Week 7 Announcements

Where we Are

  • Lab 5 & 6 Due Last Friday
  • Week 5 Response Due Tomorrow!
  • Week 6 TODAY 4 PM -
    Gary Pratt - K-State CIO!
  • Lab 7 Due Friday
  • Final Project Proposal Due Friday
  • Check Calendly Availability

Up Next

Lab 7 Tips:

  • Each Part is Self-Contained
  • Windows Backups Take Time
  • ELK Stack is New - 4 GB RAM
  • Webhook Hook Examples
  • Offline Grading

Lab 7 Grading

  • Task 1 - 4-5 Screenshots
  • Task 2 - ZIP File & Readme
  • Task 3 - Munin/Ganglia URL
  • Task 4 - Metricbeat Screenshot
  • Task 5 - GitLab Repo & URL

Final Project

  • Build Something or Fix Something
  • Web Resource for New Startup
  • Set up Laptops for a School
  • Design Central Auth for Company
  • Thin Clients vs. Thick in Labs
  • Chat with us for ideas
  • Proposal Due Friday

Final Project Presentation

  • Schedule For Last Week of Class
  • Reserve your Time NOW!
  • calendly.com/russfeld
  • 30 minutes per Team Member
  • Contact Me for Alternative Arrangements


  • Will be sent next week
  • Please respond honestly
  • All comments and feedback welcome!

Final Grades

  • Check Canvas
  • Email Me if Concerns

Keep in Touch!

  • Discussions on Piazza
  • Zoom Discussions
  • "Tea Time" Office Hours
  • One-on-One Office Hours
  • Rocket.chat