Fall '22 Week 5

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Hello, and welcome to the week five announcements video for CC 510 In Fall 2022, this week you should be wrapping up lab two, which was technically due yesterday. So hopefully you got that submitted discussion. One was also due yesterday. So make sure that you’ve watched that video and responded to those questions, you can also ask a few more questions that you’d like me to send on the Seth and I will try and get some responses for that. Next Monday, the quizzes for lab three are due. And then in two weeks, lab three will be due as well as the second discussion prompt. So make sure you’re keeping track of that all of this can be found on the modules and Canvas. So it should hopefully be easy to keep up with.

So for lab two grading, I posted this in an announcement last week, it’s Canvas only you just upload your manifest files, and then I will take care of grading them offline. So no meeting is required for lab two, unless you have questions, what I will do is when I see you submit lab two, usually within a day, I will go through and add a point so that you can get access to the model solutions, you can always go directly to the textbook at textbooks.cs.ksu.edu and start working on the next content, even if it hasn’t unlocked yet. So don’t be afraid to go ahead and do that if you’d like.

So the speaker for the second round of speakers is Dr. Gary Pratt. He is the K_State Chief Information Officer,or CIO, since 2017. He started in that role right before the Hale library fire. For those of you that might be aware there was a fire and Hall Library in 2017 or 2018. Somewhere around there, it didn’t directly damage any of the IT systems, the fire was actually in the roof. But as they were trying to put out the fire, a lot of the water went down into the basement. And that’s what really ruined a lot of the central IT systems. So they had this big recovery effort that he talked quite a bit about. He oversees all of K-States and for information technology, all of their resources, everything. And he’s really responsible for a lot of the big picture and long range planning stuff that goes on around K-State IT. So it’s really interesting to see Seth looking at a very small a department level support. And then talking to Dr. Pratt and the big picture stuff that goes on at the CIO role, just to compare and contrast those different backgrounds.

So this week, you’re going to start working on lab three, I would say lab three is probably the first of the two hardest labs in this class. lab three, we’re going to spend a lot of time working on networking. So we’re going to set up some core network services on your systems. We’re going to set static IP addresses and learn all about networking and IP addresses and the seven layer OSI model, we’re going to spend some time installing both DNS and DHCP servers, we’re going to install an SNMP server so that we can use that to query information about our systems, make sure that you take a look at some of the hints and diagrams at the end of this chapter. There’s some really helpful things in there that will help you get started and help you debug some of these things.

And then, of course, the big thing with lab three is don’t be afraid to ask questions. Part of this class is really an experiential class where you just have to dive in headfirst and try and sometimes you’re gonna get stuck. And that’s okay. And so usually what I tell students, if you’re stuck, and you haven’t made any forward progress for about an hour, that’s a good opportunity to take a step back, ask me questions, see what you’re doing. And then hopefully, I can help you get past that. It generally shouldn’t be that hard to do any of this. But if it’s your first time, there are an awful lot of wrong ways you can try and do it. And so you’ll spend a lot of time trying different things, reading documentation until you figure out that pathway that works correctly, and be able to get it set up and working.

So as always, with this class, don’t be afraid to keep in touch. There’s lots opportunities for discussions on Discord. I also have my one on one office hours available. So you can always sign up for those, just use the Calendly link in any of the emails are on the syllabus. And I’d be happy to meet with you and chat about this class any time. So we’re at the point where hopefully now we’re going to start networking our systems, I think it’s a really exciting place to be for System Administration. Networking is really a large part of what we do today in system admin. It’s really an important thing that makes our computers much more useful when they’re networked together. Um, so this lab I think is really important but it also can be really difficult. So best of luck to us. You dive in on this one, let me know if you have any questions and I will see you again in a couple of weeks.