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Hello, and welcome to the week seven announcements video for cis 527 in summer 2021. So we’ve only got two weeks left in the class, which means there’s a lot of stuff wrapping up this week. So don’t forget this week today Monday, your lab six is due by 7pm. Tonight, I see that again, most of you have already scheduled grading appointments, which is great. This Wednesday, we’ve got our next last round of discussion responses due and the questions for our last presenter are due on Wednesday. This Thursday, we’re having our speaker Hunter Guthrie, it’s a reschedule from a couple weeks ago, but hopefully he can make it this Thursday. This Friday, your final project proposal is due by 11:59pm. I’ll talk a little bit about that in just a second. And then next week on Monday is lab seven.

So for lab six grading, there’s a lot of stuff we need to see, but it’s pretty simple. First off, you’ll be setting up a Windows File Server. So I just want you to show me that you’ve got the file server set up that you have the Group Policy set up. And hopefully you can show me that your drive maps actually work on your client. Likewise, with Ubuntu will check your file server setup will check your Samba config. And again, hopefully we go to the client and we can see the auto maps of the shared drives there, you’ll create a Windows web application, you’ll install probably blog engine dotnet and set that all up. And so hopefully all we have to do is open up a web browser on your Windows Server and we’ll check to make sure that works. And then in the cloud, you’ll be installing most likely WordPress for the back end and front end, and so on, we’ll just check some of the config files and check that we can pull that up in a web browser. So lab six, again, is not that bad to grade, if everything’s working, if everything is not working, it can take a little bit of time. But hopefully we’ll get through that. In the next week.

Lab seven is the last lab in this class, it’s kind of a catch all for a whole bunch of things. So have you do some backup and restore, we’ll talk about some monitoring. And we will do some DevOps work. So keep an eye on that I’m probably going to quickly post an update to that lab later today. And I’ll send out an email when I get that done. So you’ll have that lab.

Our speaker this week is again, Hunter Guthrie. He’s a system administrator for Evergy, specifically at the Wolf Creek generating station, which is the nuclear power plant that is south of Topeka. He’s another former student of mine. And I’m hoping it will be interesting because he works in a very highly secure and regulated industry working in nuclear power. So he might have some really interesting things to talk about from his perspective, as well.

So coming up, you’ll need to be working on your final project. It’s due at the end of next week, so you’ve only got two weeks left to work on it. The whole idea for the final project is to build something or fix something or change something related to System Administration, you could create a web resource for a new startup, you could look at something that’s already going and how you want to change that you could discuss how you’d set up laptops for school or designing authentication for a company. Discuss stick clients versus thin clients. Anything is really fair, as long as it relates to this class and system administration in some way. If you need some ideas, feel free to chat with me, you can schedule a time catch me on discord, email me, and I’d be happy to share some ideas around. By this Friday, you need to turn in your final project idea, your topic just needs to be short, like a half page or so, describing your topic and where you’re going. So I can see enough that you’re on the right track. I will try and get to those Saturday and grade those really quickly. So you’ll get some quick feedback for me. But that’s really what I’m looking for is to make sure that you’ve got your final project topic in place by the end of this week. And the next week, you’ll be able to work on your final project and get it presented.

To complete your final project, you need to turn in three things. The first thing you’ll turn in is a written report. There’s a template that I give that’s a basic research paper report. I want you to do some research, propose your final project, whatever your proposal is, and do a SWOT a strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats analysis, you can include graphics and data as needed, I don’t have any minimum or maximum length on this, it should be long enough to convince me If I was your CIO, that this is a good idea or a bad idea and that you’ve done enough analysis and research to understand it and make a convincing case. You’ll also do a live presentation roughly 15 to 30 minutes again, convince me that you’ve analyzed it well and that you’ve done your homework. And then finally, as part of your presentation, you will show a small prototype, this should be very easy. Spend no more than a couple hours on it. But for example, if your presentation is about moving into AWS, your prototype might be set up a server on AWS. If you’re talking about authentication systems, you might download and install a different authentication system. That’s really all I’m looking for in this final project.

The presentation itself you can do live with me via zoom or you can prerecord a video and send that to me, you need to present or send me the video on or before next Friday. One thing I do recommend is that you schedule now my times do get full filled up pretty good Quickly, I might have other things show up on my calendar. So if you want that 430 slot on Friday, schedule it now so that you’ve got it. Also, if you work during the day or you have some conflicts, you can email me for alternative arrangements. I have a couple of time slots after five o’clock on Friday. I can also do after five o’clock on Thursday. So let me know if you’re interested in those times if you got some conflicts. And again, the sooner the better. So you can lock in the time that works for you, so you can get that done.

Other than that, feel free to keep in touch. I have the slide every week. I’m on Discord. We have zoom discussions. We’ll start doing tea time on both tuesday and friday again, so make sure you keep that in mind. And I also have one on one office hours you can schedule with me anytime on calendly.

So that’s all I’ve got for this week. Hopefully it’ll be working on your final projects, getting your labs wrapped up, you’ll make some PowerPoint slides or something. If you have any questions, feel free to let me know otherwise Good luck this week and I hope to see you again soon.