Programming by Contract and Performance Summary
In this module, we covered two major topics that will help us understand the data structures and algorithms we’ll learn in this course. First, we learned about the use of preconditions, postconditions, and loop invariants to help describe the exact specifications of how methods and loops should operate in code. We’ll use these as the basis of unit tests in this course to help prove the correctness of data structures and algorithms we are asked to develop throughout the course.
In addition, we were introduced to the concepts of time complexity, space complexity, and code complexity, three ways to measure the performance and usefulness of a computer program. We also learned that it may be difficult to find a perfect program that has very little time, space, and code complexity, so many times we’ll have to consider a trade-off between programs that operate quickly, use less memory, and are easier to understand.
Which these tools, we’re in a much better place to understand the specifics of the data structures and algorithms we’ll encounter in this module. Next, we’ll do a short project to explore how we can build programs based on a set of preconditions, postconditions, and invariants instead of the plain language descriptions we’ve used up to this point.