Course Software

Web Only

This textbook was authored for the CIS 642/643 - Software Engineering Project I&II course at Kansas State University. This front matter is specific to that course. If you are not enrolled in the course, please disregard this section.

As each development team’s project may use different technologies and require different development tools, it is difficult to say exactly what software you’ll need ahead of time. However, there are a couple of programs everyone in the course will be using:

Git and GitHub

We’ll be using Git and either GitHub or the departmental GitLab server for version control of all the team projects. You will want to install Git on your development machine. It can be downloaded from

Microsoft Teams

We’ll be coordinating the individual teams, as well as the entire class, using Microsoft Teams. Kansas State University has paid for access to Teams as part of our Office 365 subscription. You can either use the online web app or install a local client; both are free when you log in with your K-State email. Both options are available from

Microsoft Visio

You will also be asked to create architectural diagrams of your project, i.e. UML class diagrams, database diagrams, etc. Microsoft Visio is one tool you can choose to employ to do this. You can obtain a student copy through Azure Portal; follow the directions on the CS support page:

Remote Desktop Access

Instead of installing software on your own machine, you may optionally employ department or college machines using remote desktop. To use a remote desktop, you must first install a remote desktop client on your computer. Microsoft supplies a client for most platforms, which you can find links to and information about here.

The remote desktop server is behind a network firewall, so when accessing it from off-campus, you must be using the K-State Virtual Private Network (VPN). It has its own client that also must be installed. You can learn about K-State’s VPN and download the client on K-State’s VPN Page

For remote desktop servers, you can use either those maintained by The Department of Computer Science or the College of Engineering.