Summer '22 Week 5


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Hello, and welcome to the week five Announcements video for CIS 527 in summer 2022. So this week, you should be wrapping up lab four, which is notoriously the hardest lab in this class, it is due today by 7pm. So make sure you get that done and schedule a grading time with me later today. So we can get that looked at. And then next week, you’re going to be shifting over to lab five, where we’re going to pivot from virtual machines on our system to actually working in the cloud. So Friday of the week, five quizzes are due and the next Monday, you’ll be turning in lab five, as well as the week five discussion.

So for lab four grading, it’s actually pretty simple. There’s not a whole lot that I need to see. But there’s a lot of stuff behind the scenes that need to work correctly. In order for this to work. Basically in lab for grading, I’m going to check your Windows Server, make sure it’s up and running, going to check your Windows Active Directory User and Group to see that you’re actually able to create your user. And then I want to see you actually log into the active directory using Windows. Likewise on Ubuntu, I want to see your open LDAP server working and actually see a user and group in PHP LDAP admin. And then I want to see your Ubuntu be able to log into LDAP. And then either that same VM on a different snapshot or a different VM log into Active Directory either way. So really, it takes only about five minutes to grade this if all your VMs are up and running. But it is a lot of complexity behind the scenes to get all that to work.

So again, just like last week to be successful, make sure you read things carefully. Make sure you look at the posted diagrams and the exercises, use the resources you have available to you I try and link some really good guidance for how to do this. But the big thing is, don’t be afraid to ask questions. If you’re spinning your wheels. If you get stuck and you’re not making progress for about an hour, feel free to ask questions. I’m available on Discord, you can email me you can join us for office hours, anytime that you want. Just let me know how I can help.

So this week’s Speaker I mentioned him last week is Kyle Hutson, one of the Beocat admins and K-State, he helps manage key state supercomputer that you probably seen in the engineering building right next to the computer science classrooms. He has a lot of experience working with very powerful hardware with very large on premises setups. And he talks a little bit about the difference between K-State hosting its own supercomputer versus using resources in the cloud, such as AWS, and why we would do something like that. And he also talks a little bit about scientific computing and how it differs from the general computing that you might work with at an industry itself.

So this week, you’re going to be working in lab five, where we’re going to move everything to the cloud. So the big thing with lab five is you’re going to create two droplets on Digital Ocean, which are two virtual servers that work up in the cloud, you’re going to set up SSH and a firewall on those so that you can connect to them remotely, you’re going to set up simple Apache sites on each one with a virtual hosts so that you can access websites on each one, you’ll also need to set up a DNS domain name and actually point those DNS names at those servers so that you can access them directly there. And you’ll also set up a Docker reverse proxy following the instructions in some of the new Docker videos this year. So lab five is kind of introducing all the cloud concepts. And then lab six and seven, we iterate on that a little bit more.

So a couple of things that you want to check out are the GitHub education pack, which is education, it looks like this got cut off. But you can find DigitalOcean credits by going to try to that will give you up to $100, credit and DigitalOcean. If you have a new account, if you go to, you can get a free .me domain for one year using your .edu email address when you sign up. If you have trouble getting access to either of those, please feel free to ask me, I’ve got referral credits, I can send you the free trial links, there’s lots of codes that you can use. So ideally, you shouldn’t have to pay anything for this, if you’ve never set up accounts on these services before. If you have set up accounts on these services at most, you may have to pay about 11 dollars to do this. So let me know, if you have any trouble getting this to work, I’m happy to share some referral credits or help you out in any way possible. But those are the two things you’ll need to sign up for in order to start working in the cloud.

So that’s all I got this week. As always, we have good discussions on this court. So you can always join me there, you can join me for tea time office hours, Tuesdays at 330. And Fridays at 1030. We’re always online in zoom for about an hour, you can schedule a one on one office hour with me using my Calendly link, you can always send me an email as well, I’m always happy to help. And remember the big thing in this class is anytime you get stuck, or you feel like you’re spinning your wheels, that’s a good time to take a step back and ask for help. Instead of trying to power forward, there are certain situations you can get into in this class where it’s very hard to make a forward progress. And so don’t be afraid to ask me questions. And I can help you either reset or restart or adjust things so that you can get it to work. So that’s what we’ve got going on. I really like this XKCD comic here where it talks about the cloud. I in my lecture, I talked a little bit about the cloud that it’s really just from a point of view, it’s really somebody else’s computer. And so you or I might think of as cloud is actually somebody else’s computer. So it’s really important to think about the cloud that way it’s kind of a good framing Advice to use for the cloud and so I’d like to end on this XKCD comic for the slideshow so as always if you have any questions let me know otherwise Best of luck working on lab five this week and I will see you next week