Sprint Meetings

Each sprint starts with a Sprint Planning Meeting, and ends with Sprint Review and Sprint Retrospective meetings. These three meetings Let’s examine the purpose of each in more detail:

Sprint Planning Meeting

The sprint planning meeting includes both the development team and their customers. In this meeting, the tasks to work on for the sprint are decided upon, through a mutual negotiation process. Essentially, the customer shares what is most important to accomplish from their perspective, while the team advocates for what is necessary from their end. From these lists of goals a cohesive set of features should be agreed upon that the team will complete over the next sprint.

Thus, in this meeting:

  • The tasks to be developed this sprint are moved from the product backlog into the sprint backlog
  • New goals may be identified, which should be added as tasks to the product backlog or sprint backlog, depending on if they will be addressed this sprint

Sprint Review

The sprint review meeting takes place after the sprint ends, and involves both the development team and the customers. In this meeting the development team should present the current software prototype to the customer. This work is either accepted (if it meets expectations) or rejected (indicating the team went off-course) by the customer. In most cases, the sprint will be accepted but will prompt new thoughts and ideas from the customer. This is a chance for the team to collect feedback on their work and potentially move in a new direction.

In this meeting:

  • New tasks may be added to the product backlog, reflecting an increased understanding of the project’s needs

Sprint Retrospective

This meeting is for the development team alone. In it they discuss what went well/poorly over the course of the sprint, and decide on any actions they want to take to improve the team’s functioning.

Sprint Meetings for our Class

For the purposes of the class, you should schedule a single Sprint Meeting with your customer every two weeks, at a time that works for both your team and the customer. This meeting should be scheduled via Microsoft Teams, and all meeting participants (customers and team) invited.

This Sprint Meeting will consist of all three meetings discussed above. Once the customers join, you will start with the Sprint Review of the just-finished sprint, and then transition to the Sprint Panning for the upcoming sprint. Once these meetings have concluded, dismiss your customers and continue to the Sprint Retrospective. Obviously, the first Sprint Meeting will only consist of the Sprint Planning portion (as you are starting your first sprint), and your last will not have a Sprint Planning portion (as you have concluded your last sprint).

Meeting Agenda

Before the meeting, you should prepare a meeting agenda. This agenda lays out the purpose and order of topics to be covered in the meeting. A template for a possible agenda is:

Sprint Review [customers and team]
* Review the prototype
* Ask specific questions about the prototype
* Address any concerns the customer has
* Add any needed tasks to the product backlog

Sprint Planning [customers and team]
* Discuss goals for the upcoming sprint
* Identify any new tasks that need added to the backlog
* Select tasks from the product backlog to move to the upcoming sprint backlog
* Break large tasks into smaller, more detailed ones

customers are dismissed

Sprint Retrospective [team]
* Discuss what went well with the prior sprint
* Discuss what whet poorly with the prior sprint
* Identify strategies to help improve your development process

Throughout the meeting, Take meeting notes in teams, starting with posting the Agenda. This will become a permanent record of your meeting you can refer back to during the sprint. This will also be reviewed by the TA as part of your process fidelity grade, so make sure your notes clearly convey what was discussed.