Instead of letting the OS tell us when an input event occurs (as we do with event-driven programming), in the game loop we use device polling with the input devices. This means that we ask the device for its current state when we start processing user input.

Consider a gamepad with a button, A. We can represent such a button with a boolean value; true if it is pressed, and false if it is not. Thus, the classic NES controller could be represented by a struct composed entirely of booleans:

public struct NESPad 
    // The D-Pad
    public bool Up;
    public bool Down;
    public bool Left;
    public bool Right;

    // The Buttons
    public bool A;
    public bool B;
    public bool Start;
    public bool Select;

At the start of each iteration of the game loop, we could gather the current state and assign it to a copy of this struct, say PlayerOneInput. We would then use it in the Update() method:

public void Update(GameTime gameTime)
        PlayerPosition.X += Speed * gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;

That works well for continuous actions like walking, but what about discrete ones like jumping? Remember, your game is updating at 1/30th or 1/60th of a second. No player is so fast that they only hold down a button for 1/60th of a second. Instead, they’ll hold it down for several frames, even when they meant to just tap it. If our jump logic is something like:

    if(PlayerOneInput.A) Jump();

We’ll end up calling that Jump() method multiple frames in a row!

The solution is to keep two structs: one with the current frame’s input, and one with the prior frames, i.e.:

NESPad currentPlayerOneInput;
NESPad priorPlayerOneInput;

public void Update()
    if(currentPlayerOneInput.A && !priorPlayerOneInput.A) {
        // The A button was just pressed this frame, so Jump!

That wraps up using the input, but how about getting it in the first place? That’s what the process input stage in the game loop is about. But you’ve probably noticed that your MonoGame Game class doesn’t have a corresponding method…

This is because XNA was built to handle four XBox 360 gamepads (as you would see on an XBox 360), as well as keyboard and mouse input out of the box. And MonoGame added support for Joysticks and expanded the number and kind of gamepads that could be used. The process input stage is there - we just don’t need to see it. Instead, we can grab the already-polled input data with one of the static input classes. We’ll take a look at each of these next.