Searching for the Last Value

Our find algorithm above will find the first instance of number in the array and return the index of that instance. However, we might also be interested in finding the last instance of number in array. Looking at our original find algorithm, it should be easy to find the last value by simply searching the array in reverse order, as shown in the following figure.

Linear Search Last Value Linear Search Last Value

We will use the same example as above, except we will start searching backwards from the end of the array. In Step 1, we see that index is initialized to 7 and we compare array[7] against number, which are not the same. Thus, we continue to Step 2, where we decrement index to 6. Here array[6] is still not equal to number, so we continue in the loop. Finally, in Step 3, we decrement index to 5. Now array[5] contains the number 3, which is equal to our number and we return the current index value.

Luckily for us, we can change our for loop index to decrement from the end of the array (size of array - 1) to the beginning (0). Thus, by simply changing line 3 in our original function, we can create a new function that searches for the last instance of number in array. The new function is shown below.

2    loop INDEX from size of ARRAY  1 to 0 step -1
3        if ARRAY[INDEX] == NUMBER
4            return INDEX
5        end if
6    end for
7    return -1
8end function

Obviously, the for loop in line 2 holds the key to searching our array in reverse order. We start at the end of the array by using the index size of array - 1 and then decrement the value of index (via the step -1 qualifier) each time through the loop until we reach 0. The remainder of the function works exactly like the find function.