Example: Reversing a String

Suppose we must write a program that reads in a sequence of keyboard characters and prints them in reverse order. The user ends the sequence by typing an asterisk character *.

We could solve this problem using an array, but since we do not know how many characters might be entered before the *, we could not be sure the program would actually work. However, we can use a recursive function since its ability to save the input data is not limited by a predefined array size.

Our solution would look something like this. We’ve also numbered the lines to make the following discussion easier to understand.

 1function REVERSE()
 2    read CHARACTER
 3    if CHARACTER == `*` then
 4        return
 5    else
 6        REVERSE()
 7        print CHARACTER
 8        return
 9    end if
10end function

Base Case

The function first reads a single character from the keyboard and stores it in CHARACTER. Then, in line 3 it checks to see if the user typed the * character. If so, we simply return, knowing that we have reached the end of the input and need to start printing out the characters we’ve read in reverse order. This is the base case for this recursive function.

Recursive Case

If the CHARACTER we read in was not an *, line 6 will recursively call REVERSE to continue reading characters. Once the function returns (meaning that we have gotten an * character and started the return process) the function prints the CHARACTER in line 7 and then returns itself.

Behind the Scenes

Now let’s look at what happens within the computer when we run REVERSE. Let’s say the program user wants to enter the three characters from the keyboard: n, o, and w followed by the * character. The following figure illustrates the basic concept of what is going on in the computer.

Reverse Head Recursive Activation Stack Reverse Head Recursive Activation Stack

The arrows in the figure represent the order of execution of the statements in the computer. Each time we execute the recursive call to REVERSE in line 6, we create a new instance of the function, which starts its execution back at the beginning of the function (line 2). Then, when the function executes return, control reverts back to the next statement to be executed (line 7) in the calling instance of the function.

It’s important to understand that each instance of the function has its own set of variables whose values are unique to that instance. When we read n into the CHARACTER variable in the first instance of REVERSE it is not affected by anything that happens in the second instance of REVERSE. Therefore, reading the o into CHARACTER in the second instance of REVERSE does not affect the value of CHARACTER in the first instance of REVERSE.

During the execution of the first instance of REVERSE, the user enters the character n so the if condition is false and we execute the else part of the statement, which calls the REVERSE function. (Note that before we actually start the second instance of REVERSE, the operating system stores the statement where we will pick up execution once the called function returns.) When the second instance of REVERSE is started, a new copy of all variables is created as well to ensure we do not overwrite the values from the first instance.

The execution of the second instance of REVERSE runs exactly like the first instance except that the user enters the character o instead of n. Again, the else part of the if statement is executed, which calls the REVERSE function. When the third instance of REVERSE is executed, the user now inputs w, which again causes a new instance of REVERSE to be called.

Finally, in the fourth instance of REVERSE, the user inputs the * character, which causes the if part of the statement to execute, which performs our return statement. Once the return from the base case of our recursive function is performed, it starts the process of ending all the instances of the REVERSE function and creating the solution. When instance 4 of the REVERSE function returns, execution starts at the write statement (line 7) of instance 3. Here the character w is printed, and the function returns to instance 2. The same process is carried out in instance 2, which prints the o character and returns. Likewise, instance 1 prints its character n and then returns. The screen should now show the full output of the original call to REVERSE , which is “won”.

Recursion has allowed us to create a very simple and elegant solution to the problem of reversing an arbitrary number of characters. While you can do this in a non-recursive way using loops, the solution is not that simple. If you don’t believe us, just try it! (Yes, that is a challenge.)