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Hello, and welcome to the week seven Announcements video for CC 510 In Fall 2022, this week, lab three is due. So hopefully you’re getting that done and turned in and have a scheduled time to meet with me for grading. If not, make sure you get that done ASAP. So you can keep moving ahead in this class, you also should have been completing discussion to which is due on Canvas. So get the responses in and your questions for our speaker and I will work on getting those answered. The lab for quizzes are due later this week. And then next week, you’ll be working in lab four to turn in the week after that.

So for lab three grading, I’ve got a lot of things I’m going to look at hopefully this is pretty clear from the lab. Basically, I’m going to have you test your remote connections between your two VMs. We’re going to check for your static IP on Ubuntu, we’re going to check your DNS and DHCP settings. And then I’m going to look at the snapshots for the screenshots for SNMP and Wireshark. So to be successful in these labs, one of the big things is you have to read the labs very carefully and use the posted hints to your advantage. You can also use the resources. A lot of times in each task in the lab, I link some resources that have instructions that you can follow to get it set up. The big thing I will tell you is take some time to ask some questions and don’t spin your wheels. If you feel like you’re not making progress and you’re stuck on something, that’s a good chance for you to step back and ask me a question. I really don’t expect anybody to make it all the way through this class without asking me at least some questions or getting stuck at some point. And so I’d much rather you take the time, ask some questions and work with me to get over the hump. Instead of spinning your wheels and getting frustrated. That’s not really how this course is designed. So feel free to take advantage of me as a resource. And let me know how I can help.

So your next speaker you’re gonna get to interface with is Kyle Hutson. He’s one of the Beocat admins here on campus, he helps manage his K State supercomputer which if you’ve been in the engineering building, you’ve seen that big supercomputer next to a lot of the classrooms. He’s got a lot of experience working with very large, very powerful hardware. And he has some really good views on things such as working in the cloud versus versus working on premises and how that hosting changes. Specifically when you’re working with things like scientific computing workloads, instead of your standard web server workloads. So Kyle has a lot of good things to say. So I hope you enjoy listening to his talk and then coming up with some questions that you’d like to send to Kyle.

So for lab four, we’re going to shift gears a little bit. And now we’re going to work on authentication. In lab four, we’re going to set up our first VM for Windows Server, and then we’re going to configure it to have an active directory domain, we’ll add our Windows client to that domain so that we can log in on Windows using the user accounts in the domain, we’ll do kind of the same thing on Linux where we’ll set up open LDAP. And we’ll add a Linux client open LDAP and get that to log in there. And then we’ll also configure one level of interoperability where we’ll have an Ubuntu VM that can log in via the Windows Active Directory. So begins for lab four, as always make snapshots before you try anything, specifically make a snapshot before you promote your Active Directory to a domain controller. Sometimes that process doesn’t work. I think it’s about one in 10, that that fails, and so have a snapshot. So you can try that again. Likewise, on the open LDAP side, especially when you have to go in and add the security certificates and everything to LDAP. I tend to screw that up every once in a while I’m maybe one of three that I actually get it to work the first time. And it’s really hard to undo once you started. So make snapshots of your LDAP servers and your Active Directory servers every time you get to a good stopping point. And then you can always roll back to those snapshots if you need to, to undo anything and try it again. So that’s really what’s lab four m lab four is generally regarded as the most difficult lab in this class, it may not necessarily be the most time consuming if everything works correctly, but it can definitely be very difficult. So take your time, make sure you have lots of time to work on this lab. If you get stuck, feel free to ask me questions and I’d be happy to help you out.

Once we get past this, we’re going to go to lab five. Lab five kind of has two parts now where we start by talking about cloud resources, working DigitalOcean we’ll set up SSH and firewalls and things there. And then we’ll take a little side detour and talk a lot about Docker. And so we’ll set up a Docker host on there. And we’ll also set up a Docker reverse proxy. And so lab five kind of has two parts to it. They’re both pretty straightforward, but it’s a lot of new content. It’s probably stuff that a lot of you’ve never worked with before. So once we get in the lab five and a couple of weeks, you’ll get to see some really exciting stuff.

That’s really all I’ve got for this week. As always, you can keep in touch. We’ve got good discussions on Discord. I’ve got my one on one office hours. I also have my in person Office Hours Mondays from 11 to noon in the computer science conference room. So if you’re on campus, you can catch me there. If you’re off campus and want to join those office hours, let me know and I can set up a zoom session for it. But that gives you at least one hour a week where you can find me actually in person and ask me some questions as you work on the labs. So hopefully this labs not too frustrating but I know definitely when I worked with Active Directory and LDAP sometimes I feel a little bit like stitch here and I get a little frustrated. So hopefully everything goes well with this lab but if you do get stuck, feel free to take some time ask me some questions. I’d be happy to help and I look forward to seeing you again in a couple weeks to get lab for graded