
In this chapter we looked at how MonoGame implements the Game Loop pattern within its Game class. We also saw how the Game class interacts with the GameWindow class, which provides an abstraction of the operating system’s window representation. We saw how we can add our own custom code into the MonoGame game loop by overriding the Game.Update() and Game.Draw() methods, as well as the overriding Game.Initialize() and Game.LoadContent() to set up the game world.

We briefly explored ideas about performing physics calculations within that game world, as well as representing position and velocity of game actors with Vector2 objects. We also touched on how MonoGame renders 2D games with 3D hardware, and used a SpriteBatch instance to render a Texture2D to the screen. Finally, we animated a bouncing ball using all of these ideas. The one aspect of the game loop we did not cover though, is input, which we’ll take a look at in the next chapter.