Week 4 Announcements

Where we Are

  • Lab 3 Complete?
  • Week 2 Response Due Today!
  • Week 3 Today 4 PM - Beocat!
  • Lab 4 Next Monday

Up Next

Lab 4 Tips:

  • 4 or 5 VMs - Snapshots
  • Windows AD -> Windows 10
  • Ubuntu LDAP -> Ubuntu
    • Now with TLS Certificates!
  • Windows AD -> Ubuntu
    • Super Simple!

Get Help!

  • Piazza is Key
  • Start Early, Ask Often
  • Read Other Posts & Respond
  • Helping Hands Extra Credit
  • Ask Anonymously or Privately
  • Schedule One on One
  • No expectation that you won't need help!

Summary of Changes

  • Late Policy - Working Days Only
  • Minimum Grade - To Unlock
  • Helping Hands Extra Credit
  • Extra Credit Cap @ 5%
  • Mandatory Mask Policy


  • Mondays 4 PM
  • Live Portion Via Zoom
  • Attendance Recommended!
  • Watch Video & Respond on Canvas
  • This Week - Beocat
  • Next Week - Cyber Defense Infrastructure
  • Coming Up - K-State CIO


  • Week 2 - Today 6/29 4 PM
  • Week 1 - Tonight 6/29 Midnight
  • Thursday 7/2 - BreAnn Unavailable
  • Friday 7/3 - Student Holiday!
  • Week 3 - Monday 7/6 4 PM
  • Lab 4 - Monday 7/6 7 PM
  • Week 2 - Monday 7/6 Midnight

Final Project

  • Something Sysadmin/IT Related
  • Change Something? Build Something? Support Something?
  • Automation & DevOps? Infrastructure? Services?
  • Can Work in Teams - LFG in Piazza
  • Proposal Due Friday, July 24th
  • Project Due Friday, July 31st

Keep in Touch!

  • Discussions on Piazza
  • Zoom Discussions
  • "Tea Time" Office Hours
  • One-on-One Office Hours
  • Rocket.chat