Week 8 Announcements

Where we Are

  • Lab 7 Due Last Friday
  • Final Project Proposal Due Friday
  • Week 6 Response Due Today!
  • Final Project Presentations
    Prefer Thurs & Fri
  • Check Calendly Availability

Final Project Completion

  • Written Report - Use Template
  • Research, Propose & SWOT Analysis
  • Include Graphics & Data As Needed
  • Live Presentation - 15-30 minutes
  • Convince Me You've Analyzed It Well
  • Small Prototype - Should be Easy
  • Spend 2-4 Hours on Prototype


  • Will be sent this week
  • Please respond honestly
  • All comments and feedback welcome!

Final Grades

  • Check Canvas
  • Email Me if Concerns

Keep in Touch!

  • Discussions on Piazza
  • Zoom Discussions
  • "Tea Time" Office Hours
  • One-on-One Office Hours
  • Rocket.chat

Time to Write!