July 26, 2021

YouTube Video


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Hello, and welcome to the week eight announcements video for cis 527 in summer 2021, here we are, it’s the last week of the class. This week, you should be working on lab seven, which is due tonight, it’s due by 11:59pm. And I’ll explain that in just a sec. We also have the week seven discussion response that’s due on Wednesday. So make sure you get that in. I’ll get the video posted later today. For Friday, your final projects to do by 1159 at night, and we’ll talk a little bit about that. And then we’ll also talk about TEVALS.

So first off, for lab seven grading, you really don’t need to meet with me via zoom to do lab seven grading. As long as everything’s working, you should be able to submit stuff via Canvas, and I’ll be able to grade it from there. However, if you’re having trouble or something isn’t quite working, it’s probably best to schedule a time for grading. So we can poke around and at least get you partial credit. So specifically on lab seven, for task one, the windows AD backup, I just need screenshots. For task two, the MySQL backup, you’ll send a zip file with your backup and a readme document describing how to restore it. For three, you’re going to install Munin or Ganglia. And so you’ll just send me the URL that those are working on. And I should be able to see those there. For task four the DevOps, you should be able to add me to your Git lab on the CS Git lab server, and then send me the URL of the website that it points to. And so I’ll make a post basically on Git lab. And I will check your server to make sure that the URL updates to see the new content. And then finally, for extra credit, if you do the extra credit, there’s just some screenshots to show me that you got the dashboards working. So all of that can be submitted on canvas. And so you can work until midnight tonight to get that submitted. And I will try and get that graded early this week once I get them submitted.

So again, for your final project, you’ve got a written report that you’re working on. There’s a template that I give that talks about all the different sections you might have in your report. Basically, your report is talking about what your presentation is: going through your proposal talking about your analysis and giving me a conclusion. So you can include graphics and data, there’s really no minimum or maximum size, what I generally tell people is make it long enough so that I understand what you’re talking about, and short enough that I don’t get bored reading it. Your presentation, you need to schedule at least 15 minutes, I recommend scheduling a 30 minute time slot for it. And basically, you’re going to present your material and convince me that you’ve analyzed it well. And that it either is a good idea based on your analysis, or it isn’t a good idea based on your analysis. So if you haven’t scheduled that, please make sure you get your presentation time scheduled soon. So you get the time slot you want. I’m mostly free Thursday and Friday. So you should be able to find a time that works, I hope. And we’ll talk about scheduling in just a second. And then also don’t forget, you should have a small prototype as part of your project, it should be pretty easy spend a couple hours on it. So if you need any ideas for ways that you can include a prototype in your project, feel free to contact me and let me know.

So like I said the presentation it can be given either live or you can pre record a video. You should present on or before Friday and specifically on or before Friday at 5pm. Unless you email me and make alternate arrangements. I don’t intend on watching any presentations at 11 o’clock on Friday night. But I can do a few shortly after five, especially for people that work eight to five, I can work around that schedule. So please make sure you either schedule your presentation ASAP, or email me to make alternative arrangements so that we can make sure that your presentation gets done on time.

Also, this week, you should be getting a TEVAL from the K-State TEVAL System. Please take some time to respond to that. That’s the only real way that I get feedback from you about what to do and what to change about this class. It’s totally anonymous, I can’t see any of your feedback until final grades are submitted in this semester. Actually, I don’t think I can see these till like the end of August. So all your comments and feedback are well welcome both positive and negative. I really do appreciate all your feedback. And if you talk to anybody that’s taken this class previously, they will tell you that it has changed a lot specifically based on their TEVAL feedback. So it’s really helpful for me if you take some time to respond honestly and thoughtfully to that feedback, and I really appreciate it. Also once we get all the grades done, Final Grades should be posted on I believe Monday or Tuesday next week. At once I get done with grading I will email the class and let you know that the grades you see in Canvas is the grade that you will get in KSIS. Once that email goes out if you notice any problems on your grades either now or when that email comes out. Email me ASAP if you have any concerns. One of the things I will be doing soon is going through and making sure all the late penalties are properly assessed in the gradebook. So your grades may fluctuate a little bit as I get all of that cleaned up in the gradebook. But I will probably send an email Monday next week letting you know that grades are final and you’ll be able to take a look and make sure everything looks the way you expect. I don’t think there shouldn’t be any surprises in this course at this point.

Other than that, please make sure you keep on keep in touch with me. You’re welcome to chat with me on discord anytime. We also continue to have our tea time office hours Tuesdays at 330 And Fridays at 1030 and will continue that through the rest of the summer I believe so please make sure you’re more than welcome to join there. And then of course, you can always schedule time with me on calendly to meet with me via one on one office hours. I’m always happy to do that. Even if you just want to chat about life or the universe or anything else that’s going on, feel free to connect with me anytime you want. So other than that, that’s getting toward the end of this class. This is probably the last announcements video you’ll see for me. It’s been a pleasure having you all in my class this semester, and I look forward to seeing your final projects and I wish you the best of luck.