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Hello and welcome to the week 15 announcements video for CIS 527 and CC 510 in fall 2024. So all that’s really remaining in this class is lab 7 and the final project both of which are due on the Friday of finals week so you’ve got a little bit over a week and a half to work on those. We’ll also have teaching evaluations at the end of the semester so let’s talk about all of that.

For lab 7 no meeting is required for grading there are just three things that you’re going to submit on Canvas. You can submit them in three separate submissions if you want just note that in the comments so that we know to go through and look at those. For task 1 you’re just going to submit a zip file and a readme for your backup. For task 2 you’re just going to submit the URL of your monitoring instance so we can check it. And for task 3 you’re going to add us to your GitLab or GitHub repository and send us the URL where it gets posted. For grading that we’re just going to make a commit to GitHub or GitLab and then check to see that the commit shows up at that URL. Pretty easy to take care of and you’ve got until Friday of finals week to get all of that turned in.

For your final project there are three things that you’re going to turn in. The first thing is the written report. What I want you to do is use a written report template. Note in that template that it has bullet points under each heading. Those are just telling you what should be in that heading. You should actually write paragraphs and not bullet points because there’s a written report. So you’ll do a SWOT analysis and kind of convince me that your idea is good. So make sure your written report includes the background, your idea, the SWOT analysis, and a summary. There’s some other stuff that you want to include in there as well. You should also record a short about 15 minute presentation with a few slides that goes through the same exact content. So your background, your SWOT analysis, your your conclusion to make sure I have all of that. You should also have a small prototype that will be presented as part of your presentation. So you’ll do a screen share, show me whatever your small prototype is. It should be pretty easy to do. Spend only a couple hours on building the prototype. But in your presentation, you should switch to your small prototype and show it to me really quickly just to show that you’ve been playing around with whatever. you’re talking about.

So, for the presentation, you’re going to do a pre-recorded video. You can upload that to Canvas or OneDrive. Generally, videos are large enough. You don’t want to upload them on Canvas, so a lot of students will upload it to their K-State OneDrive and then share that link and then post it in Canvas so that I can see it that way. If you use YouTube or Vimeo or something, you’re also welcome to do that. It’s up to you. But that’s what we do to get the presentation. For recording the presentation, it’s easiest to just open Zoom, create a private Zoom meeting, and hit record in Zoom. You can also use more advanced tools such as OBS, which is what I’m using right now. Any of that is valid for recording your presentation video. If you have any questions or concerns on that, let me know.

So, last big things in this class are T-Vals. T-Vals or teaching evaluations will be sent to you during finals week. You’ll get it via email. You’ll get about three email reminders to fill that out. Please take the time to respond honestly in the T-Vals and give me all of your feedback, both positive and negative. Everything is really welcome, especially in this course because this course is constantly changing and I’m always looking for ways and ideas to improve it. So let me know. Don’t forget the T-Vals at K-State are both anonymous so that I won’t know anything about who you are unless you write it in the text comments of course. And they are delayed. I don’t actually see the T-Vals until I submit final grades. So you don’t have to worry about that influencing me at all. So please be as honest as you want in the T-Vals. I really do appreciate your feedback. The last thing is final grades will be posted. I will update Canvas with final grades and I will send an email to everybody once grades are finalized because there are going to be about 30 final presentations I have to watch during that weekend. It may be late on Monday or early on Tuesday after finals week before grades are completely finalized. As soon as they are, I will email everybody. Please keep an eye on Canvas and let me know if you have any concerns. Grades will be posted to cases by the Wednesday after finals week at 8 a.m.

So make sure you check there. Other than that, that’s really all I’ve got going on. So feel free to keep in touch. We’ve got discussions on Discord and Ed discussion. I’ve got availability for one-on-one office hours yet this week and next week. So let me know if you have any questions. Otherwise we’re at the finish line. Congratulations everybody for making it to the end of the class. I hope things are going well. I look forward to seeing your final project presentations but this is probably the last you’ll hear from me directly. So I wish you all the best of luck in the future. Feel free to keep in touch and good luck on finals week.