Final Artifacts

At the end of the semester, you’ll need to submit all of your project artifacts and information for grading. Here is a helpful checklist of everything that should be submitted:

  1. Initial Writeup & Feature List (collected via Canvas early in the semester)
  2. First Presentation (collected via Canvas when it was presented)
  3. Second Presentation (collected via Canvas when it was presented)
  4. Advertisement Materials (collected via Canvas before final presentation)
  5. All Code & Related Resources Pushed to GitHub Classroom Repository
    1. Repository should include a that briefly describes how to compile/run/use the project.
    2. Repository should also include final presentation materials (slides, etc.)
  6. Completed Time Log (collected via Canvas at the end of the semester)
  7. Completed Release Information (collected via Canvas at the end of the semester)

Your advisor will also submit feedback on your final project presentation and artifacts. The course instructors will reach out to advisors to collect this information, so students don’t have to do anything for this step.