorrow. So you should get feedback pretty quickly on those. But if you have any questions on this lab, please let me know.

So for lab three, you’re going to be diving into the world of networking. So in this lab, we’re going to set up an Ubuntu server by basically duplicating one of our existing a boon to VMs. We’ll set static IP address on it. And then we’ll install a lot of core networking services, DNS, DHCP, SNMP. There’s a lot of technical stuff in here. And it’s a lot of reading documentation and figuring out how to configure those systems using their config file format. DNS especially is very, very particular. So make sure you check out the hints for this lab, make sure you check out the networking diagrams for this lab. And please ask questions. If something doesn’t make sense. Let me know I’d be happy to talk you through it and see if I can figure out how best to make that work.

So real quick update on the schedule. I will be going on vacation starting a week from Friday, October the first and that will be gone through that next week. During that time I’ll be traveling a lot so I will have limited access to email and Discord. But I will try and check in once a day and make sure I answer any questions that are out there. Because of that the normal grading time for lab three would be October 4, which is the Monday. I will absolutely be out of town that day and not able to do live grading that day. So what I’d like to do is see if we can shoot for having lab three done by September 30, which is the day before I leave on that Thursday, I will email the class directly and see if you’d like to go for that due date or if you’d like to adjust things to be later. If nothing else, I can grade lab three a little bit later and kind of do lab three and lab four together. Lab four will still be due October the 18th. I think we should be able to do that that shouldn’t be a problem. But keep in mind that I will be gone for at least a week and will adapt, so watch for an email for me and I will let you know exactly what the plan is for getting lab three graded.

Other than that, don’t be afraid to keep in touch. I’m on Discord. I’m on zoom discussions. We have tee time office hours. I think everybody in this class is doing a really good job keeping up with me. But if you have any questions, let me know. You can email me catch me on discord, schedule a one on one office hour with me whatever works best for you. So other than that, that’s all this week. Hopefully you enjoy building some networking this week. It’s a really cool part of system administration, and it’s where we start diving into the more technical parts of this class. As always, if you have any questions, let me know. Otherwise, I wish you the best of luck.