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Hello and welcome to the week 13 announcements video for CIS 527 and CC510 in fall 2024. This week you should be working on lab six, which is due on Friday. So make sure you get your grading time scheduled sometime this week to get that turned in. We’re also going to have our fourth discussion session this Wednesday. So make sure you get those questions posted before two o’clock that day. And then you’ll be able to meet with our speaker and ask questions when she speaks at 2.30.

So our discussion speaker this week is Sarah Allen from Account Gordon Construction. Sarah is a former student in this class and now works as a frontline tech support person for a large construction company. She has a lot of really good experience working in the front lines of tech support and has some really good advice for you in your career. She’s going to be speaking with us tomorrow at 2.30 via zoom. So make sure you set that on your calendar if you’re available to join us, but don’t forget to ask your questions beforehand. And if you can’t join us, make sure you watch the video and respond to it afterward.

So for lab six that you’re working on right now, we’re going to be setting up file servers and drive mapping so that we can automatically connect to different systems. We’re also going to be setting up application servers. So this is a web server either on Windows or on Ubuntu and working with some web apps as well. These kind of exercise all the different VM setups that we have. So it’s a pretty cool lab, I think. And it really gets to some of the later stuff that we’re going to do in system administration.

So last thing to keep in mind is don’t forget that you need to be thinking about a final project. Your final project presentation is due before you leave for Thanksgiving. The idea behind the final project is to propose either building something, fixing something like a web resource or setting up laptops. It’s a thought exercise. So all you have to do is set the stage. So give the background of what you’re actually doing, talk about your proposal, do a SWOT analysis of your proposal, and then tell me whether it’s a good idea or not. You can pretend that I’m pretty technical as your reader, like a CIO or a CTO. And basically you’re proposing this idea of something you want to do. You don’t even have to be able to actually do it. For example, you can propose something way bigger and more complex than you could actually accomplish. But you should know enough about it to be able to reason about it and write a SWOT analysis about it. And that’s really what we’re looking for in this final project.

Other than that, I think things are going well in this class. So if you have any questions, you can keep in touch with us on Ed discussion, on Discord and Teams. You can come to Office Hours. We’re always able to help. We’re on week 13 of 16, so we’re looking toward the end of the semester. As always, if you have any questions, let us know. And otherwise, I will see you again next week.