The Game State Management Sample provides a contrasting approach to the input manager. Instead of being tailored to a specific game, it seeks to provide generic access to all input information. It also handles multiplayer input, and can be used to manage when a player switches gamepads. A simplified form (which does not handle gestural input) is provided below.

In particular, the IsButtonPressed(Buttons button, PlayerIndex? controllingPlayer, out PlayerIndex playerIndex) can check for a key press on any connected keyboard, or identify what player’s keyboard was the source of the input. And the IsNewButtonPress(Buttons button, PlayerIndex? controllingPlayer, out PlayerIndex playerIndex) is handled the same way, but detects new button presses.

There are also equivalents for keyboard input.

// Helper for reading input from keyboard, gamepad, and touch input. This class 
// tracks both the current and previous state of the input devices, and implements 
// query methods for high level input actions such as "move up through the menu"
// or "pause the game".
public class InputState
    private const int MaxInputs = 4;

    public readonly KeyboardState[] CurrentKeyboardStates;
    public readonly GamePadState[] CurrentGamePadStates;

    private readonly KeyboardState[] _lastKeyboardStates;
    private readonly GamePadState[] _lastGamePadStates;

    public readonly bool[] GamePadWasConnected;
    public InputState()
        CurrentKeyboardStates = new KeyboardState[MaxInputs];
        CurrentGamePadStates = new GamePadState[MaxInputs];

        _lastKeyboardStates = new KeyboardState[MaxInputs];
        _lastGamePadStates = new GamePadState[MaxInputs];

        GamePadWasConnected = new bool[MaxInputs];

    // Reads the latest user input state.
    public void Update()
        for (int i = 0; i < MaxInputs; i++)
            _lastKeyboardStates[i] = CurrentKeyboardStates[i];
            _lastGamePadStates[i] = CurrentGamePadStates[i];

            CurrentKeyboardStates[i] = Keyboard.GetState();
            CurrentGamePadStates[i] = GamePad.GetState((PlayerIndex)i);

            // Keep track of whether a gamepad has ever been
            // connected, so we can detect if it is unplugged.
            if (CurrentGamePadStates[i].IsConnected)
                GamePadWasConnected[i] = true;

    // Helper for checking if a key was pressed during this update. The
    // controllingPlayer parameter specifies which player to read input for.
    // If this is null, it will accept input from any player. When a keypress
    // is detected, the output playerIndex reports which player pressed it.
    public bool IsKeyPressed(Keys key, PlayerIndex? controllingPlayer, out PlayerIndex playerIndex)
        if (controllingPlayer.HasValue)
            // Read input from the specified player.
            playerIndex = controllingPlayer.Value;

            int i = (int)playerIndex;

            return CurrentKeyboardStates[i].IsKeyDown(key);

        // Accept input from any player.
        return IsKeyPressed(key, PlayerIndex.One, out playerIndex) ||
                IsKeyPressed(key, PlayerIndex.Two, out playerIndex) ||
                IsKeyPressed(key, PlayerIndex.Three, out playerIndex) ||
                IsKeyPressed(key, PlayerIndex.Four, out playerIndex);

    // Helper for checking if a button was pressed during this update.
    // The controllingPlayer parameter specifies which player to read input for.
    // If this is null, it will accept input from any player. When a button press
    // is detected, the output playerIndex reports which player pressed it.
    public bool IsButtonPressed(Buttons button, PlayerIndex? controllingPlayer, out PlayerIndex playerIndex)
        if (controllingPlayer.HasValue)
            // Read input from the specified player.
            playerIndex = controllingPlayer.Value;

            int i = (int)playerIndex;

            return CurrentGamePadStates[i].IsButtonDown(button);

        // Accept input from any player.
        return IsButtonPressed(button, PlayerIndex.One, out playerIndex) ||
                IsButtonPressed(button, PlayerIndex.Two, out playerIndex) ||
                IsButtonPressed(button, PlayerIndex.Three, out playerIndex) ||
                IsButtonPressed(button, PlayerIndex.Four, out playerIndex);

    // Helper for checking if a key was newly pressed during this update. The
    // controllingPlayer parameter specifies which player to read input for.
    // If this is null, it will accept input from any player. When a keypress
    // is detected, the output playerIndex reports which player pressed it.
    public bool IsNewKeyPress(Keys key, PlayerIndex? controllingPlayer, out PlayerIndex playerIndex)
        if (controllingPlayer.HasValue)
            // Read input from the specified player.
            playerIndex = controllingPlayer.Value;

            int i = (int)playerIndex;

            return (CurrentKeyboardStates[i].IsKeyDown(key) &&

        // Accept input from any player.
        return IsNewKeyPress(key, PlayerIndex.One, out playerIndex) ||
                IsNewKeyPress(key, PlayerIndex.Two, out playerIndex) ||
                IsNewKeyPress(key, PlayerIndex.Three, out playerIndex) ||
                IsNewKeyPress(key, PlayerIndex.Four, out playerIndex);

    // Helper for checking if a button was newly pressed during this update.
    // The controllingPlayer parameter specifies which player to read input for.
    // If this is null, it will accept input from any player. When a button press
    // is detected, the output playerIndex reports which player pressed it.
    public bool IsNewButtonPress(Buttons button, PlayerIndex? controllingPlayer, out PlayerIndex playerIndex)
        if (controllingPlayer.HasValue)
            // Read input from the specified player.
            playerIndex = controllingPlayer.Value;

            int i = (int)playerIndex;

            return CurrentGamePadStates[i].IsButtonDown(button) &&

        // Accept input from any player.
        return IsNewButtonPress(button, PlayerIndex.One, out playerIndex) ||
                IsNewButtonPress(button, PlayerIndex.Two, out playerIndex) ||
                IsNewButtonPress(button, PlayerIndex.Three, out playerIndex) ||
                IsNewButtonPress(button, PlayerIndex.Four, out playerIndex);